Why does everyone want to "train" natural hair?


Well-Known Member
For some reason, I've been bombarded with people who believe natural hair should be "trained." I went to get my hair straightened a few weeks ago, and the stylist kept saying how thick my hair was. As she was flat ironing, she told me that I should come to her at least once a month to get a trim and to let her straighten it so that it "won't be so used to being natural, it'll be used to being straight." :ohwell: If I wanted my hair to be "used to" being straight, I wouldn't be transitioning. :wallbash:

A few days later, I was flipping through an Essence magazine (the one with Taraji on the cover) in Meijer and there was an article about keeping natural hair straight in the summer. The stylist mentioned training natural hair by straightening it so that it will stay straighter in summer heat. :nono:

After that, I ran into a natural with beautiful hair who wore her hair straight and said that it stayed that way because it has been "trained" and doesn't get as kinky as it used to. :perplexed

As far as I know, "training" natural hair = heat damage. Why does everyone think it's a good idea? :wallbash: :spinning:
For the same reason black dolls come with straight hair: kinky=bad in our society for the most part. Training takes the kink away, and so is 'good'. Sad, but true.
I don't get it either. It's one thing if you just want to be a natural who straightens most of the time. But trying to "train" your hair into a hair type that it isn't.:nono: That won't work. It'll only result in damage as far as I know. If you want a looser texture than what grows from your scalp, maybe being natural isn't for you...
I think it just goes to show that people go natural for different reasons. Some women stop relaxing so their hair can be thicker and stronger but they still want straigt hair that doesn't revert. Personally, I don't like to straighten my hair too often because I don't want to lose my natural curl pattern anymore than I already have after years of straightening and relaxing.
For some reason, I've been bombarded with people who believe natural hair should be "trained." I went to get my hair straightened a few weeks ago, and the stylist kept saying how thick my hair was. As she was flat ironing, she told me that I should come to her at least once a month to get a trim and to let her straighten it so that it "won't be so used to being natural, it'll be used to being straight." :ohwell: If I wanted my hair to be "used to" being straight, I wouldn't be transitioning. :wallbash:

A few days later, I was flipping through an Essence magazine (the one with Taraji on the cover) in Meijer and there was an article about keeping natural hair straight in the summer. The stylist mentioned training natural hair by straightening it so that it will stay straighter in summer heat. :nono:

After that, I ran into a natural with beautiful hair who wore her hair straight and said that it stayed that way because it has been "trained" and doesn't get as kinky as it used to. :perplexed

As far as I know, "training" natural hair = heat damage. Why does everyone think it's a good idea? :wallbash: :spinning:
I have no idea, but I'm with you! I dont straighten my hair at all. It's been years. "Training" natural hair = heat damage.

I call women who straighten their hair 24/7 - "natural with a relaxed mind-set"
I call women who straighten their hair 24/7 - "natural with a relaxed mind-set"[/QUOTE]
You should not call them that. It is sad that naturals have division because some choose to wear strait styles. I've seen several women who do this because their hair is very long and it cuts down on single strand knots. Training can lead to damage if not done properly. There are several ladies here and on You tube who have done this and their natural hair is gorgeous and healthy. Not all ladies go natural with a goal to have a big fro. They have the mind set to enjoy their natural hair's versatility.
i think some naturals see it as the lesser of two evils(and im not saying relaxers are evil so calm down lmao). in my eyes damage is damage and with both you will have to cut it out or grow it out.
I don't knock the ladies that want "trained" natural hair. I've seen some on YT and in real life and their hair is lovely. Personally, I don't want to change my texture, so that is why I haven't doen it, but I don't look down on those who do, just like I don't look down on those who relax.
maybe some women want straight hair without putting chemicals in their head? I see no issue with heat training. Wanting straight hair isn't a crime. Some of the same people whose hair people drool over on this board are heat-trained but I guess its easy to overlook when the hair is long.:rolleyes:

Not everyone goes natural for the fro look. Heat training is heat damage but I'm not going to go over and the WL heat trained naturals that while i'm not even APL :lachen: Some of the heat trained naturals I know have the most beautiful hair.

Plus even though many naturals tout "versatility!" as their war cry, for many naturals this is not true. Some naturals cannot easily straighten as others can, the process takes a long time, and the results are short lasting for the effort. For some naturals, ssk's and knots seriously hinder their possibility to retain a lot of growth when not straightened.
I call women who straighten their hair 24/7 - "natural with a relaxed mind-set"
You should not call them that. It is sad that naturals have division because some choose to wear strait styles. I've seen several women who do this because their hair is very long and it cuts down on single strand knots. Training can lead to damage if not done properly. There are several ladies here and on You tube who have done this and their natural hair is gorgeous and healthy. Not all ladies go natural with a goal to have a big fro. They have the mind set to enjoy their natural hair's versatility.

