****Winter 2010 Vitamins/Supplements Challenge****

taking mine now. I honestly believe all these vits are the reason I haven"t gotten sick.

Me too!! :grin: ( ::knock on wood:: )

People all around me have gotten sick, but me...NOPE :drunk:

My skin is clearing up and I feel great!! I got an inch o' hair in January. I look forward to sleeping every night because it's always so restful, and I don't wake up in the middle of the night like I usually do.

After I take my supp's tonight, I'll post pics of all the good stuff I take.
Is it too late to join this challenge? or have i missed the bandwagon? i cant seem to find a vitamin challenge besides this one:nono::perplexed
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I am checking in. I missed saturday but was good for sunday and monday. I finished my vitabase hair, skin, nails on monday and on tuesday I started purvana hair skin nails. I switched from the vitabase because even though it worked for my hair and skin, i was curious about the purvana so I decided to try it.therefore, I am ckecking in for tuesday and today.
They say it takes 21 days to make a habit - 48 days strong and I've developed a good habit that I plan on sticking with through the entire year :grin:
Checking in. Started back on HSN-W (Nature's Sunshine). I've always had good results with it making my hair strong.
checking in for the past couple of days! Anyone else taking a high dosage of biotin and notice fine nipple hairs not on the actual areola but the perimeter ? :blush:
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