Wilderness Testimonies?

What I also had to do is a lot of repenting,recompensing, letting go of bitterness, negativity , doubt and self defeating talk/thoughts. I did a lot of confessing between me and the Lord. Fasting, praying, worshipping, praising. I just did not receive the $30,000.00++ I had to "hit the ground running" with the Lord.

My eyes got big when I read the Moses example. I had completely forgotten about it and need to re-read it. My eyes got big because, yesterday, realization hit that I'm too scared to leave the desert (as frustrated as I am at times, I'm scared to enter the next place BEFORE entering the Promised Land). Yep, last night I found out there is a "next place". I felt Him telling me I can't reach the Promised Land without first entering this next place. I was like "Wha-what? That place? Uh ... I don't know." ... Trust, trust.

Awh I'm so happy for you!

I know my next place, I've known for a very long time, but like I said earlier if I knew the purpose of the thing, then I would not have had so much trouble.
Some things I’ve learned from some wilderness experiences in the bible and other people’s messages:

  • Sometimes the wilderness is a place of refuge from bondage, like the Israelites getting out of slavery. I think the major lesson for me in their going through experience was they somehow thought it would have been a “trial free” journey and kept limiting and angering God with their murmurings and complaining, griping and groaning. When time for them to get out they felt the enemies were stronger and themselves too small. Totally ignored their Great God. I don’t want this to be my lot.
In all and whatever the paths through the wilderness, GOD IS FAITHFUL

At the bolded, I fell into this trap as well. :yep: It took so much faith and effort just to get to the WILDERNESS that I was ANGRY that the trials kept coming, one right after the other. :wallbash: I had to remind myself that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God will deliver us from them ALL!!!

Neighbors who do not live on my street anymore Laughed and Mocked me however, I still stand and still made it. As soon as I did this that $30,000.00+++ came on through. I did a lot of Praise and just worshipping God. I still do. I had a very strong Prayer group as well as Wonderful Women Here who Stood with me By Faith That I would receive this Gift from God. I am forever, humbled and thankful.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvganA6nrf0- Marivn Sapp's "Praise Him in Advance". This is what I went through. I carry this song in my heart.

Beautiful testimony, and I literally believe that my physical sacrifice of praise is what pushed the sale of my house - I would literally get in my bedroom, put on some praise music and dance and worship every day, no matter if I was tired, sick, etc. It was our second time on the market and no real bites, but to encourage me God showed me a "SOLD" sign, so I began to praise Him in advance and JUST BELIEVE that it would happen. And it did, within a few months of that vision, if not sooner!!! I'm gonna come back and post a pic I took of that sold sign!!! :grin:

What I also had to do is a lot of repenting,recompensing, letting go of bitterness, negativity , doubt and self defeating talk/thoughts. I did a lot of confessing between me and the Lord. Fasting, praying, worshipping, praising. I just did not receive the $30,000.00++ I had to "hit the ground running" with the Lord.

Yes, the wilderness experience is not only faith building but a process of purification. You can't carry all that baggage with you to the Promised Land. :nono:
At the bolded, I fell into this trap as well. :yep: It took so much faith and effort just to get to the WILDERNESS that I was ANGRY that the trials kept coming, one right after the other. :wallbash: I had to remind myself that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God will deliver us from them ALL!!!

Beautiful testimony, and I literally believe that my physical sacrifice of praise is what pushed the sale of my house - I would literally get in my bedroom, put on some praise music and dance and worship every day, no matter if I was tired, sick, etc. It was our second time on the market and no real bites, but to encourage me God showed me a "SOLD" sign, so I began to praise Him in advance and JUST BELIEVE that it would happen. And it did, within a few months of that vision, if not sooner!!! I'm gonna come back and post a pic I took of that sold sign!!! :grin:

Yes, the wilderness experience is not only faith building but a process of purification. You can't carry all that baggage with you to the Promised Land. :nono:

You hit the nail on the head with this one! So, true! I can stand on this one.
wow... Your testimony is a powerful example of Trusting in God. This part made me smile because you pressed forward, despite naysayers, despite being laughed at and ridiculed. Thanks for sharing it... made my day. Glory be to God!

Beleive me I wanted to listen to the "naysayers" however, I had people in my corner who kept on encouraging me by faith that I would receive this Gift from God b/c "All Good Things come from God". I stayed in the word, my Pastor taught a power teaching about "Making a Stake on my Claim." As soon as I did that I marched around our new home like the walls of Jericho(sp?). Neighbors who do not live on my street anymore Laughed and Mocked me however, I still stand and still made it. As soon as I did this that $30,000.00+++ came on through. I did a lot of Praise and just worshipping God. I still do. I had a very strong Prayer group as well as Wonderful Women Here who Stood with me By Faith That I would receive this Gift from God. I am forever, humbled and thankful.
wow... Your testimony is a powerful example of Trusting in God. This part made me smile because you pressed forward, despite naysayers, despite being laughed at and ridiculed. Thanks for sharing it... made my day. Glory be to God!

