WL 2011

@Lita, sweetheart, with hair as long and luscious as yours, i imagine it might not be so easy to find a hair twin!:rolleyes:
...i think you've got the longest hair on the board!:yep:

@Carisa, i sooooo hear you! i've only been in braids since last sunday, and i'm already nxiously anticipating taking them out and hoping for even 1/4 of an inch of growth.:look:
having kept yours in for so long, i'm sure you're going to see A MOUNTAIN OF GROWTH!!!:clapping:
congrats on the stamina and determination! :cup:

@JJamiah, please spray some of that fairy dust you have! :fairy:i'm hoping for some good results..:crossfingers:..:-)! march marks one year of program&baggy bunning almost exclusively.:spinning:
your gorgeous head of hair is inspirational!:yep:
i'm so glad that shs from last year did not set you back! it is LONG and LUXIURIOUS!:kiss3:

@Janet', thanks for the t.g.i.f.! :grin:how's your ph.d and hair reggie coming along?
(what a bundle!)

@bebezazueta, thanks for the warm welcome back! it's great to be back!
you have made AMAZING PROGRESS!:flowers: i love love love the shine, the color, the body, the bounce, heck, your hair looks FAB!!!:yep:

@Aireen, good luck with your perm! don't forget to come back and tell us how it went!
(and of course, share any pics! we love eye candy!)

@Sunshine_One, you've got a great reggie going on there!:lick:
i especially like the braiding in 4 braids (that's what i've kept in this week)!
do you do any detangling with the wide toothed comb when you take the braids down in the shower?
some say that it's ok as long as there's lots of conditioner on them, but i'm still experimenting with different ideas. (sometimes, even with the conditioner on, i hear snaps in my hair because the water and dc get too heavy for my hair, which is fine.) :ohwell:

@PeculiarDaye, THANK YOU for the inspirational pep talk!!!:thankyou:
just looking at your hair is inspirational, then i read your words of wisdom and feel all charged up! you are wonderful! and @casey3035, i am so happy to see you two being hair twins! :snuggle:i think it's too cute!

(now i'm starting to wonder what it would be like to have a hair twin.......!)
Everyone should have a hair growth partner-better get you one girl! I need all the motivation I can get. I think it helps one stay focused. I'm always admiring PeculiarDayes progress. She has surpassed me but it gives me hope. Our goals are soooo similar so it was a good decision!
I haven't checked in for a minute. I will be getting my hair trimmed on Tuesday. It's long over due. I'm thinking that I will probably not be BSL anymore after this trim, so I might remove myself from this challenge and just stick with the MBL 2011 challenge. Anyways, I will post pics on Tuesday or Wednesday.


Aw, don't drop out you still have enough time to make it. Even if you feel its not possible it is. Hang on to hope :).

I agree with
Casey Get yourself a hair goal twin. I know all of us are reaching for the same goal, but each at different times, so if you find someone reaching for the same goals at oir around the same time you are, then partner up and give each other the motivation and inspiration thats needed. :yep: :grin: :woot:


I admired your hair from the first time I seen it :yep: and thats when you entered the
Mid Back Length Challenge but you were already MBL. :yep:

I agree with
Casey Get yourself a hair goal twin. I know all of us are reaching for the same goal, but each at different times, so if you find someone reaching for the same goals at oir around the same time you are, then partner up and give each other the motivation and inspiration thats needed. :yep: :grin: :woot:


I admired your hair from the first time I seen it :yep: and thats when you entered the
Mid Back Length Challenge but you were already MBL. :yep:
Thanks girl you are too d** funny!
@Sunshine_One, you've got a great reggie going on there!:lick:
i especially like the braiding in 4 braids (that's what i've kept in this week)!
do you do any detangling with the wide toothed comb when you take the braids down in the shower?
some say that it's ok as long as there's lots of conditioner on them, but i'm still experimenting with different ideas. (sometimes, even with the conditioner on, i hear snaps in my hair because the water and dc get too heavy for my hair, which is fine.) :ohwell:

Thanks for responding to my post. I'm in this challenge but I don't post a lot but I do a LOT of reading! :yep: My goal is make it to WL this year! So much inspiration in this thread!

