What are you doing to make sure you reach your goals?

LuvlyRain3 said:
Not over thinking it. Keep my scalp clean and my ends healthy. My hair will be just fine.

^^ This.

My weekly reggie is very simple.

> wash
> DC
> roller set
> relax every 12 weeks

I may try different products but I am aiming to be consistent with my regimen.
-Keeping my hair stretched always
-Low Manipulation Protective Styling(buns, styling only 1-2x a week)
-Trimming away knots
-Addressing the causes of any breakage immediately
-Finger comb then wide tooth BEFORE using modified Denman(if needed)
-DC every wash day
-Moisturize and seal
-Always use a satin bonnet/scarf
Stop obsessing about it has helped me reach my goals. Whenever I start thinking about it, I end up doing more harm than good then when I have my lazy approach (wash, condition and moisturize). Keeping it simple always works best for me.