Glory Be to God! For allowing you and I to connect on here! God is truly an AWESOME and a On Time God!:yep:
This IS a good question, and I agree with loolalooh's explanation. Here are my other thoughts as well:

  • As loolalooh said, this is an EXTENDED trial. It won't be a quick lesson. Some things take time to learn. It may not be years and years, but it won't be a quick one day test either.
  • You will be alone or feel alone. When Jesus was in the wilderness to fast and pray, no other human was around Him. You may have friends in your life, but they won't be enough to fill the void in you. Or you may be totally friendless, which can lead to despair. But when Jesus was in the wilderness, it was a time to draw close to the Father without any other distractions. And the closer You get to Him.....
  • Almost everything that is comfortable to you will be stripped away, one by one. Sometimes things that are comfortable are very bad for you, or prevent you from moving to the Promised Land. Look at the Israelites - they got so frustrated and lost faith so badly that they actually wanted to go back to Egypt - a place of bondage! :eek: Wilderness experiences will be so different, so unsettling, that you may actually long for the old land that you just escaped from, just to have familiarity again.
  • You will not be able to cheat. Sometimes in regular tests and trials, you may get away with stumbling over and over, repenting each time, but going right back to your mess (like a baby who keeps messing her diaper) - and even knowing in the back of your head while you repent that you will do it again. When you aren't spiritually mature, God may tolerate this behavior for a season. But when you are heading to the wilderness....
  • To survive spiritually and emotionally, you will literally have to make a choice - trust God and watch Him provide your daily bread, or go back in bondage and forsake Him. I know that sounds extreme, but I NEVER questioned my faith more than I did during my Red Sea experience. I struggled mightily with anger at God for He allowing so many things to happen to me - years of bondage, depression and disappointment, and then obstacle after obstacle when I finally began to trust Him to deliver me. I cried hard tears to see others who don't even believe in God seem to get the things I LONG for without even trying. :cry3: I kept asking God "what did I do to deserve this?" You know what I have wanted ever since I was a child, why can't I have it? :wallbash: God even set it up that the Israelites had to trust Him EVERY DAY. He provided manna from heaven, but it was only good for that day. If they tried to store it up (or create a "back up plan" just in case God didn't come through), it would turn to worms. God gave them just enough to get them through the day, so they would have to keep trusting Him day by day for provision. God doesn't want us creating back up plans just in case He doesn't come through. That shows a lack of faith.
  • Your faith will be tested over and over, relentlessly, almost without a break. I remember reading Job and just being blown away at how many tragedies happened to him in one day. His wealth gone, his children dead, messengers kept coming up to him with more and more bad news. :nono: At first you may hold on to your faith, but it gets hard to tell God "yet will I trust you" when it seems you've done nothing to deserve the onslaught. :sad: Job was upright, but that didn't shield him from tragedy. I felt this way too. It was one thing right after the other. Just as soon as I forgave and began trusting again, I got slapped across the face again with another attack. I couldn't even get my bearings. :nono: Very difficult experience to endure. However, I believe this relentless discipline is necessary because the Promised Land will be so wonderful that it may be easy to get comfortable and forget that it was GOD who brought you there. We need to be reminded over and over that no matter how many trials come against us, GOD can and WILL deliver us from them all. And when we reach that land, we should want to serve him even more fervently in gratitude for His miraculous deliverance.
  • If you believe God, He WILL come through for you. Time and time again God provided for His children - water when they were thirsty, bread when they were hungry. He was their cloud by day and fire at night. I reached a place where I began to declare the victory, even though I couldn't see it. Some of what I declared has come to pass, but all of it did not. I had a huge setback when one of the biggest things I believed God for did not happen, after I had stepped out on faith more than ever before in my life. :nono: I was devastated then furious, and pouted for several days until I dusted myself off, told God I was done with my tantrum and back to trusting Him. There are still at least 3 huge miracles that I am believing God for, but he has ALREADY delivered me mightily. And I believe that He is NOT DONE YET!!!
  • A miracle got you to the wilderness (the parting of your Red Sea or deliverance from bondage) - so look for another one to get you to the Promised Land. Consider these verses in Joshua Ch 3 that describe the children of Israel crossing the Jordan river:

    1 Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from ****tim and went to the Jordan, where they camped before crossing over. 2 After three days the officers went throughout the camp, 3 giving orders to the people: "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, who are Levites, carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. 4 Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about a thousand yards [a] between you and the ark; do not go near it."
    5 Joshua told the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you."

    Note - they had to follow the ark because they were going to a NEW land, in a way that they never had gone before! Reading on....

    14 So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. 15 Now the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest. Yet as soon as the priests who carried the ark reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water's edge, 16 the water from upstream stopped flowing. It piled up in a heap a great distance away, at a town called Adam in the vicinity of Zarethan, while the water flowing down to the Sea of the Arabah (the Salt Sea ) was completely cut off. So the people crossed over opposite Jericho. 17 The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry ground in the middle of the Jordan, while all Israel passed by until the whole nation had completed the crossing on dry ground.

    In a miracle similar to the parting of the Red Sea, the Israelites were able to pass through the river bed on dry ground.

These are my thoughts. I'm sure there are more, and I will come back and edit when I find them.

