
New Member
Hello everyone. I'm a newbie introducing myself, but not very happily. I've been lurking for almost 2 years, and my hair just won't grow. :cry: I'm so sad right now because after stretching my relaxer for 16 weeks I've made no progress at all. I want so badly to have long REAL hair like the rest you beautiful LHCF'ers, but it doesn't look like it will happen for me. I've adopted your practices, and I idolize you guys, but I don't think I'll ever be someone with long REAL hair :nono:.

I'm so discouraged right now. I dreamed of having long hair for my college graduation (May 8), but its not going to happen. For what its worth, here's my reggie:

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with Joico Kpak Reconstructor
Shampoo with Shikaiki Bar
DC with Joico KPak Intense Hydrator

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with AO HSR then rinse

Use Giovanni Direct Leave-in then rollerset or air dry

moisturize daily with coconut oil, protective style with octopus clip 24/7

Some words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

(Also, I have pics but don't know how to post)
Well for starters...you can't "moisturize" with coconut oil :nono:
you can seal with coconut oil though:grin:

And your hair is ALWAYS growing hun...you just need to work on retention:yep:
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Are you saying you did not have any NG or are your ends breaking therefore you are not retaining length? You may need to incorporate more moisture in your regiment.

I was under the assumption that coconut was a moisturizer because it penetrates the strands, but I could esaily nix this.


I feel like I have some NG, but at the same time I can't see my ends breaking either. Maybe I just don't know what breakage looks like.

I've tried various different hair, skin and nails vitamins (all which contained biotin), but they haven't made much of a difference.


I only drink water, my diet is relatively healthy, I avoid fast food, and I workout two or three times a week.
Ok, pleasee don't be discouraged! I feel the same way all the time but we're here to help with that and we can encourage each other. If your hair was breaking you would know. You would see pieces of hair all over the place. A quick way to tell if it's breaking or not, when you see a strand loose, pick it up and look at the tip. Do you see a white bulb? If you do, its not breakage, thats the natural shedding of your hair.

2ndly, How does your hair look. It sounds like you had expectations of a cascade of flowing hair but your hair kinda looks the same. Its only been 16 weeks. I'm sure you have new growth but 16 weeks is 3 months that you've been using healthy hair practices. You're not being fair to your hair. We've been doing all other kinds of stuff and we expect our hair to improve in 3 months! R we crazy!!! (And I'm not just talking to you, I'm talking to myself)

You gotta give it time. Continue with the healthy hair practices, incorporate a good moisturizer and seal with the coconut oil. Im sure you will see results soon enough!

BTW, as I wrote this to you i realize i need to take my own advice so Im off to be more patient with my body and hair!
Yeah you probably dont really notice breakage(unless it's severe) until its a year later and your hair is still the same length:ohwell:


I was under the assumption that coconut was a moisturizer because it penetrates the strands, but I could esaily nix this.


I feel like I have some NG, but at the same time I can't see my ends breaking either. Maybe I just don't know what breakage looks like.

I've tried various different hair, skin and nails vitamins (all which contained biotin), but they haven't made much of a difference.


I only drink water, my diet is relatively healthy, I avoid fast food, and I workout two or three times a week.
How long do you leave the reconstructor in? And how long do you leave the moisturizing DC in afterwards?

How does your hair feel? Is it brittle or dry? Or does it feel soft and moist? It's not an absolute truth that you can't moisturize with coconut oil because there are ladies who do it with success. It's completely dependent on how your hair in particular feels about coconut oil.

And I find that with breakage, sometimes you can't see it in your hair, especially if the hair is breaking all over, and not just in one spot. But you can usually see it in your environment. Are you noticing little hairs in the sink, on your clothes, or on the floor? Or when you comb your hair, are you seeing lots of hairs that lack a white bulb on the tip in the comb?
I say just get rid of the coconut oil and try to use a creamy moisturizer and seal w/ a oil like jojoba or grapeseed.
Hi first of all, don't get discouraged yet. We've all hit hard times at some point in our journey and some how manage to get through it. Secondly, are you taking pictures during your journey. At lot of times your hair is growing and retaining but you don't always notice it just by looking in the mirror. Try documentating your progress during each step.