Yes I detangle the braided sections after the conditioner is applied. I take down each section and comb thru with my Jilbere ends to roots. Then I rebraid and move to the next braided section. After DC I rinse. I take down each section during the rinse to make sure all the conditioner in rinsed out. Then rebraid and move on to applying leave-ins etc. HTH
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Wow, it seems like I'm not the only one who's been hit with the urge to trim. I'm going to flat iron my hair today and see if I want to straighten up my ends a little bit with the Creaclip. I probably won't be BSB anymore, though, and I might not make WL, but so many members on here are tempting me with healthy blunt ends.


If your ends don't need a trim, don't trim them, maybe you just need alittle dusting. Ease your way there. You will make it, don't lose hope. We are only two months into the
Challenge Hold on to the faith that brought you here in the beginning. I'm rooting for you :yep:

Happy Hair Growing :yep: :clap:
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Hey Lovelies!
Only 2 months in and I've had a setback.
I did a one inch trim... my hair was not looking up to par. It had grown a great deal, but it shed so much and I had a lot of breakage. I'm feeling kinda :-( about it all...sheesh. AND I need to work on my edges. I'm looking for a Pep Partner Twin, so I don't fall off the deep end...I've been considering cutting my hair back to apl, thinking it may look better and I'll feel better...
Hey Lovelies!
Only 2 months in and I've had a setback.
I did a one inch trim... my hair was not looking up to par. It had grown a great deal, but it shed so much and I had a lot of breakage. I'm feeling kinda :-( about it all...sheesh. AND I need to work on my edges. I'm looking for a Pep Partner Twin, so I don't fall off the deep end...I've been considering cutting my hair back to apl, thinking it may look better and I'll feel better...


Don't cut it back, just keep on trimming and dusting when and if needed. Don't let a little set back discourage you from accomplishing your goals. Make sure when you comb your hair you do it gently, your hair needs TLC at all times. To rough can do more harm then good
You'll make it there.
UPDATE: Got my relaxer today after being 4 months post, planned to go longer but like I said, my hairdresser is doing renovations soon. Anyway, I just hit BSB but layered, I don't mind it because it'll grow out over time. Here's a picture to show my new bangs that was inspired by the Chanel Iman picture in my blog post here on LHCF. Length picture for my next update for sure since I plan to wash my hair in 3-4 days. I hope to stretch for 5 or possibly 6 months for my next update, we'll see — baby steps!

Don't mind my face I like being silly. :lol: :look: :lachen: Oh and I was on the phone with a friend since he wanted me to show him my new bangs so I was trying to talk while talking the photograph.

ETA: My hair isn't super straight since I don't allow my hairdresser to flat-iron my hair after relaxing anymore, she just uses the blow-dryer and round brush to get it straight.


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PeculiarDaye, I know you are right, I sometimes get a little anxious when combing..I've had so much hair to come out lately, that I almost dread it. I KNOW that's not a good perspective, so I'm praying on it. I have gotten so used to easy detangling sessions and minimal hair loss that I was knocked for a loop when I started seeing so much hair shedding. I'm getting my bearings, though.

Thanks for the words of wisdom and the much needed encouragement. Your hair's very pretty, btw. I pray you meet your goal way ahead of schedule, with absolutely no setbacks.
@PeculiarDaye, I know you are right, I sometimes get a little anxious when combing..I've had so much hair to come out lately, that I almost dread it. I KNOW that's not a good perspective, so I'm praying on it. I have gotten so used to easy detangling sessions and minimal hair loss that I was knocked for a loop when I started seeing so much hair shedding. I'm getting my bearings, though.

Thanks for the words of wisdom and the much needed encouragement. Your hair's very pretty, btw. I pray you meet your goal way ahead of schedule, with absolutely no setbacks.


I completely understand, believe me. I used to be the same way. Give your hair the time it needs, the gentleness and care it desires.
If your seeing more shedding then usual, make sure your hair has moisture, and has everything it needs. Whatever you do, do not get discouraged, and don't set yourself off of the path to accomplish every goal you have. Your hair is progressing and let it continue to do so... :)

Your welcome. Thank you so very much, you are very kind. I pray the same prayer for you, and I pray that your hair has everything it needs to continue to grow to length your heart desires.
UPDATE: Got my relaxer today after being 4 months post, planned to go longer but like I said, my hairdresser is doing renovations soon. Anyway, I just hit BSB but layered, I don't mind it because it'll grow out over time. Here's a picture to show my new bangs that was inspired by the Chanel Iman picture in my blog post here on LHCF. Length picture for my next update for sure since I plan to wash my hair in 3-4 days. I hope to stretch for 5 or possibly 6 months for my next update, we'll see — baby steps!

