Why is it taking forever for forums to load?

I'm still having this problem and it's so frustrating that it makes me not want to come here anymore. sometimes it takes 2 mintues to load or the page just won't load at all.
It's acting up for me too. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I know it's not my computer because I don't have this problem on any other website. I never had this problem here until after the upgrade. It's really frustrating.
Some problem with me also.. I have been trying to get on the forum for an hour and the page just keeps timing out..
It's acting up for me too. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I know it's not my computer because I don't have this problem on any other website. I never had this problem here until after the upgrade. It's really frustrating.

Same here, there is no problem with any other websites, and it's taking over a full minute to load a page and get on the forum.

There may be some maintenance going on this weekend, so I'll see what happens by tomorrow.
I thought it was just my laptop until I realized that I could go to other sites without any trouble. I really hope this problem will be resolved soon.
The pages are loading VERY slow for me again. It was working fine the other day but today it's horrible. I have to keep hitting the stop button to make it go to the next page. Some ad or something is probably trying to load again.

Then I clicked into some thread and an ad came up that was about to play some video. This is not good.

I downloaded Google Chrome this morning and it's faster, but I don't think it's optimal even with that browser. Although the page loads, it doesn't load instantly like a normal website would. It's better than with IE by FAR, so I'm not complaining, but something still seems to be off. Google Chrome helps IMMENSELY though.
The forums/pages have been loading up painfully slow for me since yesterday.

Anyone else having this problem today?
As of yesterday it takes a full 2 min for a thread to load. I only use FF and when everybody else was complaining about the slowness, I didn't have that issue. Now for some reason I do.
Hmmmm. I prefer FF and have no intention of downloading Google Chrome for one site. I hope this can be resolved.
It is taking forever for pages to load and forget clicking the back button it only makes it worse. I thought it was my computer first, but every other site I have been on is loading fine except this one. Its been like this all weekend. Highly annoying. Is anyone having trouble logging in too? When I log in I have to refresh the page to see my name logged in at top, because it doesn't display it or show me logged in.
Ok so Im not the only one... whenever I try to come on here only the top of the page loads and I have to wait at least 3mins to be able to scroll down...
I downloaded Google Chrome this morning and it's faster, but I don't think it's optimal even with that browser. Although the page loads, it doesn't load instantly like a normal website would. It's better than with IE by FAR, so I'm not complaining, but something still seems to be off. Google Chrome helps IMMENSELY though.

x2 -- something does seem to be off. This is exactly what I'm experiencing.

It seems the problem is intermittent. I wonder if it's related to the amount of users online. In any case, Google Chrome does make a major difference compared to IE.
Me too. FF user here, and I thought I had a bug on my computer until I realised that it was only here. I've only noticed it this weekend.
Sigh...I'm having issues too...Takes forever to load. I downloaded google chrome and it didn't put a dent in speed at all...So slow that I had to come back to ff just to be able to type this message! It's only LHCF. I'm not having any problems with any other sites...
Welp, its finally hitting my puter.... :(

I've logged off several times --out of sheer frustration.... (too time consuming)


Hope this is resolved soon....
I truely thought I was they only one with this issue. I rarely log on because of it, which is sad, becuz I enjoy this site!
i have this problem too. or when i reply to a threa, it goes back to the first page, then to the current page after a while
Sigh...I'm having issues too...Takes forever to load. I downloaded google chrome and it didn't put a dent in speed at all...So slow that I had to come back to ff just to be able to type this message! It's only LHCF. I'm not having any problems with any other sites...

I downloaded Google Chrome tonight and it's not that much faster than IE. I guess it's the site and not the browser.:ohwell:
I'm so glad I came over here. Even though I'm having problems with this site only, I still thought it was just me. It is truly difficult to be on here. I've been clicking pages and walking away to do housework while waiting for the page to come up. Mine has been freezing, taking at least three minutes to load a page, going back to the first page when I click "View first unread," and going to the first page after I make a post. This has been going on for a couple of weeks and only getting worse. I use IE and after reading about the lack of improvement using anything else, don't want to load another browser, as another member stated, just for one site.

To those that mentioned clicking the STOP button at the top, THANKS!
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I get it to load faster by hitting F5 three times after I click the page I want to navigate to.

It's still annoying and I don't have this problem when I come here mobile through tapatalk.
It is still running very slow and sometimes if you click on a thread an advertisement will show up instead. very annoying!!
It hasn't been letting me sign in at all for the last two days. Has this happened to anyone else?
Yeah for the past 2 days it takes a looooong time to sign on. Just now when I signed on it took 7 min for it to load just to sign me in.

I see why people get pissed enough to bounce and not come back. This is getting ridiculous. Past ridiculous actually.
I just recently started having this problem yesterday...loading up threads take forever and even when they are loaded, the bottom of threads would take SOO long to load. :/ Forget trying to respond!!