This is truly an annointed post...It has ministered to me in more ways than I can explain this morning. I have not had much time lately to read the posts in the CF, but for some reason I was drawn to read this post before I went about my day. The examples you used regarding providing bread and water for the Israelites is exactly the scriptures the Lord lead me to read this morning in Exodus 15 and 16. Reading your post today was just confirmation of me knowing that during this wilderness period in my life that I have to trust God daily in everything regardless of the setbacks, disappointments or frustrations. I am truly amazed by the posts from you ladies each and everytime...It shows me how real God is and how much he loves me that he is inspiring others to testify on his behalf to help me and others in some way. Thank you for this post God Bless.
Francis Frangipane:Expect to See God's Glory!Light Shines in the Darkness

It is not enough to know God exists. If we will live in the awareness of the heavenly, we must be freed from the boundaries of the earthly. To awaken faith, the Holy Spirit will take us through times when the presence of God cannot be clearly discerned. The Lord's goal during these times is to bring to maturity our spiritual senses.

Therefore, do not accept that God has permanently hidden Himself from you, though during trials it may seem so. He is teaching us to see in the dark and to hear in the silence. He is making Himself known to our inner man so that, regardless of outer circumstances, we can continually be led by His Spirit.

To see God, beloved, it is imperative that our vision become spiritual and not just sensory. To hear God, we must learn to tune out the clamor of our fears and earthly desires. The outcome of this inner spiritual working is an increasing perception that nothing is impossible for God. The time of darkness, though it comes as an enemy, actually compels us to seek God more earnestly; we learn to even more revere God's light. Never mistake temporary darkness for permanent blindness, for today's training is the very process that opens us to see God's glory. Ultimately, we will discover the truth of what Isaiah wrote, that "the whole earth is full of [God's] glory" (Isaiah 6:3).

Lord, Open Our Eyes!

Did not Moses endure "as seeing Him who is invisible" (Hebrews 11:27 KJV)? Indeed, the Bible was written by individuals who actually beheld the glory of God. To see the glory of God is our call as well. Our spiritual vision is not an imaginary device of the mind, but that which comes from the living union of the Holy Spirit with our hearts. Did not our Lord promise that the "pure in heart . . . shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)? And is it not reasonable to expect that, if Christ truly dwells within us, we ought to perceive life with unveiled minds? Just as it is written,

"But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Yes, if we remove the veils of sin, shame and self-absorption, if we persist in seeking God, staying focused upon His Spirit and Word, we should expect to see the glory of the Lord. Such open perception is Biblical and should be pursued! Yet there are those who say access to greater spiritual realities is a false hope and a heresy. I say, beware of the leaven of the unbelieving Christian. For such people would have you accept religion without vision as though to see God's glory was sin.

Consider how many in the Bible actually saw the glory of the Lord: Abraham saw the Christ's glory while he was in Mesopotamia. Isaiah beheld Him in the year King Uzziah died. Ezekiel fell before the Living One by the river Chebar. David, Habakkuk, Solomon, and Zechariah all saw the glory of the Lord (Acts 7:2; Isaiah 6:1; Ezekiel 3:23; 2 Samuel 6:2; Habakkuk 3:3; 2 Chronicles 7:1; Zechariah 1:8).

Moses beheld Him, then Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and the seventy Hebrew elders as well. Exodus tells us these men actually "saw the God of Israel." The Bible describes this incredible scene, saying that "under [God's] feet there appeared to be a pavement of sapphire, as clear as the sky itself " (Exodus 24:10). The concluding thought is staggering; it reads, "And they saw God, and they ate and drank" (Exodus 24:11).

Think of it: They beheld God! Could anything be more wonderful? Is there not a jealousy within you for that experience—to actually gaze upon the God of Israel?

Be assured, to behold the Lord's glory is not only Scriptural but typical, especially during the pivotal decades between ages (which is where we are today). The fact is, over six million Israelites saw God's glory on Mount Sinai. Young men, old women, and little children—people of every age and physical condition—all saw "the glory of the Lord [as it] rested on Mount Sinai." These same people actually "heard the voice of God" speaking to them (Deuteronomy 4:33)!

Yet, that unveiling of glory did not stop at Sinai. The entire Hebrew nation followed a cloud of glory by day and was illuminated by a blazing pillar of fire-like glory at night. This happened not just once or twice but every day for forty years! How much more shall the Lord of glory manifest Himself to us at the end of the age?

If you are a God-seeker, except for times of darkness when the Spirit refines your spiritual senses, you should expect to see the glory of God! There should be an anticipation that, any day now—as you enter your prayer room or go for a walk, or in a dream—the Spirit of God is going to appear to you in some marvelous and life-changing way.

Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane


I got this, this morning in my inbox, I thought it was good.
Thank you for sharing that email! So much of what you ladies are sharing in this thread has spoken to me and I'm sure to others as well.

To see God, beloved, it is imperative that our vision become spiritual and not just sensory.

I was just talking with someone about this the other day. The "sensory" is limited, but when we get in tune with our "spiritual" ... the horizon is infinite. Our vision has to become "spiritual" in order for us to grasp that God can do any and everything.