Next, as it was mentioned before it could be the clip you have chosen to use that is causing breakage. Try switching up positions every day. Or you could be pulling your hair back too tight when you use it causing breakage. Be gently and moisturize.

Lastly, enjoy your hair care journey. Life is too short and you should try to enjoy every minute of it and your hair! Don't worry, you will get to your goal soon enough with hard work and patience.

BTW good luck with the rest of your semester congrats on being a 2010 graduate.
I don't think it is necessary to use any vitamins or suppements, shoot I don't think it is even necessary to eat healthy (although is will optimize you health and possily your growth) because you hair will grow regardless, unless you have some underlying medical condition.
If your hair is not getting any longer despite having new growth, it can only be one of two things; either it's breaking or you're trimming too much.
If it's breaking you might need a good trim AND/OR use some kind of protein treatment to strengthen the hair.
If you're trimming too often..the solution is obvious.

I believe the key to retaining lenght is a perfect moisture/protein balance and leaving it alone.
Good luck and happy hair growing..and don't give up, patience is alpha and omega in growing long hair.
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Hello everyone. I'm a newbie introducing myself, but not very happily. I've been lurking for almost 2 years, and my hair just won't grow. :cry: I'm so sad right now because after stretching my relaxer for 16 weeks I've made no progress at all. I want so badly to have long REAL hair like the rest you beautiful LHCF'ers, but it doesn't look like it will happen for me. I've adopted your practices, and I idolize you guys, but I don't think I'll ever be someone with long REAL hair :nono:.

I'm so discouraged right now. I dreamed of having long hair for my college graduation (May 8), but its not going to happen. For what its worth, here's my reggie:

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with Joico Kpak Reconstructor
Shampoo with Shikaiki Bar
DC with Joico KPak Intense Hydrator

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with AO HSR then rinse

Use Giovanni Direct Leave-in then rollerset or air dry

moisturize daily with coconut oil, protective style with octopus clip 24/7

Some words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

(Also, I have pics but don't know how to post)

Sounds like you have a retention issue. You may not need the reconstructor each week (isn't that a protein?) it may be causing dryness. I would err on the side of moisture and only use protein when needed. Also as a relaxed head, we tend to have porosity issues so you may need to use a pc product after the dc to ensure your cuticles are closed.

I also agree with the poster who said to try a different moisturizer. You should be able to tell if your hair is properly hydrated by the way it feels when it is completely dry. Is it soft and smooth to the touch or crunchy and brittle feeling?
Here are some pics:

May 2008


Dec 2009


March 2010


I do all of my DC's for about 30 min., and my hair is usually pretty soft afterwards. But I thought I had my breakage under control because I used to have small hairs all over the back of my shirt (a classmate once asked me if I owned a cat...I don't). Now its just a few hairs here and there.

But I can assess my daily moisturizing, and try to pay closer attention to my retention. And I'll try to move my clip position more often, as I move it every other week. Thanks for everyone's input.
Don't be too despondent FierceFeminist. It's all a learning processing. You need to learn about what you hair's likes and dislikes are and also fit them into your personality. Some people took years to get to their goals but if you keep sourcing for information you will definitely get there.

Everyone is different and there is no quick trip to healthy long hair. Don't give up, you'll get there!!!
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What relaxer are you using? What strength? Who's doing them? Do you think your hair is possibly being overprocessed? You can do all the deep treatments in the world and have the perfect and "ideal" regimine, but if you are overprocessing and damaging your hair, they will have little effect on your hair health and retention.

Have to get to the root of what's causing the breakage.
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I know it's frustrating not seeing the growth you desire, but your hair is growing. You just need to learn how to retain the growth.

The ladies have offered some good suggestions, especially getting a good moisturizer and using the coconut oil to seal.

I'd like to add that using the
Joico Kpak Reconstructor followed by the Shikaiki bar sounds drying. The reconstructor has protein and the Shikaiki bar is naturally drying for some ladies.

Try using a moisturizing shampoo after using the Kpak Reconstructor. Also you may not need to use the Kpak Reconstructor every week.