Don't mind my face I like being silly. :lol: :look: :lachen: Oh and I was on the phone with a friend since he wanted me to show him my new bangs so I was trying to talk while talking the photograph.

ETA: My hair isn't super straight since I don't allow my hairdresser to flat-iron my hair after relaxing anymore, she just uses the blow-dryer and round brush to get it straight.


Very pretty bangs, I like them a lot.
:congrats: on reaching BSB. The faces were funny, silliness is admired it shows that you are feeling happiness. I look forward to your progress pictures :).

Very pretty bangs, I like them a lot.
:congrats: on reaching BSB. The faces were funny, silliness is admired it shows that you are feeling happiness. I look forward to your progress pictures :).

PeculiarDaye, yes thank you so much! I am very happy today but I told myself in my mind that this day was gonna be good for the most part so even the bumps in the road today didn't affect me too much. Yes, I'm excited for my progress pictures too, hopefully they're decent. :grin:
@PeculiarDaye, yes thank you so much! I am very happy today but I told myself in my mind that this day was gonna be good for the most part so even the bumps in the road today didn't affect me too much. Yes, I'm excited for my progress pictures too, hopefully they're decent. :grin:


Your welcome, I'm glad that today was a good day for you. You said it to be so, and so it was :).
They'll be great I'm sure :yep::yep::yep:
Hey Lovelies!
Only 2 months in and I've had a setback.
I did a one inch trim... my hair was not looking up to par. It had grown a great deal, but it shed so much and I had a lot of breakage. I'm feeling kinda :-( about it all...sheesh. AND I need to work on my edges. I'm looking for a Pep Partner Twin, so I don't fall off the deep end...I've been considering cutting my hair back to apl, thinking it may look better and I'll feel better...

Don't cut just yet, I agree with PD just do a dust and if it feels like you need it later do it again. We all have setbacks some big and some small. I had a stylist cut off 2-3 inches last year Hubby says 2.5 -3; I say about 2. All I know is I felt HORRIBLE like why would you do that.

I haven't had one since and reallllllllly need one now, will be purchasing some scissors and hiding them from my children.

I really think you need a woosah moment, I know it can be so frustrating. :) Big hugs.

Tangle Teezer is great for detangling, I had to restart my Aphogee 2 minute every wash back up. I had to change from Aphogee 2 step to DRC because all of my hair couldn't get the full hard CORE treatment I needed of Protein.

Our hair goes through different stages and different frustrations.

Now that you read my book, I hope I helped :bighug:
JJamiah, Yeah, I totally get what you are saying. I think I will leave it be. I flat ironed last night and my ends felt pretty good. I was just kinda bummed because I feel I lost some thickness. It could be lead hair syndrome in addition to shedding, because I did have a growth spurt.

I wish wish wish I could braid up and hide my hair under a wig. Take some pressure off of my edges and the like. I just feel soooo self-conscious in a wig, they are usually too dang tight and they make my head itch, lol. It's like I'm smothering when I wear them. I may take a tour of a few bss's and try something out. I think my hair needs to be left alone for a bit. I see what progress you and others have made by wigging it, and it inspires me.

Sometimes your mind can make you self-sabotage when you are soooo close you can taste it...Thanks again for bringing me back, I really needed it.

Happy Valentine's Day, Waistlengthers!!! (And HipLengthers ^JJamiah, lol)
This challenge was a good one for me. I've taken a pre-perm pic below...and will be perming tonite after a 15 week stretch.

@JJamiah, Yeah, I totally get what you are saying. I think I will leave it be. I flat ironed last night and my ends felt pretty good. I was just kinda bummed because I feel I lost some thickness. It could be lead hair syndrome in addition to shedding, because I did have a growth spurt.

I wish wish wish I could braid up and hide my hair under a wig. Take some pressure off of my edges and the like. I just feel soooo self-conscious in a wig, they are usually too dang tight and they make my head itch, lol. It's like I'm smothering when I wear them. I may take a tour of a few bss's and try something out. I think my hair needs to be left alone for a bit. I see what progress you and others have made by wigging it, and it inspires me.