Our spiritual vision is not an imaginary device of the mind, but that which comes from the living union of the Holy Spirit with our hearts. Did not our Lord promise that the "pure in heart . . . shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)? And is it not reasonable to expect that, if Christ truly dwells within us, we ought to perceive life with unveiled minds?


There will be people who think we're crazy or laugh at us (as demonstrated in HighlyFavored's testimony), but as this author shared, "our spiritual vision is not an imaginary device of the mind". I have people looking at me sideways with where God is leading me right now (to a new city), but I can't let that deter me.

Be assured, to behold the Lord's glory is not only Scriptural but typical, especially during the pivotal decades between ages (which is where we are today). The fact is, over six million Israelites saw God's glory on Mount Sinai. Young men, old women, and little children—people of every age and physical condition—all saw "the glory of the Lord [as it] rested on Mount Sinai." These same people actually "heard the voice of God" speaking to them (Deuteronomy 4:33)!


Yes, yes. This is something we should not question. We can behold the Lord's glory just as the Israelites did. We can hear the voice of God.

If you are a God-seeker, except for times of darkness when the Spirit refines your spiritual senses, you should expect to see the glory of God! There should be an anticipation that, any day now—as you enter your prayer room or go for a walk, or in a dream—the Spirit of God is going to appear to you in some marvelous and life-changing way.

Amen. If we're not God-seekers, how can we expect to see the Spirit of God? Seek and ye shall find.
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^^^No problem. I really love this thread and all you ladies, because I really felt so alone. To the point I've had to fight loneliness because it wasn't just being alone. I don't know how to explain it properly so let me think about that lol.

But last week I asked to just have at least one person who would stand in agreement with me on the promises I've receieved from God. Because in

Matthew 18:19-20 it says

"19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

Maybe we should all start praying for each other (I mean we should anyway) but I've really been blessed just reading what your ladies are going through and learning from all of you.
Sorry I took so long another busy Monday.

Hi ladies,

Five years ago I was accepted into a first time homebuyers program.In 2005 when the real-estate boomed and then tanked in this country. We built our new home in the "midst of the storm" literally.

First the money dried up so fast and the cost of square footage shot up in prices. This is not a big home just a starter home. Our first home. For my home their was about a $30,000.00 short fall. I stayed on my builder day by day. Still no avail. I was just so frustrated I no longer knew what to do. (So, I started attending church which I am now a member of and have been a member for 5 years strong.) Still staying on top of the builder however when no money to build what can you do- now

Fast forward to 2007 a good year so I thought, some of the funds came through to order our panels and supplies we built from Feb.07-until April 2008. Then another slow down that same $30,000.00 short fall caused my home to be put on hold until August of 2009 **Breathe hard*** Inhale-Exhale.

Then the house was at this point 8% ready to be moved into. However the $30,000.00 short fall was still left. Until a person heard of my plight and helped us secure a grant which covered the $30,000.00 shortfall and then some. We finally moved into our home in Nov.2009 this May will make 6 months in our brand new home. Praise God!!!

What helped me was just taking my focus on this very big problem and allowing The Lord to handle it. It was so hard b/c the world said "Why don't you move somewhere else, WOW you better than me b/c I am just not that humbled", "your contractor stole your money", Why don't you just give up".

Beleive me I wanted to listen to the "naysayers" however, I had people in my corner who kept on encouraging me by faith that I would receive this Gift from God b/c "All Good Things come from God". I stayed in the word, my Pastor taught a power teaching about "Making a Stake on my Claim." As soon as I did that I marched around our new home like the walls of Jericho(sp?). Neighbors who do not live on my street anymore Laughed and Mocked me however, I still stand and still made it. As soon as I did this that $30,000.00+++ came on through. I did a lot of Praise and just worshipping God. I still do. I had a very strong Prayer group as well as Wonderful Women Here who Stood with me By Faith That I would receive this Gift from God. I am forever, humbled and thankful.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvganA6nrf0- Marivn Sapp's "Praise Him in Advance". This is what I went through. I carry this song in my heart.

I've been meaning to come back and comment on your post. Thank you so much for sharing this testimony! It is truly a blessing and pushes me to hang on. The timeframe of my wilderness is now 7 months, but there were a few years of "bondage in Egypt" before then. It can all be overwhelming when I count the days, but if you were able to stay strong in 5 years, then I need to keep on pressing too.

The biggest takeaway is "making a stake on my claim". This is where I waiver. I'll "make a stake" but then allow naysayers (whether in the form of others, the statistics, the 'physical' reality around me) to pierce my spirit .. but only for a minute. I run to the Word and keep on running there for fuel. Can't be shaky on my claim.

Thanks again for sharing! Truly encouraging.
I noticed I keep going back to Joseph maybe because he had dreams like I'm/I've having/had...I liked this devontial I recieved as well

The condtions are Right
One of the key things that I see God doing right now is re-positioning many Believers who will cooperate with Him, making adjustments that will allow for advancement. If you are in Christ, your conditions are already right. You simply need to allow Him to position you in a way that will enable you to take advantage of the existing opportunities that surround you. I see the grace of Jesus being released to re-position many right now. The details of your particular circumstances may be daunting facts, but God will turn the current circumstances of your life to your advantage. Better than that, He is ready to use your circumstances to His advantage.