I'm sure you will see your growth once you make the changes to your regimen.
What relaxer are you using? What strength? Who's doing them? Do you think your hair is possibly being overprocessed? You can do all the deep treatments in the world and have the perfect regimine, but if you are overprocessing and damaging your hair, they will have little effect on your hair health and retention.

Have to get to the base of what's causing the breakage.

A local stylist does my relaxer. She uses Mizani Medium/Normal, but I don't think she overprocesses because she doesn't leave it on for an extended amount of time. As soon as its done processing, she washes it out.

I know it's frustrating not seeing the growth you desire, but your hair is growing. You just need to learn how to retain the growth.

The ladies have offered some good suggestions, especially getting a good moisturizer and using the coconut oil to seal.

I'd like to add that using the Joico Kpak Reconstructor followed by the Shikaiki bar sounds drying. The reconstructor has protein and the Shikaiki bar is naturally drying for some ladies.

Try using a moisturizing shampoo after using the Kpak Reconstructor. Also you may not need to use the Kpak Reconstructor every week.

I'm sure you will see your growth once you make the changes to your regimen.

You're right, it is extremely frustrating. I try to do so much, and I get hair length that's exactly the same for my efforts. I'll definitely cut down on the Kpak use, and find a better shampoo.
Okay I'm seeing a reconstructer every week. That's protein. It depends but not all people need that much protein. I don't need any. I'm a natural and my hair is growing just fine without it. However, the relaxed heads don't all use heavy protein on a weekly basis. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

You have to start feeling out what works for your hair. Coconut oil actually can be a moisturizer...it's one of the only oils that penetrate the hair shaft. I use it, or argan oil, but it could just not work for YOU. I'd check on the reconstructor before I abandon coconut oil. It moisturizes and strengthens hair. It's a must for me but that's just my opinion.
Hmm, I agree with the others, how does your hair feel?
maybe leaving in the joico kpak reconstructor fro 30 mins may be too much? maybe you should use it as directed? for a minute?

Have you considered cowashing with a moisturizing conditioner? I noticed that when I incorporated frequent cowashing into my regimen, I didn't have a problem with dryness. Plus it really helped me with retention?
Hmm, I agree with the others, how does your hair feel?
maybe leaving in the joico kpak reconstructor fro 30 mins may be too much? maybe you should use it as directed? for a minute?

My hair usually does feel kind of dry following my weekly shampoo and the Kpak, but it feels better when I DC again later in the week with a moisture condish. But I could probably eliminate some of the dryness by cutting down on the frequency of the Kpak.
I think just because you got an account and are asking for help is a very good step in the right direction.. if you ever need anymore help just ask. Sorry I don't have any good advice.. i have a question tho.. what are you doing to your hair after you are done DCing? What are your leave ins, and what is your method for drying your hair. (Opps never mind you answered that :look:)
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I think just because you got an account and are asking for help is a very good step in the right direction.. if you ever need anymore help just ask. Sorry I don't have any good advice.. i have a question tho.. what are you doing to your hair after you are done DCing? What are your leave ins, and what is your method for drying your hair.

Thanks 20Something, and after I DC I use Giovanni Direct Leave-In, and I either air dry or rollerset and sit under my hooded dryer. I only use water to rollerset my hair.
Hello everyone. I'm a newbie introducing myself, but not very happily. I've been lurking for almost 2 years, and my hair just won't grow. :cry: I'm so sad right now because after stretching my relaxer for 16 weeks I've made no progress at all. I want so badly to have long REAL hair like the rest you beautiful LHCF'ers, but it doesn't look like it will happen for me. I've adopted your practices, and I idolize you guys, but I don't think I'll ever be someone with long REAL hair :nono:.

I'm so discouraged right now. I dreamed of having long hair for my college graduation (May 8), but its not going to happen. For what its worth, here's my reggie:

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with Joico Kpak Reconstructor
Shampoo with Shikaiki Bar
DC with Joico KPak Intense Hydrator

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with AO HSR then rinse

Use Giovanni Direct Leave-in then rollerset or air dry

moisturize daily with coconut oil, protective style with octopus clip 24/7

Some words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

(Also, I have pics but don't know how to post)

Do you wear your hear up almost all the time? I find this is crucial to me for retention.