Hi Fierce Fem,

Unfortunately, I can't offer any advice but I'm posting to tell you that you're not alone. I have the same problem. A few months ago, I kinda gave up cause I wasn't seeing any substantial growth but I think I'm going to try again. It seems like some people just have faster growing hair no matter what they do. There is a lady who works in the same building that I work in who cut her hair down to a really cute short style last summer. Her hair is already about the same length as ours and she claims to not do anything special to her hair. Go figure. Hang in there. Best to ya.
^^ GrowingMyGlory, it feels good to know that someone understands where I'm going. I'm gonna try and hang in there, and you do the same!
Your hair looks to be damaged to me. I'd say try braids or sew in for a ps.(also a slight trim would help)
:bighug::hiya: and :welcome3:

From the pics, I would blame a lil on your clip. Can you weave it or braid it up for a few months? Join us in the Jheri Juice Challenge. You hair may benefit from the extra moisture since you havent used much over the last two years.
:bighug::hiya: and :welcome3:

From the pics, I would blame a lil on your clip. Can you weave it or braid it up for a few months? Join us in the Jheri Juice Challenge. You hair may benefit from the extra moisture since you havent used much over the last two years.

Thanks for the welcome! I know absolutely nothing about weaves or braids, so I fear that I would be doing more harm than good. I think I'll just try to bun smarter. And I will definitely look into the "juice" lol, since I'm in the market for a new moisturizer.
From the pics it definitely looks like it's breaking. I think it's protein overload. You've tried that regimen for 2 years now, it's time to try something different. I say stop using the reconstructor and the bar and try a shampoo like Elasta qp conditioning shampoo.

Also, that breakage in the middle looks like it's coming from the clip that you're using to hold your protective style or the way you tie your scarf at night. My suggestion is to comb your hair straight back and tie your scarf in the front so that the knot is on your forehead.

Good luck. Don't give up, you can definitely do it. :)

One last suggestion, do your own relaxers. That way you know there won't be any overlap, improper neutralization or insufficient rinsing.

ETA: I don't use any protein, so it's possible you may not need any at all.
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I'm sorry that you are feeling discouraged. When I see posts like this, I always look at the member's join date. I see that you joined this month--welcome, by the way!

Just because you recently joined does not necessarily mean that you've just begun taking care of you hair. But with newbies, I usually assume so (unless and until they tell me differently). From there, I like to remind newbies that starting a healthy hair regimen and journey is a wonderful thing, but you should not expect instant results. Depending on how you were taking care of your hair prior to the adoption of your healthy hair practices, you will still have some of the "ill-treated" hair on your head and it will not magically become healthy with your new practices.

For example, if Tina used a blow dryer and flat iron on her hair weekly just as recently as 4 months ago and now she has a new regimen where she doesn't use heat, she can still expect the heat damaged hair to be on her head. This hair is still weak hair and ultimately, Tina will see the condition of her hair improve with her healthier regimen AND as the damaged hair is gradually trimmed (or breaks) off. But the point is that *that* hair will still have issues regardless of the change in regimen. Tina's new regimen is preventing damage to new hair, but may only act as a band-aid for previously damaged hair.

You said you stretched for 16 weeks. That's something that one has to be really experienced to know how to do. A 16 weeks stretch shouldn't be sudden, but rather one should build up to that level. Doing this without experience could cause major problems.

Wishing you the best, please PM if you would like more help. I've been here since 2002, so I know a thing or two!
Hmm...do you happen to be anemic? Your might want to get some blood work because it may be something internal hindering your progress. The rollersetting may also be to much manipulation, especially if you have fine strands. You might want to add more moisturizing products as leave-ins to your regimen as well. I'm wishing you a Happy Hair Journey :)
Welcome Fierce! You're definitely in the right place to get the best advice. Have you been dealing with a lot of stress over the past year? Cut back on the protein and up the moisturizing. Try some protective styles using only bobby pins and ask LHCF to recommend a fierce weaveologist for your graduation. HHG!
Hmm...do you happen to be anemic? Your might want to get some blood work because it may be something internal hindering your progress. The rollersetting may also be to much manipulation, especially if you have fine strands. You might want to add more moisturizing products as leave-ins to your regimen as well. I'm wishing you a Happy Hair Journey :)

Actually I'm not anemic, but that does make me wonder if there may be something going on internally as well. I will definitely that into consideration, along with my retention problems. And thanks for the well wishes!
Just curious, do you mean not growing or not retaining? b/c your hair is always growing. If you felt your scalp and sometimes feel curly new growth your hair is probably breaking off, making growth unnoticable.

Maybe you could start talking vitamins. Such as B-complex, Biotin, and/or MSM and see what happens after a month or two.
Hello everyone. I'm a newbie introducing myself, but not very happily. I've been lurking for almost 2 years, and my hair just won't grow. :cry: I'm so sad right now because after stretching my relaxer for 16 weeks I've made no progress at all. I want so badly to have long REAL hair like the rest you beautiful LHCF'ers, but it doesn't look like it will happen for me. I've adopted your practices, and I idolize you guys, but I don't think I'll ever be someone with long REAL hair :nono:.