It's tempting to think that perhaps one day in the future the conditions will finally be perfect and then you will be able to settle into God's ways and His design, but I hear God saying that today is the day. Now is the time to trust God with your future and thereby enter the rest of God. "So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God, for whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from His" (Hebrews 4:9-10, ESV).

How to Let Outside Forces and Circumstances Become Your Staircase to Ascend into God's Purposes

God has already planned your life. You are in Christ and He is in you, so your future is now wrapped up within His present and eternal life. Your purpose falls within His purpose. Your inheritance is stored within His own. His works were finished before the foundation of the world (Hebrews 4:3), and now you must enter His rest by resting from your own works (Hebrews 4:11). Isaiah says, "O Lord, You will ordain peace for us, for You have indeed done for us all our works" (Isaiah 26:12, ESV). Therefore, Jesus declared, "...apart from Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5, ESV).

You see, a primary truth of your situation is that if you have truly surrendered your life to Christ, then you have given Jesus controlling rights to your future. There are no circumstances that are beyond His ability to overcome, but He is requiring that you trust Him to re-orient you and direct your life once again. He is asking you to surrender your plans and way of thinking in favor of His. Every time you do, outside forces and present circumstances become the staircase for you to ascend into God's purpose for your life.

Often we want to calculate whether the circumstances we are in the midst of are God's design, the enemy's design, or our own design. When I consider it from all angles, it seems that it matters very little whose fault it is. What matters now is what to do about it. Of course, we know that we must resist the enemy, and we war with spiritual weapons like faith, truth, salvation, and righteousness. And we know that we must adjust our own wrong ways of thinking, bad habits, and the ways that we deal with things in order to be in alignment with Christ. But the most important thing that must be done is to surrender our life and future to God completely—from the deepest depths of the heart—in complete honesty.

An Example from the Life of Joseph:
Do You Feel as Though You Are Farther Than Ever from Living Out Your God-Given Dreams?

Joseph is an example of how God utilizes the things around you, that may seem like the end of the road, by turning them into stepping stones for your destiny. Joseph grew up accustomed to favor and blessing. The Bible says that his father loved him more than his brothers (Genesis 37:3). This set him up for trouble. Do you realize that God loves you that much? He loves you so much that he paid the ultimate price to be able to shower you with favor and blessing even though you didn't deserve it. Maybe you have discovered that this has a way of creating unexpected trouble for you. When God's favor and blessing is on your life, it tends to put you in the spotlight where you can become a target of jealousy and envy.

Joseph's life seemed to go from bad, to worse, to horrible. He was thrown into a pit and left to die slowly. Then he was taken into slavery and forced labor. Every time his circumstances changed, he did the best that he could in his situation and always rose to the top, excelling beyond his peers and growing in favor with those who ruled over him. In fact, he was so trustworthy and successful that his slave owner put him in charge of his entire household.

Finally, things were starting to look a bit better. I imagine that he must have thought that maybe this would somehow lead to his freedom from the bondage of the world that was forced upon him. Instead, his owner's wife deceived her husband into throwing Joseph into prison. Can you imagine what Joseph must have been thinking by this time? After years of doing his best to deal with his life and make the most of it, maintaining his honesty and integrity through many tricky situations, now he ends up in prison. When were the dreams that God had given him going to come true? It seemed that now more than ever he was about as far away from living out those dreams as anyone could ever imagine being.

Start Right Where You are At

I believe that, ultimately, Joseph must have held onto the dreams that God had given him, believing them with all of his heart. I'm sure that he surrendered himself and his future into to God's hand again right there in that prison cell. I can just imagine him reminding God of His promises and reliving the dreams that God had planted within his spirit. He held fast to God's word concerning his life and future and refused to let it go. He would not give up or settle for his current situation. He set his sights on the promises of God and allowed God to re-position him by shifting his perspective. His circumstances became the very thing that God used to develop and promote him into a place that must have surprised even Joseph. He knew that he would rule within his family and people, but I believe that he was surprised to become second in command over all of Egypt.

God always has pleasant little surprises in store for us that are even beyond the dreams that He has shown us. He truly meant it when He said that He is doing a new thing that you do not perceive (Isaiah 43:19). This is especially true when you are contending just to continue believing what He has already revealed. If you are waiting for conditions around you to change before you can advance, you are missing your primary opportunity. The best place to start from is right where you are at. All that is necessary is that you allow God to re-position you by shifting your perspective. Through intentionally surrendering your life and future to God again, He will release to you a new perspective of faith and opportunity.

Jeremy Caris
Abiding Glory Ministries

^^^^ Is it like alienation? I feel like that sometimes, Kimbb.

Yes....but almost like the enemy is using it against me. Like forcing me to find every way possible to see God is not working or it's not working as it should so I almost am forced to stay where I am at. Like to stop me from being made whole

Bringing up the past which God is healing me from to open up wounds and be hopeless to my future. Like I've had dreams about my future and I want so badly to get there, but it's like if I'm stuck where I was I won't get there and it spreads everywhere in my life...

