WL 2011

I knew WL 2010 was an Iffy.

Sad thing is I would have made it; if it wasn't for you and that pesky dog...... Oh this isn't Scooby DO.

Actually I coulda, woulda shoulda But what the hey I am aiming for JUNE 2011. :)
I have a slight change to my regimen. . . already :lachen:. I'm taking bunning out of my regimen for now. Like Lovelylife my hair (until recently) hasn't been growing/retaining and I don't think bunning is necessarily going to make that happen. Also I want to follow in the shoes of the long haired ladies who don't protective style. It can definitely be done and I want to perfect my own low manipulation reggie.

So instead of bunning, I plan to wear my hair down keeping it up by doing a pineapple at night, bantu knots, and braidouts when it gets old. I'll still be doing the cowashing and braid n'curl every 7-10 days.
Okay, I know bantu knots and braid outs but what's a pineapple?
Yeah I'm pretty excited too!

My main goal this year is to figure out why my hair was growing so slowly. In February if my hair hasn't grown to it's designated length, I have to re evaluate.
I think I have more than enough keratin though because my nails grow soooo fast. For some reason it don't think the proper nutrients are reaching my scalp.

I think you're on to something there. I think I may be lacking keratin because my nails are practically nubs. When they do grow they're very fragile and break so easily. I think most of my problems are internal.

I need to step up my eating habits (not to mention lose a minimum of 40 lbs.)

I'm hoping to reach all of my goals (overall good health, and long flowing locks) by the end of 2011.

I have to do something.:look:
I cut all of my hair off and now im bald like India Arie so I strongly doubt that I will make it to WL by the end of 2011. I think im gonna just watch from the sidelines.
Hey ladies! So I may be dropping out of this challenge. I've been doing a long term transition to natural for the past 18 months and just made my end of the year goal of MBL. I planned on being WL around May or June and grazing HL by Dec 2011, but I'm thinking of doing the BC in Jan. I straightened for Christmas but wasn't liking how thin my relaxed ends felt in comparison to my thick natural hair...so, I got a big urge to cut it and I did! I didn't cut it all over just the ends so I really don't know how much I took off but it's around 6 inches. I believe I'm between APL and BSL now. I'll be cheering you ladies on from the sidelines though!!

Congrats on your BC! I've always wondered, is your user name Soon To Be SL, or Soon to BSL?

I'll be honest with y'all up front. I suck at regimens. Most of the time I wear my hair in its natural curly state, whether it be a wash n go, or in a ponytail/bun. But I get bored from time to time and I'll do a roller set or flat iron my hair. Sometimes I cowash, sometimes I use shampoo. I hardly ever deep condition. As a matter fact the only thing that I do on a regular basis is use Herbal Essence Hello Hydration as a leave in. I've used it so much in the past year, that I can't remember what my hair feels like without it. Anyway...good luck to all! I'll try to check in quarterly with updates!


Your hair is glorious. It looks so . . . heavy. I'm terrible at regimens, too.

Okay, I wash weekly, that's pretty consistent. I usually detangle before washing as I don't like detangling on soaking wet hair. My hair is fragile and breaks a lot when wet, also it coils up so skrong when wet.:lol: I detangle in sections with oil or conditioner before washing. I twist up each section as I go. I shampoo and condition the hair in sections. Then I either (a) blow dry each section, put oil on it, and retwist for a twist out or (b) add leave-in and twist and leave to air dry. If I did (a), I'll add some more moisturizing leave-in mid-week. I wear buns 4-5 days a week.

My favorite products are:
Shampoos: Trader Joe's Nourish Spa shampoo
Conditioner: Vo5 or Trader Joe's NS
Deep Conditioner: Aveda Damage Remedy Intensive Treatment, Neutrogena Triple Moisture hair mask
Leave-in: coconut oil, castor oil, Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Buttercream

I'm going to try to deep condition more regularly to up my moisture and strength. The Aveda is the best for that. I have a soft bonnet dryer that I can use for that, too.

I plan to go back to Reniece (my stylist) 2-3 times this year for straightening and a trim. My self-trims are uneven and I can trust her to cut exactly how much I want. She also won't damage my hair with too much heat.

My starting picture (Dec 19, 2010):
Just so I'm clear, WL is reached when your hair reaches the smallest part of your waist?
I finally relaxed and flat ironed a few days after Christmas...so here is my start length.

If I measured correctly I'm about 5 inches from WL...that'll be a little stretch for me b/c I think I only get 4.5 in a year. I know my ends are uneven (that's just how it grows) but I'm not going to trim until WL.
Ok so I washed this morning and these pictures are after washing. I let it air dry so if I post pictures of it all flat ironed it will be sometime tomorrow.

It is getting so thick! Love it :grin: Can't wait to see everyone's starting pictures. Let the growing begin!!!!!!


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I think I can make it next year. I THINK Im almost there but I havent done a length check in the longest. Im sure I would have been there had I not been cutting on it for the longest. :look:
I don't think I ever posted a starting pic.....


Happy New Year Everyone!! :dance7::bounceline::thewave:

Waist Length here we come!!!!
Your hair is super thick-wow-looks nice! Are you natural? Ok just checked the blog-nice! You are natural! You guys got me wanting to transition lately! Beautiful hair!
I want to join...please add my name.

I think I need about 5 inches to make WL. I'm hoping to do MBL and WL in 2011 since there is only a matter of 2 to 3 inches b/t the two on me. I measured today and posted my beginning picture in another thread.
Hi Ladies!!!!

Here are my starting pics...I'm not claiming full MBL till about Feb/March...Onward and Upward to WL!!!!!


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Well awright ladies.........................HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and welcome!

Now lets get our GROW ON
I'm posting this pic as my official 2011 starting point. Like Janet', I'll claim MBL when my hair passes my bra-strap. Hopefully I'll be 3-4in. past BSL by the time June or July comes around.

I flat ironed today and I decided to post a picture of it straightened. I am finding that my hair likes heat. Go figure. I've been flat ironing every two weeks for about two months now and it seems to be working for me. I have also added ojon restorative hair treatment back into my routine. Love, love, love, ojon.


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My hair's so dry :sad:. Not only was it dry today, it's been dry for few weeks now. I just keep adding leave-ins and changing them around, but the results have been the same. Using that **** curling iron!! Why did ya'll let me do it?! :spank: My ends look atrocious. And when I ran my hand gently through my hair, I pulled back a small ball of hair :nono:.

I need to get my moisture level back up. I'm going to cowash and rinse my hair everyday this week. I'm also bunning still like I said I would. Hopefully I can get this head in tip-top shape soon.