Relaxed ladies...why do you stretch??

I am guessing the most obvious... to avoid over processed hair right? But besides that why else? Also what rules or guidelines to you abide by? For example, for you is stretching for 8 weeks better than stretching for 12? If so why?

I am relaxed and had been stylist dependant for many years until I joined in August. My last relaxer was at the beginning of August so right now I am almost 11 weeks post relaxer... Next time I relax, I am giong to do it myself, but I am sitting here thinking, why am I stretching, how long should I stretch and what are the benefits, pros AND cons of stretching.

Please share!! Thanks so much.

I relax every 12 weeks because that's the longest I can go while still being able to get a comb through my hair. Prior to LHCF I would go every 8 weeks, I don't really call it stretching until I can no longer able comb my hair.

The longest I've stretched has been 16 weeks and that was due to a planned vacation.

I don't really have any reasons pertaining to hair growth or health because I never went prior to six weeks even before LHCF.
:ot: Just a little bit but I wanted to know where in the world do you live that someone would have the nerve to charge you $130? :nono: What all does that include? A back massage, eyebrow wax, champagne while youre under the dryer? I'm just baffled right now about that. I get charged $45 and my stylist can give you either weave or micros down to your a$$ for $130 Is it a white or black salon? $130 is someones student loan payment. What relaxer does she use? It should be laced w/ diamonds at the price....ok back to normal posting...:grin:

:lachen: I should show this to my stylist....I do get a glass of water when I visit! Time to upgrade to the bubbly!! I go to school in some lil' old upstate New York area with the town population of 15,000. The woman I go to is actually a really nice white woman. I think I'm the only black person who steps foot in the shop - everyone else getting a relaxer or a touch up is Jewish. She uses Affirm fiberguard and she's so worried about messing up my hair that she always leaves a little bit of curl in it, which I LOVE. Whenever I wash my hair, I get my curls back so I'm pretty much texlaxed... but as I type this, it makes no sense how she manges to underprocess my hair because she usually takes 30-40 minutes to base my scalp and apply the relaxer. How is my hair not breaking out in clumps?

When I get a trim and a relaxer, that bad boy bounces to $150. I try not to think about how much money I spend on relaxers in a given year. It hurts.
This is my first stretch...I'm am currently at 12 weeks and I CANNOT WAIT until Saturday gets here so I can relax this n/g! I believe my hair will be thicker, and stronger from stretching.
I've never really intentionally stretched before. But then again I always went 8-12 wks between relaxers in the past anyway. New growth doesn't bother me until I feel like I'm ripping through it to get anywhere. With the techniques and natural ingredients I've learned about on the board I don't see any reason why I can't stretch for 6 months. Currently my hair is in braids, but I went 22 wks with it out and no major problems by then. I braided it to join a challenge, and to protect it from the dry winters here. By the time I take them down in April I will hopefully be BSL. :grin:I guess I just don't feel the need to relax as soon as I see NG. I'm good with a flat iron and deadly with a silk scarf and since I'was bunning all the time I didn't have to worry about my hair not "laying" right. I think as it gets longer it'll be even easier to stretch b/c the weight will help it lay better. Plus I can't wait to see the dramatic difference! Your hair always looks best after a virgin relaxer - I hope that stretching will help we recapture that magic again! LOL