I'm feeling like better about it though, yesterday I really just prayed for the spirit of loneliness to be broken...okay I'm only stopping here cuz this will get long so I'm gonna type it seperately so it looks like I'm doing work lol
I'm feeling like better about it though, yesterday I really just prayed for the spirit of loneliness to be broken...okay I'm only stopping here cuz this will get long so I'm gonna type it seperately so it looks like I'm doing work lol

I'm happy to hear you're feeling better about it and I'm standing in agreement with you for the spirit of loneliness within you and anyone that may be reading this thread to be broken.
Originally Posted by Kimbb
I'm feeling like better about it though, yesterday I really just prayed for the spirit of loneliness to be broken...okay I'm only stopping here cuz this will get long so I'm gonna type it seperately so it looks like I'm doing work lol

I'm happy to hear you're feeling better about it and I'm standing in agreement with you for the spirit of loneliness within you and anyone that may be reading this thread to be broken.

Amen. I'll stand in agreement too. May the spirit of loneliness be broken for good.
Wow, I just feel like laying my head down and take a good rest. I've felt sometimes like I was the only one going through these things, but for the word of God that indicates otherwise. Now God is proving it true. I have prayed for you ladies, even before this thread. When I get that 'I'm the only one' feeling and God reminds me it isn't so, I pray for whoever else may be going through.

Your posts have been so touching. On Sunday I visited a church where the preacher said a few things that was repeated almost exact on 2 sermons I was listening to on the radio in the evening. He was talking about David when he was finally given the kingship. His enemies, the Philistines came up against him. The points that he (the local Pastor) made that were repeated were:
  • It's your season. It's time to posses the land.
  • The enemy (old enemies) will come against you.
  • Seek councel from the Lord. That's what David always did.
  • God is not going to let you fight this battle the same way. He will give new instructions. (Even my husband was shocked when he heard this repeated almost ad vertim.)
  • You will win but this time you will have to face up to the enemy. (I didn't like that part. I just rather move out of their way and ask God to bless them with repentance)
Thank you ladies. God bless you all. By the way, I too understand the loneliness. I've leaned to becareful when I speak about that because the Devil always know some snake to send to offer companionship (long story :ohwell:)
Wow, I just feel like laying my head down and take a good rest. I've felt sometimes like I was the only one going through these things, but for the word of God that indicates otherwise. Now God is proving it true. I have prayed for you ladies, even before this thread. When I get that 'I'm the only one' feeling and God reminds me it isn't so, I pray for whoever else may be going through.

Your posts have been so touching. On Sunday I visited a church where the preacher said a few things that was repeated almost exact on 2 sermons I was listening to on the radio in the evening. He was talking about David when he was finally given the kingship. His enemies, the Philistines came up against him. The points that he (the local Pastor) made that were repeated were:
  • It's your season. It's time to posses the land.
  • The enemy (old enemies) will come against you.
  • Seek councel from the Lord. That's what David always did.
  • God is not going to let you fight this battle the same way. He will give new instructions. (Even my husband was shocked when he heard this repeated almost ad vertim.)
  • You will win but this time you will have to face up to the enemy. (I didn't like that part. I just rather move out of their way and ask God to bless them with repentance)
Thank you ladies. God bless you all. By the way, I too understand the loneliness. I've leaned to becareful when I speak about that because the Devil always know some snake to send to offer companionship (long story :ohwell:)


Thanks I needed this...I knew I was close but dag. I'm praying for all of ya'll to, to think I asked and God quickly provided...not to think I guess, but I'm finally started to Him everywhere.

I'm with you on that face to face thing. I'd rather stand to the side personally.

But okay Lord, you said it and I keep hearing about the priests having to stand IN the Jordan for it to part. So okay. I'm listening...see I'm getting better at listening.
I must also note that Joseph always fared, despite his circumstances, because GOD was WITH HIM.... everywhere He went. When God has his anointing on someone's life, it doesn't matter what they go through -- He is ALWAYS there.
ETA: Basically, Joseph was God's presence in Egypt.

Like Joseph or even Job, someone could lose everything, lose relationships/friends, want to curse the day they were born to the point you wish that day wasn't even in the calendar (like Job) and God still will be with them. God is a purifier. Sometimes He allows us to go through, so we can be spiritually purified (Malachi 3), sometimes it is to see where we failed to truly repent. Sometimes, it's simply to be a living testimony for others.

I really enjoy when others in the Body of Christ share the goodness of our Father and we get to see the anointing on their lives! :yep:

An Example from the Life of Joseph:
Do You Feel as Though You Are Farther Than Ever from Living Out Your God-Given Dreams?

Joseph is an example of how God utilizes the things around you, that may seem like the end of the road, by turning them into stepping stones for your destiny. Joseph grew up accustomed to favor and blessing. The Bible says that his father loved him more than his brothers (Genesis 37:3). This set him up for trouble. Do you realize that God loves you that much? He loves you so much that he paid the ultimate price to be able to shower you with favor and blessing even though you didn't deserve it. Maybe you have discovered that this has a way of creating unexpected trouble for you. When God's favor and blessing is on your life, it tends to put you in the spotlight where you can become a target of jealousy and envy.

