Will You Pray?

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
Would you like to pray with me? I have begun to have a time of prayer for different Continents and Countries all over the world. I am taking one day every week and praying for salvation for the people, and for all the missionaries that are there doing the Lord's work. I also will be praying for the children as well. In addition, I will fast one meal a week. You don't have to do a fast, this is something I am being led to do. If your heart is quickened to do so, praise the Lord!

I will be displaying a map of each continent/country every week in this thread. Each map may have the different areas shown in it, so that you may be led to pick out one area or more, or just every area on the map.

You can pray on your own time, but if the Lord has shown you something while you were praying, and you would like to share, please feel free to do so here in this thread.

I am going to begin with Australia. :clap:

Blessings to all!


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Thanks, ladies. :love3:

I have been so hyped up about this and today, I was at a special luncheon for pastors, and this was one of the topics that was brought up...I got too excited!!!

Blessings to all of you!
It's interesting that Australia is first, since Geoscience Australia is a leader for providing geoscientific info. There was a 5.3 quake near that region today

To quote Franklin Graham "Prayer is the most important action any of us can take for the cause of Christ in this world"

Hot coals lumped together, keeps a fire going 2 Peter 1: 7-8

The Holy Spirit knows more than I, that is for sure! I did not know the information you have posted, Laela...and I'm glad you did. Blessings to you always, sis. :love2:
The Holy Spirit knows and reveals to us what we should pray for....check this out:


Chaos as freak storm batters Australia's Perth
(AFP) – 5 hours ago

PERTH — Some 100,000 people were left without power on Tuesday after a freak storm battered the Australian city of Perth, hurling golf ball-sized hailstones and causing floods and landslides.

Western Australia premier Colin Barnett estimated a damage bill of hundreds of millions of dollars after the wild weather smashed into the city late on Monday, paralysing flights and commuter traffic.

Thousands of residents jammed emergency phone lines as falling trees downed power cables and crashed into homes in the worst storm seen in years. Hospitals were flooded and some damaged schools remained closed on Tuesday.

"I think from my memory this would be the most severe weather conditions we've had since the famous May storm in 1994, where we had very, very strong winds and a massive loss of power supply," Barnett told public broadcaster ABC.

"Hopefully the damage to the power supply won't be as severe but I suspect this time we've got a lot more damage to buildings and housing."
Nearly 160,000 homes lost power at the height of the storm, which brought wind gusts over 120 kilometres (75 miles) per hour and dumped nearly 40 millimetres (1.6 inches) of rain.

About 20 people were evacuated from one hospital's emergency room after the roof collapsed, while a landslip near the city centre crushed two parked cars and filled one apartment with mud. Stained-glass windows and glasshouses were shattered at The University of Western Australia, where vice-chancellor Allan Robson said there had been "considerable" damage.

"We were in the eye of the storm, the hail was incredible, the rain was incredible," Robson said. An "insurance catastrophe" had been declared for the city, the Insurance Council of Australia said.

Cars had their windscreens and back windows smashed by the hailstones, while hazardous driving conditions worsened when 150 sets of traffic lights went blank. Some central office buildings were evacuated for safety reasons.

Further storms are forecast to follow the unusual weather, which comes after Perth's driest southern hemisphere summer on record with just 0.2 millimetres of rain in December, January and February.

On Sunday, a category two cyclone hit the Great Barrier Reef coastline on Australia's east, ripping trees out of the ground and smashing boats and houses.
Thank you to every person that prayed with me this past week for Australia! God showed me that He is actively working in the hearts of the people there, and that the manifestations of His power has been seen and will be made known throughout that region!

If you would like to share about what the Lord has shown you this past week concerning Australia, please do so!

God is doing something new....keep praying! :clap:

Our next location we will be praying for is: China

We know that China has one of the largest populations of people in the whole world. There are many missionaries that are spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ there, and many people are coming to know who Jesus Christ is as Savior and Lord of their lives.

Let us pray for the missionaries, and especially for the underground churches that are there. Pray that they will continue to get more bibles in their language there. There are some who only have 1 page of scripture for the whole church, and that's what they read...and they can't get enough of it. We pray that those who are bringing in the bibles there can get them in, without having to be persecuted.

Again, you can pray for the whole country or you can pick out 1 or 2 areas within the country...do it as the Holy Spirit leads.

Praise the name of the Lord, Jesus!

Love to all of you who have a heart to pray for the people....Your reward is not far away!

Blessings, always....N&W

Morning... still praying....

It's fascination to me that you post on China. This week, my DH told me about Jesse Duplantis' visit to heaven and he'd mentioned seeing many "Oriental" babies but not many "Orientals'

Check out this video

God bless
Morning... still praying....

It's fascination to me that you post on China. This week, my DH told me about Jesse Duplantis' visit to heaven and he'd mentioned seeing many "Oriental" babies but not many "Orientals'

Check out this video

God bless
Thanks, Laela.

I remember that video...I actually have that video. Got it in the early 1990's. I have to watch it again...it was a great video.

It was so interesting how Jesse Duplantis said that......:yep:
This was a great idea!

We aslo should consistently pray for our country and government. Especially with the godless ways we see daily.
This was a great idea!

We aslo should consistently pray for our country and government. Especially with the godless ways we see daily.
Thank you.

In due time, I'm sure we will pray for our country, but the Holy Spirit is leading me in the areas 'around the world' for intercession for ministries, missionaries, etc. Thank you for your heart to pray for USA and the government. We do certainly need to pray:yep:
Good afternoon,

Here's an interesting news piece on China today :spinning:

Google Says Glitch Blocks China Service
Published: March 30, 2010

SHANGHAI — Google’s search engine was apparently off limits for much of China late Tuesday, but the company said the problem was apparently a technical glitch of its own that caused searches to be blocked by China’s powerful Internet filter.

The disruption had led to concern that China had decided to punish the company for its decision last week to move out of Beijing and operate an uncensored Web site from Hong Kong.

Users trying to access Google in Chinese and English were able to reach the home page of the Web site but unable to complete a search. The screen displayed an error message.

Some users in Shanghai said late Tuesday that they had occasional access to Google’s Chinese-language site, but mostly the site was inaccessible.

But several hours after the problem became evident, Google issued a statement at its headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., that said: “Lots of users in China have been unable to search on Google.com.hk today. This blockage seems to have been triggered by a change on Google’s part.”

It explained that a search parameter, a string of characters that sends information about a query to Google, inadvertently contained code that China’s Internet blocking system — the so-called Great Firewall of China — associated with Radio Free Asia, a news service promoting democracy that receives financing from the United States government.

“We are currently looking at how to resolve this issue," the statement said.

On a Web page that monitors the availability of its products in China, Google reported that its mobile search service had been “partially blocked” in China since Sunday. But that page showed no problems with its search engine there.

China’s powerful blocking system has been known to cut off access to sites that run afoul of Beijing.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, which is owned by Google, have all been inaccessible here for much of the last year.

Because Beijing seemed to be angered by Google’s strident comments last week and in January about the country’s strict censorship controls, many analysts believed it was just a matter of time before China’s sophisticated Internet filters blocked the Google site.

Last week, citing frustration with Chinese censorship controls and online attacks that seemed to be coming from China, Google officially pulled its Chinese-language search engine out of the country and relocated it to Hong Kong, which still operates like an independent state.

The move ended Google’s four-year experiment with operating a Chinese-language search engine from Beijing under Chinese censorship rules.

Shortly after Google’s announcement, the state-controlled Xinhua news agency quoted an unnamed official at the State Council Information Office calling the decision “totally wrong.”

David Barboza reported from Shanghai, and Miguel Helft from San Francisco.