Sometimes your mind can make you self-sabotage when you are soooo close you can taste it...Thanks again for bringing me back, I really needed it.

Happy Valentine's Day, Waistlengthers!!! (And HipLengthers ^JJamiah, lol)


You sound like your in better spirits :) for that I am so happy.
You know what trying your hand at half wigs might be an option too. If your a little Self concious about the whole ones :) They are nice and can easily be popped on and off.

Your edges make sure you do nothing to cause them stress or un needed tension. :) make sure they stay moisturized, Haven't tried it but I have heard good things about SOmething Edge control , NTM or P something; I hope someone can chime in. It got really good reveiws If I can remember I will let you know.

One day at a time.

I am actually reaching for HL since one of the ladies here said to me. HEY you've been WL so why not reach for something you haven't been before. SO now I am also a little anxious of what it will be like to be HL. Especially since I never could live with WL for long, these wigs bought on a new for me. I don't have to cut my hair because I want to be short hair today or short haired for the next 12 months, then long again. I can be what ever. LOL
Thanks for the confirmation. I think with the relaxer I do today, I'll next start the Hip Length Challenge.

I couldn't get here without the help of all you wonderful ladies on this forum and thats a fact! :yep:

Awesome Glad your Joining the HL challenge :) See you over there ;)

If you could pics after you relax :yep:
:congrats: on reaching BSB? How does it feel?

I love when we report progress that makes me :grin: You grow GIRL!

Thank you JJamiah! It feels extremely short. I look at that bang picture and I'm thinking, "How am I not SL? I look like I'm only SL." :nono: I do feel happy overall though that I made BSB because I have a little doubt at times about how long my hair can grow. Ugh but I just want to reach waist length already, last time I checked I was only 6.5 inches away. :sad: I'm short, I have to re-measure when I wash.
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Thank you @JJamiah! It feels extremely short. I look at that bang picture and I'm thinking, "How am I not SL? I look like I'm only SL." :nono: I do feel happy overall though that I made BSB because I have a little doubt at times about how long my hair can grow. Ugh but I just want to reach waist length already, last time I checked I was only 6.5 inches away. :sad: I'm short, I have to re-measure when I wash.

I know how you feel Aireen. You can take off BSB in your Siggy you've made it :yep: 6.5 inches till waist you can make that this year or darn close. :yep:

Your previous Siggy your hair was definitely not short but I know how it feels and how when you look in the mirror, your eyes say different. :)
I know how you feel Aireen. You can take off BSB in your Siggy you've made it :yep: 6.5 inches till waist you can make that this year or darn close. :yep:

Your previous Siggy your hair was definitely not short but I know how it feels and how when you look in the mirror, your eyes say different. :)


Oh the whited out part for APL means I've already past that length and the italicized part for BSB means I'm currently that length. When I get my hair to MBL, I'll white out BSB because it means for me I've past that length. Weird, I know. :look: :lol: Question though about hair lengths, BSB is below shoulder blades but what does that really mean? Is that where a standard bra strap is supposed to rest and some are either higher or lower? So BSB means you're officially bra strap length? What about MBL, is MBL officially past the bra strap band but not at waist length so it's considered mid-back length?

Yes, it's so sad. I never thought I'd have hair anorexia but I guess I've become a victim too. I kind of feel weird sometimes giving advice here because I'm thinking, "My hair isn't long, why am I giving advice even though I know how to answer the question from experience? Shouldn't someone more 'qualified' answer this?" They should call APL, Awkward Part/Period Length, lame I know but you don't know if your hair is long, short, or medium when you're APL. :perplexed Also, since I'm short I know sometimes WL isn't as valued or isn't considered such a challenge when you're short on here so for me, that might influence me to have hair anorexia yet again and change my goal length. Anyway, we'll see how I feel. :yep:

Yeah, 6.5 inches isn't that far to go! That's why I felt so comfortable joining all these 2011 challenges because even if I don't make it I'll be near, I'll learn new things, compile new ideas and advice, etc.. I know sometimes it's argued that if you're not at the previous length or near it, you shouldn't join a challenge thinking you're going to make it because it's laughable but to me, I like pushing myself, it's a CHALLENGE after all and people can dream lol. :grin:
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