Joseph's life seemed to go from bad, to worse, to horrible. He was thrown into a pit and left to die slowly. Then he was taken into slavery and forced labor. Every time his circumstances changed, he did the best that he could in his situation and always rose to the top, excelling beyond his peers and growing in favor with those who ruled over him. In fact, he was so trustworthy and successful that his slave owner put him in charge of his entire household.

Finally, things were starting to look a bit better. I imagine that he must have thought that maybe this would somehow lead to his freedom from the bondage of the world that was forced upon him. Instead, his owner's wife deceived her husband into throwing Joseph into prison. Can you imagine what Joseph must have been thinking by this time? After years of doing his best to deal with his life and make the most of it, maintaining his honesty and integrity through many tricky situations, now he ends up in prison. When were the dreams that God had given him going to come true? It seemed that now more than ever he was about as far away from living out those dreams as anyone could ever imagine being.

Start Right Where You are At

I believe that, ultimately, Joseph must have held onto the dreams that God had given him, believing them with all of his heart. I'm sure that he surrendered himself and his future into to God's hand again right there in that prison cell. I can just imagine him reminding God of His promises and reliving the dreams that God had planted within his spirit. He held fast to God's word concerning his life and future and refused to let it go. He would not give up or settle for his current situation. He set his sights on the promises of God and allowed God to re-position him by shifting his perspective. His circumstances became the very thing that God used to develop and promote him into a place that must have surprised even Joseph. He knew that he would rule within his family and people, but I believe that he was surprised to become second in command over all of Egypt.

God always has pleasant little surprises in store for us that are even beyond the dreams that He has shown us. He truly meant it when He said that He is doing a new thing that you do not perceive (Isaiah 43:19). This is especially true when you are contending just to continue believing what He has already revealed. If you are waiting for conditions around you to change before you can advance, you are missing your primary opportunity. The best place to start from is right where you are at. All that is necessary is that you allow God to re-position you by shifting your perspective. Through intentionally surrendering your life and future to God again, He will release to you a new perspective of faith and opportunity.

Jeremy Caris
Abiding Glory Ministries

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Originally Posted by Kimbb
I'm feeling like better about it though, yesterday I really just prayed for the spirit of loneliness to be broken...okay I'm only stopping here cuz this will get long so I'm gonna type it seperately so it looks like I'm doing work lol

Amen. I'll stand in agreement too. May the spirit of loneliness be broken for good.

Amen, I stand in agreement as well. I bind the spirit of loneliness in the name of Jesus and loose peace, contentment and godly relationships.

This is truly an annointed post...It has ministered to me in more ways than I can explain this morning. I have not had much time lately to read the posts in the CF, but for some reason I was drawn to read this post before I went about my day. The examples you used regarding providing bread and water for the Israelites is exactly the scriptures the Lord lead me to read this morning in Exodus 15 and 16. Reading your post today was just confirmation of me knowing that during this wilderness period in my life that I have to trust God daily in everything regardless of the setbacks, disappointments or frustrations. I am truly amazed by the posts from you ladies each and everytime...It shows me how real God is and how much he loves me that he is inspiring others to testify on his behalf to help me and others in some way. Thank you for this post God Bless.

Thank you. :kiss: It is encouraging to know that lessons I've learned from suffering can help somebody else - that it wasn't all in vain. :hug2:

I really don't believe that there is a spirit of loneliness, but that people can be low in spirit or have voids that only God can fill.

God has created us to be his habitation (our bodies being Temples of the Holy Spirit), so that we can maintain a relationship with Him.
1 Corinthians 3:16
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

I also am in agreement with the others that you are lifted up in spirit. Continually acknowledging God's presence in our lives (through praise, prayer and fellowship) will surely fill any voids.

Amen, I stand in agreement as well. I bind the spirit of loneliness in the name of Jesus and loose peace, contentment and godly relationships.

Thank you. :kiss: It is encouraging to know that lessons I've learned from suffering can help somebody else - that it wasn't all in vain. :hug2:
Francis Frangipane:Expect to See God's Glory!Light Shines in the Darkness

It is not enough to know God exists. If we will live in the awareness of the heavenly, we must be freed from the boundaries of the earthly. To awaken faith, the Holy Spirit will take us through times when the presence of God cannot be clearly discerned. The Lord's goal during these times is to bring to maturity our spiritual senses.

Therefore, do not accept that God has permanently hidden Himself from you, though during trials it may seem so. He is teaching us to see in the dark and to hear in the silence. He is making Himself known to our inner man so that, regardless of outer circumstances, we can continually be led by His Spirit.

To see God, beloved, it is imperative that our vision become spiritual and not just sensory. To hear God, we must learn to tune out the clamor of our fears and earthly desires. The outcome of this inner spiritual working is an increasing perception that nothing is impossible for God. The time of darkness, though it comes as an enemy, actually compels us to seek God more earnestly; we learn to even more revere God's light. Never mistake temporary darkness for permanent blindness, for today's training is the very process that opens us to see God's glory. Ultimately, we will discover the truth of what Isaiah wrote, that "the whole earth is full of [God's] glory" (Isaiah 6:3).

