Why the "looser" texture in the back?

Where is your loosest texture?

  • Center

    Votes: 20 3.8%
  • Middle

    Votes: 30 5.7%
  • Back

    Votes: 347 65.5%
  • Front

    Votes: 126 23.8%
  • Same Texture All Over

    Votes: 7 1.3%

  • Total voters
My texture is looser at the front. Like when i relaxed i thought my hair was gonna appear longer. But it was the same length. Now i'm transitioning my hair is growing back the same way i remember it.
the back of my hair is much looser than the rest...its actually a joy to detangle...it seems like it grows more because it breaks less.
i'm the opposite... my looser texture is in the front of my head. i kept if pulled back with hair bands to keep from looking crazy.

well now that my hair has grown some more, i see that the looser texture kinda makes a halo around my head. the crown is 4a/b and the rest is looser and silky. its whatever though. i still use a headband to disguise the differences. ♥
Im 9 months into my transition and just noticed this also.. the back of my head is 3c whilst the crown is 4b & thick,.,. very weird..
Weird. My tightest curls are at my nape and up through the back of my head. My hairstylist said that was "typical."

So what have y'all been calling "the kitchen?" (I have always called my nape area, "The forest.")
I've noticed that the back of my hair is just silkier and softer, but actually the middle of my head is the loosest. Who would have ever guessed that one could have so many texture differences.
Ok, so I have been transitioning for the last 16 months give or take and I have a pretty good idea of my texture. I have some 3c curls in the back of my scalp, a bunch of crazy kink around the edges and a piece around the bang area that doesn't want to curl to save its life.:nono:


I thought I was weird at first for having all of these textures, but the more that I stalk fotkis, the more that i see natural heads that resemble my own head.

More frequently, I see and hear ladies talk about having a looser curl pattern in the back of their head. I was wondering if any of you ladies might be able to shed some light on why that is.

Oh, and I WILL keep bumping until I get responses.... I'm just sayin':look:

I have the same sort of pattern, I also noticed this when I was natural. The hair at the middle of my nape up to just below the occipital bone is loose 3c curls. The rest of it is tight kinky coils especially the crown.
My hair is looser and softer in the front and around the crown but less defined and prone to frizz. The closer you get to the back curls are tight but very defined. When I pressed my hair during my transition to natural, the back was prettier (defined curls, shiny) but very tough to straightened compared to the front. The back is still very easily tangled now.
I have different textures & curl patterns on my head:lachen:

It is very fine & 3b in the back(the easiest to moisturize & detangle). Fine 3b sorta 3c, and very frizzy in the front. Sides(around my ears) is 4a. The middle is VERY dense, a lil coarse 3c/4a.

But my back is still the loosest(sp?)..and i dont know why.
Mine is looser in both the back and the front of my hair. They both hang and have an elongated curl while my sides and middle are extremely tight and shrink more
I have completely 3c, straight(as in not coarse)hair in the back of my head, and 4a/4b everywhere else. Why? I don't know. My hair retains better back there, is fuller, is completely even..I just don't know. Honestly it pisses me off. :rolleyes:

I took a brief survey of a few friends and every one of them has a different texture in the back of their head. Maybe the way the follicles are angled? Who knows.
my hair is looser in the back as well. i'm 3c with sprouts of 4a, but the back is 3b. I took the reason being is because that part grows downward instead of out. there's so much to our heads. i haven't read the entire thread yet, but will sub.
my texture is pretty much the same all around my head but
i did vote that the back or kitchen area is a weeeeeeeee bit
looser. the only other major difference i can feel is that the front
of my hair and the hair around my ears are a lot more nappier. my
middle and back are the same in texture it's just the sides and front
that wont cooperate
I have loose texture in the front, but one long crazy loose strand in the back. I've cut it once thinking it was relax end left but it just plain crazy loose strand of hair.
I was surprised to find that my "kitchen" was a looser texture instead of a tighter one. Go figure. I haven't found the reason though.
Weird. My tightest curls are at my nape and up through the back of my head. My hairstylist said that was "typical."

So what have y'all been calling "the kitchen?" (I have always called my nape area, "The forest.")

I call it "the kitchen", but my best friend refers to that area as her "garden". :lachen:
Mine is looser and silkier in the nape and its probably considered 4a. but as u go further up and toward the crow/front its 4b. I'm transitioning and I don't think I'd ever do a wash and go bc of the inconsistency in the textures- I have random frizz some places and then random curls here and there.

My mother's hair is looser in the back and so is her mother's. So I'ma say it may be hereditary.
my crown is the loosest & i hate that one part...i wish i had tight curls all over




^^^Your hair is gorgeous! My crown is the most loose and thick, and my nape the tightest, kinkiest and most fine. I have to be extra careful with it. I had no idea till I came to this board that most people had softer/silkier napes. Maybe that's why stylist never knew what to do with my nape/kitchen area.
old thread, but my 2 cents:

I've not had a relaxer in 6 months. I haven't seen this much of my natural hair since I was a child. My nape hair is looser as well. I have always kind of thought it had something to do with gravity. The hair at the nape is located in such a spot that it has no choice but to "hang" and the hang creates pull. (?)
Ok, so I have been transitioning for the last 16 months give or take and I have a pretty good idea of my texture. I have some 3c curls in the back of my scalp, a bunch of crazy kink around the edges and a piece around the bang area that doesn't want to curl to save its life.:nono:

Man u just described my hair to a T!!
Honestly, I think it has to do with human biology and heat.

Heat escapes from our heads, hence why we wear caps in the winter, to contain the heat. Heat rises. Afro hair is tightly coiled because of evolutionary adjustment to hot weather in Africa. So, it makes sense, then, that if the heat is rising upward and our hair has the tendancy to coil tighter when encountering heat, the "looser" hair would be that in the back, since it misses this "heat passage"

My most tightly coiled patch it dead center in my head at the top. My hair gets looser and looser as you move away from that patch. Maybe thats the place my body heat travels upwards and escapes from?