Why is it taking forever for forums to load?


This just started happening last week, maybe if you were to go on a computer that only has only IE installed you would experience what we are experiencing. It happens on every page, from logging in to going into different forums.

It is truly frustrating to have to wait upwards of a minute for a page to load.

I've noticed this problem the last few days ...EACH page takes up to a minute to load, doesn't matter which browser I use or what page I click on. Could the advertisements on this site cause some blocking? I don't have this loading issue with any other Web site.

Each time I submit a page I get this message:


Please click here to monitor progress in a separate window.

Your request is being scanned for security purposes. Please be patient.

URL: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/suggestions-q/497106-why-taking-forever-forums-load-6.html
Progress: 29 KB/270 KB
Time elapsed: 52
If your browser does not support automatic refresh, click the following link to download the scanned object. Continue

Note: Closing this window will terminate the download.
Same here and it also takes awhile for my posts to go through and show up in threads. I went in a thread just now that seemed like it had new posts as of today, but it turns out that I saw those same posts yesterday. :perplexed
I am seeing the forum as of a different time or if I click a thread it will show an old post or whatever my last post was no matter how long ago it was. The only way for me to see anything in real time is through the New Posts button.

Not good.
If you are using IE7 or before, you can try uninstalling IE7 and reinstalling it. There seems to be some issue with IE7 which Microsoft may have created a patch for but doesn't seem to get applied correctly without a new install. There appears to be some issue with javascripts causing a continuous issue.

They reinstalled it at work for me today and it is working better.
It just started happening to me as well this week. I am on firefox but I tried the site in google crome and it's a lot faster, thanks for the tip
Not only is the forum loading REALLY slowly for me, I cannot see the ANY pictures. When I try to log-in, I cannot see the usual welcome sign that shows me my name. WEIRD
Well I downloaded Chrome just for the hell of it and guess what? LHCF wont even load AT ALL using Chrome. :ohwell: It just takes 5 min to load then its a white page.
Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems

This has been the message I've received from my home computer ALL WEEK. I am on Opera right now and it keeps deleting my post.

What is REALLY GOING ON NIKOS?????????? Can we get some feedback?
Never thought I'd find myself saying I miss LHCF pre-upgrade.

Sorry guys and Bev, I know yall are working hard to keep this forum tip top and the effort is appreciated but.........................

Umm, yea - I'm really, really missin' the olden days.
same her I'm having an issue loading pages and when I finally click a thread i get the advertisements.it would be nice to get feedback at least i would feel as if my concerns are being addressed.
This is the second time i'm trying to post my concerns. The threads are loading slowly,when I finally click a thread i'm interested in it takes forever to load and then the thread doesn't show instead i'm on one of the advertisments from this site.
Today I couldn't even log in!
It took me a good few minutes before I could log in.
I'm at work though, so I shouldn't even be on here anyway... :sekret:
I usually can't connect to the longhaircare website at all whether I'm at home or work- today was a rare day that I was able to get on. At my request, my fiance tried to connect to the site from work (he's an IT professional with a large corporation and they use the latest technology) and he kept getting timed out too.

What's really going on?! I appreciate the reasoning behind an upgrade but if it prevents users from accessing the site- is it really an upgrade?

I haven't been able to log on in over a week and it takes several minutes for any page to load. After I hit the "post quick reply" button, it will probably take 3 minutes before the next page appears. My wait time is a minimum of 3 minutes for any page to load.

It is more than a little frustrating...
I just downloaded Google Chrome after reading through some posts in this thread. Ever since the upgrade, LHCF has been running slow for me too using Internet Explorer. So from now on, I'll just have to use Google Chrome to view this site.
Truly, I appreciate the upgrade...but....it now takes more then three times as long for forums to load...it's really limiting the amont of time I spend on the Board anymore because it takes so long. Will this get any better as upgrade is completed?

I'm not liking the upgrade. The site was RARELY unavailable to me via IE or my phone. Now, the site is rarely available. It times out, shows errors and I can rarely log on. Because of the slowness, I hardly ever log on. I'm upset that I just paid my renewal, b/c had I known it would be like this, I would not have.

I'm having this issue throughout the board. It's quite annoying.

I agree!!!!!!!!!

Chiming in.

The entire board takes SEVERAL minutes to load on IE. On Firefox, for me, it just times out completely gives me a bad request 400 error.

The ONLY browser that is normal is Google Chrome. I gave up trying to browse on my cellphone. It just didn't work at all.

I don't have Google Chrome, but my error experience is the same as yours.

I just downloaded Google Chrome after reading through some posts in this thread. Ever since the upgrade, LHCF has been running slow for me too using Internet Explorer. So from now on, I'll just have to use Google Chrome to view this site.

It ran well on IE before. Some upgrade...
The "upgrade" is just not working. A site should run using readily available browsers, including Google Chrome. It's not feasible that we will have admin. rights to download a particular browser on every computer we use.

On top of that I keep seeing threads as of at least a day ago.

Plus, the loss of some of the features that made the site interesting. . . .

It's all very frustrating.

I feel like it's the universe telling me that it's time to use my time in a more productive way. Maybe I'll listen when it's time to renew in December.
dimopoulos beverly
I am really a little disheartened with the state of this forum, especially when many of us are faithful visitors. No one has come out and said what is wrong or what is being done to fix it. We are being left in the dark like kids who are too young too understand grown folks business or something. Yet, we are supposed to remain loyal to this forum and continue giving our money yearly for the maintenance of this site?

I'm sorry if I'm coming off a bit rude. I don't understand the logistics associated with maintaining a forum so something could be seriously wrong, but I have yet to be on a forum, a free one at that, that functions as poorly as this one is currently. So can we at least get some confirmation that our complaints are being addressed and a timeframe on when everything should be working?

I feel some kinda way about how this is being handled. I have much more to say but that is all for now.
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:perplexedYes its happening to me too. If you notice the log-ins has gone down also. It's too time consuming to wait for the threads to up-load. sigh:
I don't have any trouble at home when using Safari on my MAC but at work is a different story where the only option is IE.
Thanks a million Nikos!!

I'm so happy that you're working on it and letting us know what you're going to do.

Now, what are we gonna do the whole first week of November? :lol: