Why waist length/butt length?


New Member
I know that this is a forum for people who desire/want to care for long hair...but if my hair was waist lenth I would die!!! Maybe its because I dont relax, so past shoulder length my hair starts to need more attention. But when I was relaxed I never wanted hair longer than bra strap length because it seems like some styles just aren't the same on extemely long hair. I guess my questions are:

* What would/do you do with waist length/tailbone length hair? How do you wash and style it? Is that extra at the salon?

* Is there anyone with natural hair that wants this length? (It probably wouldn't be as noticable with shrinkage) How would you care for it?
Hi NubianAngel,

I think that for many black women, the desire to grow waistlength hair comes from years of people telling us that we can't have that length hair. It's like wanting to prove the whole world wrong!!! You know? /images/graemlins/smile.gif
posted by NubianAngel
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
* What would/do you do with waist length/tailbone length hair? How do you wash and style it? Is that extra at the salon?

* Is there anyone with natural hair that wants this length? (It probably wouldn't be as noticable with shrinkage) How would you care for it?

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Hi NubianAngel!

My own personal goal is mid back length hair pressed.

I've seen ladies with waist length/tailbone length hair wear it in braids, locs, presses and relaxers. I'm almost certain these ladies would be charged extra because I've been charged extra for my hair which is between midback and shoulder length pressed.

The subject of "why long hair" was recently discussed on our board a few weeks ago. You may find some answers in that thread also.
Why long Hair????

edited to add a second link discussing long, natural hair:

NubianAngel, here's a second discussion relating to your questions.
What will long natural hair be like?
Amen pebbles. I have been actually thinking that for me waistlength wouldn't be so nice. The longer your hair, the thinner it looks and for me waistlenth I think would make my hair look skimpy. It's bs now and I'd like a little longer but that's about it. I think if it were waist, I'd have to curl it everyday to get fullness and then it wouldn't be waist for long...
There are many styles that can be achieved with waist or longer hair. Think "Juliet" , or some romantic medieval style, or victorian, or how about a bunch single braids, how about those braids with more than three braided sections, try one of those Greco-Roman hair styles for the evening (study the statues), make a twisted up bun, a low bun, medium bun, high bun. There is so much you can do. Long hair can do more than just be there. We (black women ) aren't used to ultra long hair, so we must be creative when we achieve it.
I can't wait to achieve that length, so I can create styles I have always dreamed of.

I agree. That is a little too long for my taste. Sure it looks nice but it would take hours to wash and even longer to dry.Let's not even mention styling. I am a "get up and go" girl myself. Just wouldn't be able to handle it. I would lose my damn mind and just cut it back to shoulder length. Then I would come back here to you all to grow it back. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
You see my picture of aaliyah. I like her length. Beautiful for wraps, curls, buns etc.
<font color="purple">Personally, I'd like my hair to mid-back length which is maybe 3 inches past bra-strap length. I think you could still do a lot of cute styles with it and if you ask me the longer your hair is the more versatile you can be (unless it's like Crystal Gale's). Also, it'll be easier to put up and I love up-dos! Also, the people I see with hair that long it doesn't seem really thin to me, maybe one reason is it's easier to do protective styles with long hair and I know even when my hair was shoulder length it came out better air-dryed the longer it is because the weight of the hair straightens it. Also, like someone mentioned to prove that we (black women) can grow our hair that long! /images/graemlins/grin.gif </font color>
I have always wanted super-long hair.

I am with hada on the medieval, victorian, and Greco-Roman styles. There are 2 hair books out by this guy (I forget his name) called, "How to dress long hair." The styles are mind-blowing. I don't always personally like the styles that are done on shorter hair, and could definitely live without them. I wear wigs of styles like these if I want a change or fancy style now.

I am certain that I will be able to do it myself. At first I thought it would be hard to deal with, even though I wanted it anyway. After some research, actually, I think it will be easier in some ways, as the curls will be stretched out and weighed down by the hair as it gets longer. I also probably wouldn't trust anybody at a salon to do it, unless I knew for a fact of a place that worked with hair of that texture and length ( I don't know of any now), and it wouldn't be that often if I did decide to go.

I have natural hair and I want it at least under my butt pressed . I would probably let it grow as long as it wanted to. Partly that would be just because I could, and also just because some people might think I can't. I would probably have to make some adjustments, but I would likely care for it along the same lines as I now do it.
Why? I'ts ultra feminine.

What would I do with it? Wear it long with the ends curled in those big ribbon curls...or in a big beautiful bun made from braids and/or twists with pretty accesories.