I had to come back and post on this because it really blessed me, especially the parts I included. When I was going through my "Egypt" phase, which lasted about 10 - 11 years, I really felt like God abandoned me. It took me YEARS to grasp this concept - He doesn't want me relying on my physical conditions and what I can see in the physical realm. I love, love, love the quote that He wants us to "see in the dark and hear in the silence." Seriously, that will be one of my guiding principles going forward. It takes strong faith to be able to see God when there is nothing but darkness around, to believe although there is no physical evidence that He is working behind the scenes for our good. :yep:
One question MSee what do you mean face up to the enemy? I think I took that wrong

In my situation there are actually people who have been slandering me, trying to mess with my marriage, and stop my progress in my startup business. Most of the culprits are familly, close, close family, who tend to just lie when you try to defend yourself, work to get you angry and if you dare show emotions they will break down and act as if you were wrong all along. Basically I've just been hearing what have been said (always someone bold enough to come to your face and gloat over what they heard), seeing what is being done and just praying, I'm tired of being "misinterpreted". Problem is for years I saw things and I just kept judging myself and allowing them to get their way. Then I had the nerve to take a bold stand against someone and to my surprise almost everyone who had told me their own stories about this person, turned on me and is doing their best to ruin my reputation and get me to go back to what I can certainly call Egypt. Everytime I think of my "got out" story I have to give God thanks. Perfectly orchestrated, I myself didn't even see it coming so fast and complete (got to break out a praise).

So to answer your question I felt like God was letting me know, the next issue that comes up with another individual, I'll have to face up to them no matter what and believe me, people who seemed to hate one another have actually banded themselves together against me. I must confess the pressure has been such that I've been in a prison like hiding but without fail everytime I step out to do something I felt God leading me to do (and I go through way too much of the "are you sure God??? Please send me a sign." thing, before I step out) I get noticed by people who I don't expect to notice me. I believe God uses those times to remind me that no matter how long the dry times He will preserve the gifts He has given me.

All of our stories may be different but the wilderness principles in the Word will work. Sometimes I feel like my biggest enemy is myself. Meaning, the fears, the hurt, letting go completely and trusting without trying to manipulate God's timing. Believing that He wants me to prosper etc.

That writing by Francis Frangipane was very timely for me also.
This thread has me on LHCF way too frequently but I had to come back and give thanks for the PRAISE HIM IN ADVANCE SONG. It works, I've walked through some things and I'm convinced God showed up faster because I was praising Him inspite of.
:lachen: I just leave it open on my browser at work and refresh it whenever I think about it lol.

I think about ya'll way too much, but I thank God that he's showing me people who are going through the same thing even if it's different

This thread has me on LHCF way too frequently but I had to come back and give thanks for the PRAISE HIM IN ADVANCE SONG. It works, I've walked through some things and I'm convinced God showed up faster because I was praising Him inspite of.
I really believe having been here/being here is more then worth it. God will make you into a living testimony!
I really believe having been here/being here is more then worth it. God will make you into a living testimony!

Yes....it is soooo tempting to ask God why He allows us to go through certain things. Some things we may never know while we are on earth. I think of the scripture that we see through a glass darkly. But other things he does reveal to us over time.

For instance, just as I had made it through my Red Sea and was getting settled in the wilderness :look: I had the opportunity to minister to 2 women who were going through experiences similar to the Egypt bondage I had just escaped from. The timing was interesting to say the least.

So sometimes God takes us through things to mature us, discipline us, etc. And other times it's so that we'll be able to help somebody else. And that makes it worthwhile! :yep: I surely wouldn't want to go back to Egypt, but it makes you feel better about the pain when somebody else can be helped as a result of your testimony. :yep:
Yes....it is soooo tempting to ask God why He allows us to go through certain things. Some things we may never know while we are on earth. I think of the scripture that we see through a glass darkly. But other things he does reveal to us over time.

For instance, just as I had made it through my Red Sea and was getting settled in the wilderness :look: I had the opportunity to minister to 2 women who were going through experiences similar to the Egypt bondage I had just escaped from. The timing was interesting to say the least.

So sometimes God takes us through things to mature us, discipline us, etc. And other times it's so that we'll be able to help somebody else. And that makes it worthwhile! :yep: I surely wouldn't want to go back to Egypt, but it makes you feel better about the pain when somebody else can be helped as a result of your testimony. :yep:

It's crazy ... the bolded was my experience this past Tuesday. With God's help (and the help of this thread) I was able to open another person's eyes to his own wilderness, which is very similar to that of Mose's.
It's crazy ... the bolded was my experience this past Tuesday. With God's help (and the help of this thread) I was able to open another person's eyes to his own wilderness, which is very similar to that of Mose's.

Had that experience today with a friend. She also ministered to me as well. As we spoke I thought about this thread and was able to speak to her situation. I was concerned when she mentioned the level of depression she fell under. She is overseas and we speak infrequently so I never realised. But when she told me how God intervened, I was glad that I had been praying for her. I sense in her situation she may be right at the edge of a breakthough but there is the temptation to accept the wilderness and not fight :nono: That last statement brought me on here. Ladies if any of you feel like you are going under just send me a pm to pray. Don't need to elaborate on you situation sometimes I know we just need to know someone's got our back.