With much anticipation Diva (AJD) has finally updated her album!!!

Diva, ( Your name fits you)

Quick question on your products....

What role does the Aveda Brilliance, Wondergro Shea & Mizani Rose H20 play in your regimen ?

Is the Aveda Brillance a serum ?

PrincessLocks :)
Your hair looks very healthy. After you wash it, do you airdry, blowdry or rollerset?
Diva, as usual your hair is awsome!! If I remember correctly you had issues with post partum shedding after the birth of your son. Well, now it's my turn! My 3rd just turned 3 months and my shedding is out of control. I'm dropping hairs worse than a shaggy dog and it's so bad I have to sweep the walls and floor of the bathroom every time I comb! What worked for you to curtail it and how long do I have to deal with this? Funny how I don't remember it being so bad with my first two boys but then again, I was not into hair care back then and it shed on a constant basis anyway.
Thanks for your warm words of encouragement, everybody! It seems that the devil is just plain ole busy. First the baby was sick, then I got sick. Just as I am recovering, I had to take him to the emergency room again and just got in. Turns out he has pneumonia. Pray for me!!!! Lord, I need strength.

The Aveda Brilliance give my hair a glossy shine after it's been flatironed. I use this product as well as the Mizani products when I wear my hair straight. Because I'm such an SCurl addict, I like my hair to feel moisturized and the Mizani does a decent job without reverting the hair. I use the Wondergro Shea oil stuff to seal in the moisture after using the SCurl... especially in the winter.
godzooki said:
Diva, as usual your hair is awsome!! If I remember correctly you had issues with post partum shedding after the birth of your son. Well, now it's my turn! My 3rd just turned 3 months and my shedding is out of control. I'm dropping hairs worse than a shaggy dog and it's so bad I have to sweep the walls and floor of the bathroom every time I comb! What worked for you to curtail it and how long do I have to deal with this? Funny how I don't remember it being so bad with my first two boys but then again, I was not into hair care back then and it shed on a constant basis anyway.

Whoops! Almost forgot you, Zookster!!! Girl, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but postpartum shedding is something that is hormonal. During pregnancy, the hair hardly sheds and usually gets thick and lush. This hair that's shedding is just the hair that never shed during the pregnancy. You name it, I've tried it and nothing helped. I ended up putting in braids so I could stop manipulating my hair as well as drive myself crazy with how much hair I was loosing. It was the "receding hairline" look that drove me crazy. If it's any consolation to you, it should clear up within a 6 month period....
Hey there, glad to see your hair is still progressing and is as beautiful as ever. I never quite regained my density after returning from NYC. I don't know what it is. the length is there but it's just not thick.

I understand about Miss K, my daughter's problem is every time it grows out a little bit she lets her friends start doing it. Curling it while dirty and all. Then when it starts popping off, she wants to look at me.

How did you get your edges to grow back in. That part and the very nape are part of my thinness.

Keep up the good work!!!