I want long hair for the sake of having it - not so much for the styling options. Because I think at the end of the day it's the ultimate in femininity. I enjoy taking care of my hair. I imagine it will be harder to take care of once longer, but I only do rollersets so I'll probably just do what I do now but more often - go to Dominican Salons for rollersets once a week. I do that now - just not every single week because I can manage it on my own. When i dont do that it'll certainly be easier to put it into a pretty wet bun.

I also think the ends don't have to be thinner on longer hair if it's well taken care of.

Wanakee was my inspiration for waist length hair. It seems like its long enough for me to know that I can actually grow long hair, but not too long to handle.
Since I plan on getting to that length by not over styling my hair, I would do the same thing at waist length.

And, I am only 5'3 so waist length on me is only 4 inches longer than bra strap length, anyway.
For Hada, Tracy, and others interested in long styles-

Here are some links. I got the name of the book wrong. It is Patrick Cameron's "Dressing Long Hair."


Don't forget to click on the link at the bottom, which has pictures for his second book. I am thinking about getting both now, just in case they go out of print for some reason.

The next one has lots of intricate braid styles and instructions.


Enjoy!!! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
When i was a child it was nice and long i kind of miss it a little but, My mother took very good care of it.I too can take good care of it at that length. Current length mid back. Note (it's not as thick like in my childhood) that I do miss. Happy Hair Growing! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
i personally spent WAY more time doing my hair when it was shorter than i do now. i couldn't just pull it back in a bun and go. it was too short. i always HAD to do something to it. i would imagine that it will be simpler as it gets longer. also, i've seen quite a few sistahs with waist length braids. i've worn them myself. i'm really glad to see so many of us now trying to grow it instead of just buying it. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

since i'm trying to grow longer hair, why aim for the curb? i like dreaming big. you ask "why?"... i ask "why not?" /images/graemlins/grin.gif

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
There are many styles that can be achieved with waist or longer hair. Think "Juliet" , or some romantic medieval style, or victorian, or how about a bunch single braids, how about those braids with more than three braided sections, try one of those Greco-Roman hair styles for the evening (study the statues), make a twisted up bun, a low bun, medium bun, high bun. There is so much you can do. Long hair can do more than just be there. We (black women ) aren't used to ultra long hair, so we must be creative when we achieve it.
I can't wait to achieve that length, so I can create styles I have always dreamed of.

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Excellent post, hada. I was about to say hair beyond my shoulder blades probably wouldn't earn its keep, but your post has made me consider a different perspective.
You know now that i'm wearing waist-length twists and see how long that really is for me (I'm 5'10" with a long torso) I was starting to think that waist length was too much hair for me. But that braid styles link you gave has rekindled my desire to see if I can hit that goal. Some of those braids were SO beautiful!
I'm 5'10" too, and over 6ft. when I wear heels, which is most of the time. I think waist length hair would just add to the "Glamazon" image I have of myself. I think it would be that much more striking to see this super tall woman with super long, healthy hair. I cut my hair super short and kept it that way for 3 years, now I want to go to the other extreme. I think long hair is ultra feminine. I do miss being able to get up and go and still have fantastic hair though. I got more hair compliments with my Halle Berry cut than I do now.

Question,how does one know if they have a long torso?
The best way to tell is when you put on a bathing suit or a jumpsuit. Longer torso tends to stretch them more and sometimes looks funny. I look much better in a 2 piece than a 1 piece bathing suit.
Yes for me, it is about what was said before me, ultra feminine. I must admit I would enjoy the attention /images/graemlins/smirk.gif I feel that longer hair is much easier to take care of than shorter hair. I have forgotten the "pain" it takes to style a short do. I can't wait for mine to grow back out, atleast the ends will be thicker, I can tell it is growing already from the cut I gave myslef earlier this month.
You think like me concerning those heels!! I am about 5'8" and add 3-4 inches to that in heels. Giiirlll just wait! just wait! Hey, I could put on my rose attar oil, heels, newly shaped body and let the hair flow.