I'm so discouraged right now. I dreamed of having long hair for my college graduation (May 8), but its not going to happen. For what its worth, here's my reggie:

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with Joico Kpak Reconstructor
Shampoo with Shikaiki Bar
DC with Joico KPak Intense Hydrator

1X Week:
DC on dry hair with AO HSR then rinse

Use Giovanni Direct Leave-in then rollerset or air dry

moisturize daily with coconut oil, protective style with octopus clip 24/7

Some words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.

(Also, I have pics but don't know how to post)

Welcome to the board! Unless you have a medical condition your is growing. but you aren't retaining any length. Looking at your regimen i see you're using a reconstructer every week. That might be a bit much. Then you are using the shikakai bar. I LOVE my shikakai bar and everything Ayurveda, but you ALWAYS have to oil your scalp & hair before washing with any ayurvedic products. Maybe you can switch up between the shikakai bar and a good moisturizing sulfate free shampoo.

If you want to use protein every week i would suggest Aubrey Organics GPB. It is a light protein and very good. I've never used any Joico products before but i know a lot them have protein in them.

Giovanni direct leave-in is a very good conditioner, but it also has protein in it. Maybe your hair can't handle all this protein.

How often do you clarify and are you using a shampoo that is specifically for that?

How do you deep condition? with heat? with a shower cap on? for how long?

Coconut oil is great but it also has protein in it. I usually add it to DCs but don't seal with it cause it can make my hair hard.

I would suggest a moisturizing leave in like Elucence moisture balancing conditioner. It can also be used as a deep conditioner.

Have you ever tried sealing with any types of butters like shea butter or something with with a butter in it?

When you rollerset are you using a heat protectant? Are the rollers too tight?

and what is your protective style with the clip? are your ends hanging out of it or are they tucked away from the elements? maybe the clip is pulling too much at your hair. i like to use those ouchless no metal elastic bands to put my hair in protective styles

You know this my second time doing a big cut. in 2002 I cut it off and thought I was going to have my hair back in order, 6 years went by and I notice that my hair never gotten back to the length it was. it was growing because there was new growth of grey and I was using henna to cover it. It would never get longer than my just past my shoulders. I realize it was the henna that was given me breakage. I stop using it but I used a chemical and there was my second big cut.
This time I am listening to my hair about what it likes. dec 2008 I took it down to 1/4 inch and just in this 1 yr I had 6 inches of growth. I am almost at the length it was before I did the final cut. One thing I did learn is that you can not use everything that everyone else is using on their hair, so you have to keep trying and your hair will tell you what it likes.
You may not be at your goal on graduation but you may get there before the yr is out. Find someone on here that has hair close to yours and try their regi or keep looking on the youtube to find your hair match.
Welcome FierceFeminist! The ladies on this board always give great advice. I agree with the other ladies that use coconut oil, that vatika (a coconut based oil) and castor oil have really helped me along. I'm a natural that does need some protein now and then but not too much. I noticed you said when you do roller sets you only use water. Maybe your hair needs something a little thicker to do your roller sets with? I know my hair would not go for that and would be very dry and crunchy if I used only water. Also what really helped me to stop breakage was using a silk/satin scarf and pillow case at night. At any rate I hope you find what works for YOU. I just had to learn to listen to my hair and obey it...when it doesn't like something vs loving a product. So cheer up and I hope it turns around for you and I'm sure it will!
Hey FierceFeminist I noticed that your hair has the same pattern of breakage mine had five years ago when I wore it down and also in a banana clip all the time!!! That Inverted V is exactly what those clips will do to you. I am convinced that the plastic from those things does something to fragile hair.

Lemme give you some info on my hair- it's fine and it splits easily, but it is dense. It needs a good balance of moisture and protein, and not just one over the other. The length was similar to yours five years ago (2005). My problem was I never got trims then, I never DCed, I never PSed off my shoulders, and I never moisturized or sealed. From 2005 to 2007, when I had a major trim to even my hair out and went to a new stylist who insisted on DCing and also did rollersets my hair hadgrown from your length to a few inches below collar bone. What changed in this time was DCing every wash. I still didnt do the rest.

Now my hair is reaching BSL (still having trouble due to hair that's prone to split genetically) with doing the opposite of what I wasnt doing.

I understand that you are doing everything right. Stick with the airydrying, wear it up more often, ditch the octopus clip for a little while, protect with a satin scarf when sleeping or anytime you can, moisturize and seal (find a good moisturizer. I use Nourish and Shine or Profective and then I seal with castor oil which has helped tremendously), and cut back the reconstructor use to twice a month for now. I would also say to DC on damp hair with a plastic camp under a hooded dryer or blow dryer for the 30 mins.
I also want to add that you should cut back on shampooing. Do it maybe every three washes and use one that is moisturizing like Keracare Detangling or Nexxus therapee.