Why Stretch?


Active Member
I know you all are probably going to shake your head at me BUT ......why stretch for so long. I am currently at 8 weeks and wanted to try 12 weeks. A co-worker asked me why was I stretching and I couldn't really give her a good sound answer? (other than it's the normal stuff.) Please help.
I think many people stretch for different reasons. I personally have a few :) :

--To limit my exposure to dangerous relaxer chemicals

--As a general rule of thumb, I let my hair grow out 3 inches to reduce incidence of overlapping to prevent over-processing and breakage. Most literature on relaxers suggest the 3-inch wait as well.

--I enjoy the volume my new growth provides to daily styling

I stretch 13-14 weeks regularly, but have been known to go without a touch-up for 6 months or more.
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Some people do it to prevent overlapping and because it helps them retain length. I personally stretch because its been a habit for years to relax every 20-24 weeks.
Letitia said:
A co-worker asked me why was I stretching and I couldn't really give her a good sound answer?

Not to sound rude, but what business is it of hers if you stretch? you shouldn't feel obligated to answer.
I have a couple:

-Allow enough new growth to grow so there is no overlapping

-I feel like my hair grows in thicker because while stretching

-Limit exposure to relaxers

-Because I can...I no longer HAVE to relax every 5-6 weeks. I have found methods that allow me to go a couple months without relaxing...I used to think this was impossible.

-It saves me $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:D

-My hair has never been this long or healthy since incorporating these healthy hair practices

-I don't have any friends that relax every couple of weeks and have long hair...I'm sure they exist...I just don't know any personally.

-I love experimenting with my hair.

-I love :love: :kissing4: touching my new growth. If I relaxed every couple of weeks I wouldn't have the opportunity to play with my several inches of kinky coily new growth.
I don't mind having or seeing newgrowth, so I don't feel the need to relax at the first sign of it. Plus at 8 weeks, it doesn't affect the styling of my hair.
I'm at month 7 and I'm going for 12. At this point I think it's just because I like it. Since my hair is texturized 3 inches of new growth makes it look like it is all natural. When I relax again in November and I'll go back to my rollersets until this time next year.
"Stretching" is relative. I relax every three to four months because that is when managing my hair becomes more difficult than usual. So three to four months isnt really stretching for me. When I once went a year, that was stretching. I did it just to see if I could, and I did. Less exposure to chemicals and overlapping are also some perks of waiting out your relaxer.
RabiaElaine said:
-It saves me $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:D

-My hair has never been this long or healthy since incorporating these healthy hair practices

Add these to my list...especially the first one!!! :lol: :lol: My hair is truly much healthier and happier. And stronger!!!!
In addition to what the other ladies said I have found that my texlaxed hair is dramatically stronger than the str8 ends. Stretching to 12 weeks has been great for my hair's health.
RabiaElaine said:
I have a couple:

-Allow enough new growth to grow so there is no overlapping

-I feel like my hair grows in thicker because while stretching

-Limit exposure to relaxers

-Because I can...I no longer HAVE to relax every 5-6 weeks. I have found methods that allow me to go a couple months without relaxing...I used to think this was impossible.

-It saves me $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:D

-My hair has never been this long or healthy since incorporating these healthy hair practices

-I don't have any friends that relax every couple of weeks and have long hair...I'm sure they exist...I just don't know any personally.

-I love experimenting with my hair.

-I love :love: :kissing4: touching my new growth. If I relaxed every couple of weeks I wouldn't have the opportunity to play with my several inches of kinky coily new growth.
Exactly what she said...especially the highlighted parts.
When I used to relax every 4 weeks my hair was never healthy and very overprocessed so that is why I tried stretching. I wanted to see if it would make a difference and it has. To me it's about listening to your hair it will let you know when to relax.
Someone posted a looong time ago about having alot of demarcation lines and how they relate to breakage. In a nutshell she said picture a 12 inch long strand of hair. Now imagine if someone relaxed that hair every 4 weeks of growth (1/2inch), that strand of hair will 24 demarc lines or weak spots. If a person stretched to 8 weeks, or 1 inch of growth, then she'd only have 12 demarc lines, relax every 12 weeks, 2inches and she'd only have 6 demarc lines....so on and so forth. I agree with that observation.
Also, i personally believe that everytime you use a relaxer, you are melting/burning some of the cuticle away which leads to dull hair that has the shaft exposed and therefore is very fragile and easily prone to breakage. So the more you relax, the thinner and thinner that cuticle is becoming, and therefore the thinner your hairstrand is becoming as well. If this is the case, nevermind the demarc line...the whole hairshaft becomes degraded and weakened. this is the reason i believe that my hair is still so very full and thick because i stretch my relaxers.