I agree with Adrienne...for me shorter hair was more time consuming . But I must add, longer hair was far more frustrating to dry (the longer it was, the THICKER it was, or at least it seemed)! Years ago, my hair was a few inches from waist length, then I cut it "Halle Berry" style, thinking it would be much easier to manage. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening! /images/graemlins/shocked.gif I spend tons more time with my shorter hair than I did with the longer hair. I was used to the "get up &amp; go pony tail style", or the quick "french roll", or even the "single french braid down the middle"...well with short hair, I HAD TO CURL IT, ROLL IT, BRUSH IT, OR PRETTY MUCH TAME IT, to keep it from sticking out like a porcupine! Now, I'm growing it back to waist length because I want the style variety that I had grown accustomed to. Don't get me wrong, my current (near bra strap) length gives me alot of style variety...but I want what I had before....more!
I think I have always wanted longer hair, since I was a little girl, my mother always had long hair, but I never had her texture. I have had very short hair which was fine at the time, when I was growing up my hair never reached longer that earlope length, maybe when it was relaxed, it was collar length, which took nearly 18 months. It was only when I had the curly perm, then my hair grew very fast, and the length reached past my shoulders only to break, even when my hair was relaxed my sides were very weak, and always had thin and see through ends now matter what I did. My hair is naturally fine, but it looks thick, since I have started taking my supplements, exercising, swimming,and rinsing my hair on a regular basis, I am suprised at the length, the growth, the texture in such a short space of time. In July my hair stretched was to the middle of my earlobe, now in November it is past my earlobes, my back hair is now just past the join between my neck and shoulders, I also coloured my hair twice, and I swim twice a week in the summer. I have spent a lot of time researching my hair, plus I find I can wash and go and plus my cousin told me I can't get long hair, because I am not mixed, black hair is so difficult to look after. I am looking forward to seeing her in the Summer 2003, where my hair will be a lot longer. I have more hair now, than I will I was young girl and I am looking forward to the future of my hair.
-I love my below waist hair lenght because it feels really good on my back when I wear a dress with a naked back. My hair feels also good to the touch.
- I love when my hubby combs my hair it feels sooooo good.

it is actually easy to take care of. I mostly wear buns, but I also wear two braids, French braid, 1 braid, a bun made of a braid. chop-sticks, and other up doo. My mom has the same hair type with me and she has natural hair, and waist long. she wears buns and braids like me.
Re: Why waist length/butt length?looonnngg.....

my reason for wanting long hair stems to when i was a child(getting deep lol)...i come from a mixed backround, my mom is PuertoRican , and my dad is African America, so out of all of my siblings my hair was the kinkiest, my mom never know how to deal with my texture wich is a combo of 3c-4a...
so she used to chop off all of my hair into an afro, i used to begg her not to and cry, but she could not deal, while all the rest of my sisters had long relaxed hair, i had the afro that i hated,( i love natural hair now), as i got older my sister would cornrow my hair in this terrible style but my hair never seemed to grow because i guess of the ends being dry and breaking off, then on to the drippy jheri curl wich would burn the crap out of my scalp ...so no growth there....as i got older i had to learn how to do my own hair but my secret obssion was looonngg hair, so i taught myself how to put in extensions..i wore mega long braids for years, and i mean years, i would not wash my hair ...gross i know ...i would just take the single briad out and rebraid it smaller...like mini micros, i did this for a long time abusing my hair by neglecting to wash and condition my hair and from that came growth but mega breakedge!! my sides were done! all broken off and my hair in diffrent lenghths, when i would take my hair out i would go to a salon and get a relaxer and chop it off to a short style and a few months later rebraid to a really long braided hair style then on to tight weaves and more broken hair, not knowing how to care for my hair underneath but wanting long hair so badly i always had to weave it or braid it, finally i started searching the web for tips on hair health and hearing my sisters talking about a hair forum that they used to visit concerning hair health and growing, and thus i found these places where these women of color whee growing there hair like i wanted to do!! and i am still here...lol....so you see we all have diffrent reasons for wanting long hair, this is the first time in my LIFE i am growing my hair and i really excited about it, ive wanted it all my life, and now i have the education and theknowledge to do it!!
Re: Why waist length/butt length?looonnngg.....

wow asummertyme, i didn't realize how much you have been through with your hair. i hope you reach your hair goals!

i don't really want waist or butt length naptural hair because i believe my hair would either stop growing or break off due to fragility before then. also, i think it could mean triple the tangles and knotting when it shrinks as i wash. i hope for bra strap in 2005.
My hair has always been about an inch past bra strap and I always cut it up to about two inches above the strap so now i'm just seeing how long it will get if i don't bother it.
Personally i think it's up to that person to grow there hair that length, i doubt that would suit me though, personally i think it doesn't look to "sexy" when it's really long (past the waist). And the body is lost, thats just my opinion i'd go a little bass b/s but thats it