Will YOU Ever STOP Protective Styling?

I'll probably wear my hair out on the weekend if I'm with DH but if I'm just running around with the kids, I will wear a PS. I really don't even like my hair down that much anymore. I just want to wear a ponytail and have it swinging every which way. I will always have it up in a bun at home. The couch will ruin my hair.
Can I just ask, although I am psing now, I would like to on occassions, wear my hair down, like birthdays and such would it be okay to do that, because I want to be able to wear my hair out when I want, if that makes sense. What do you ladies think of this ? I don't think I can ps every single day especially in the summer. :)
It depends. If I find that braiding and baggying my hair every night allows me to wear my hair down during the day without any problem, then I will enjoy my hair down and I will bun on the first day after wash day only.... I thin I'll keep my bun for my very lazy days, for those cold humid windy days and for extremely sunny and dry days. When my hair reaches MBL or waist length it won't be a problem to trim if things don't go as I planned. Now I'm too focused on reaching that length.

ps= I do find thatoil rinsing everytime I wash, as well as baggying and braiding every single night, allow me to wear my hair out without problems. If I skip one night my hair starts to get rebel. (Many times I baggy without product).
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I will be doing my next weave install soon simply because i need to give my hair a break and its time to do a long term PS because i haven't done one in a long time. Well i ever stop PSing? more than likely.. nope!
I PS most of the time with twist-outs or puffs because it's a no-brainer and I'm not very fond of doing my hair on a daily basis.
This summer was my first time getting a full sew in and I love it. It is so convenient. At first I was doing buns for PS but that was too much manipulation SO I found out weaves would actually benefit me. Funny b/c I am currently wearing my weave in a bun. It has been like this all week. I just love it. Once I reach APL I will continue to protect my hair. I found that I get a little conceited when my hair begins to grow and feel the need to show it off, which in turns causes me nothing but trouble. So YES I will continue to PS in and out of weaves as my hair grows. Thanks OP!
I enjoy my hair too much to protective style my hair for life. I dont want to be too stuck/rigid with my hair I prefer to go with the flow of how I feel on the day.
Can I just ask, although I am psing now, I would like to on occassions, wear my hair down, like birthdays and such would it be okay to do that, because I want to be able to wear my hair out when I want, if that makes sense. What do you ladies think of this ? I don't think I can ps every single day especially in the summer. :)
of course that's fine, wear your hair down whenever you want.
I don't think wearing your hair out of ps some days will hurt your journey at all.
More than likely not....

Even when I reach my goal length I'll continue protective style to maintain what I've gained...
I'll probably tone down the PS once I reach my goal length. I'm actually looking forward to the day I can give these wigs a break. Once I reach my goal length, then I'll just bun it or keep it in ponytail.
I cannot image wearing my hair "out" or flatiron all the time, just like I cannot image wearing my hair in protective styles all the time. When I reach my goals I will do half and half. I will wear it out half the month and up the rest. Alternating between the two. I plan to do this in 2011.
I need to start psing so that I can stop :lol:. But I can say that the longer my hair gets the more inclined I am to do buns and other really simple protective styles. The thing is that my hair's gotten easier to deal with and can keep out styles for days at a time now.
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Great thread! STOP protective styling!!!!??? Heaven's NO!!! :thud: Everytime I even THINK about wearing my hair down...I shudder...LOL! MY ENDS! MY ENDS!...is all I can think about. Its actually become a phobia for me now. *sigh*
It's funny because the 4 times that I have worn my hair straight this year, I eventually put that straight hair up because I felt some kind of way. I know that once I reach my goal length, I will probably wear it out more than I do now...But I absolutely love sleek updos and classy buns and I cannot wait to start utilizing hair sticks as a staple (once my hair reaches MBL and beyond)!
Yes and no. PSing at the moment is a means to an end so its my only style right now. But there are times, I get really sick of looking at my face. When it was longer, the best regimen was half up, half down for me. So I knew I was protecting and enjoying my hair.

PSing will always be in the mix because of the variety of styling and its convenience. When my hair grows back, I loves me a pretty bouncy rollerset too too much not to wear my hair out a few times a week. And when my curls wear old, PSing will come in handy.
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I will protective style during the week,, because it works for my hair and my job, I love updos.The weekends I can wear it down for my hubby!:rolleyes:
i think about this all the time, and i can honestly say that i'll probably just continue to PS. i love it, i mean i see it as a special occasion when im wearing my hair down. i really dont see a need for it all the time, (wearing my hair out) and my hair loves it because its responding really well to it!
No, protective styles are 1/2 the reason I've retained length. I'll wear my hair down more often once I reach my goal but I'll still ps 75% of the time.
The thought of NOT protective styling frequently is a daunting task. I'm way too lazy to wear my hair out more often than once a month...MAYBE...
I am sooooo used to putting my hair up that it's just normal. I always wore my hair in a ponytail so the only difference now is that the ends are tucked away. Wearing my hair down always bothers my neck and face after a fews hours anyway. I am having fun just watching my bun get bigger and bigger. I want a dlewis or traycee sized bun and then I'll be done.
No. Protective styles are some of the most carefree and quick styles that I know how to do for myself. I especially love buns and half wigs.
I will continue to protective style just not as much. Right now I am protective styling like 100 percent of the time until I reach apl. Once I make it I will start wearing my hair out and straightened maybe every 2 to three months and for special occassions. And even then it would only be like for the wknd or just a couple of days.

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Probally not. Especially with my job, where I have to keep my hair above my collar. Therefore I will be rocking a bun, for awhile. On certain occasions or when Im not a work, i will wear it down.