Why These Black Men Dont Date Interracially (video)


Well-Known Member
Stumbled across this on Youtube and it made my heart smile to her these men discuss their love for Black women, why they prefer them and coming to the realization that a lot of Black men chase "others" because 1) There's an agenda to erase blackness 2) a lot of black men are running away from their struggles 3) They love themselves as Black Men, and Black Women are the perfect, natural fit for them.

Oh, and of course we're the definition of beauty #blackgirlmagic!

Favorite quote about how our twisted experience as Blacks in America impact our men psychologically: When some Black men see Black women it reminds them of slavery, when they see white women, it's freedom.

A lot of the things mentioned here have been discussed on this forum, great to hear it from men.
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