Like, I said, if you're 'heat training' to have your hair in a sleeker look 24/7 then you basically want to wear your hair straight all the time. You're a natural that prefers straight hair..Ok, I got it. I could really care less what they do with their natural hair. At the end of the day, they are still natural...but it's straight to give the 'appearance' of relaxed hair.

maybe some women want straight hair without putting chemicals in their head?

Thank you, and that's exactly the point I was trying to make.
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This is just my thought which will get ignored but natural hair to society is like a attempt break free from society's limitations on the black women,like we love ourselves the way God made us like every other woman.

Straight hair naturals is great but I prefer to have my texture that grows from my head.Now I do wear wigs if I want a change up which is one of the great things of being a lady of the chocolate universe.Our own has still not accepted themselves so anytime someone does they have to break their necks to try to get us like them..insecurity is such a itch...when something has been taboo for so long it hard to accept it.In the mind it's easier to clump all natural women as kinky sex demons who are into free love and smoke lala..it's harder to see each natural or person in general as an individual..
Heat damaged or heat trained hair however whatever you want to call it. It works for some naturals and grows their hair down to their waist and for other naturals it breaks it off. It all depends, every ones hair is different and reacts different to heat. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. Like someone said, some are Natural for different reasons. If its not for you, its just not for you ya know.

I have seen some naturals online (on this here very board, youtube, etc) who don't use heat and there natural hair is in worse condition than some who do use heat. So.... *looks*
I don't see anything wrong with naturals wearing straight hair. You have plenty of relaxed heads who do braidouts. That doesn't make them relaxed with a natural mind-set. The same way naturals straighten/stretch their hair to avoid SSKs and style easier, relaxed heads use braidouts as a protective, and for some a low-manipulation, style.

As for "training"? Lol. Well, they're achieving the straight hair they want without a relaxer. Kudos to them. If it's working, then fine. That wouldn't be for me though. I don't find damaged hair beautiful :nono:
This is just my thought which will get ignored but natural hair to society is like a attempt break free from society's limitations on the black women,like we love ourselves the way God made us like every other woman.

Straight hair naturals is great but I prefer to have my texture that grows from my head.Now I do wear wigs if I want a change up which is one of the great things of being a lady of the chocolate universe.Our own has still not accepted themselves so anytime someone does they have to break their necks to try to get us like them..insecurity is such a itch...when something has been taboo for so long it hard to accept it.In the mind it's easier to clump all natural women as kinky sex demons who are into free love and smoke lala..it's harder to see each natural or person in general as an individual..

maybe some women want straight hair without putting chemicals in their head? I see no issue with heat training. Wanting straight hair isn't a crime. Some of the same people whose hair people drool over on this board are heat-trained but I guess its easy to overlook when the hair is long.:rolleyes:

Not everyone goes natural for the fro look. Heat training is heat damage but I'm not going to go over and the WL heat trained naturals that while i'm not even APL :lachen: Some of the heat trained naturals I know have the most beautiful hair.

Plus even though many naturals tout "versatility!" as their war cry, for many naturals this is not true. Some naturals cannot easily straighten as others can, the process takes a long time, and the results are short lasting for the effort. For some naturals, ssk's and knots seriously hinder their possibility to retain a lot of growth when not straightened.

ITA. Some people go natural because their hair can't handle chemicals. That was the main reason I went natural. The chemicals were too much for my hair and it broke off even though I was taking care of it.Once I was fully natural I didn't wear my natural hair because I got picked on alot (being natural wasn't a good look 7 years ago in my neighborhood). I got my hair straightened religiously every 2 weeks for about 5 months (last semester of my senior yr)
All hair care is training. You do things to encourage it to retain moisture (cowashing, etc., etc.) and to minimize tangling. You train it to hold curls, twists or braids. The first time you did each of these things the results were prolly - meh - but then your hair got used to it and the results were great. You train hair to loc by encouraging it to grow in a pattern - there are several methods to do this. Those are just some examples, and my point - the words "training hair" don't need to have negative connotations.
Not every natural straightens or "trains" their hair for aesthetic purposes. I straightened my hair for years (taking breaks in summers) because it worked for me. My hair grew and retained length better using heat than it did with WnGs and bunning in the summers. I teetered between BSL/MBL, until recently cutting to APL. I'm not sure if my hair is damaged, but I don't have any strands that will not curl up or different in texture.
Straight hair is straight hair and the means by which one attains that makes little difference. Naturals who would not be caught dead without a 'press' are just as bad as those women who perm at the sight of a nap along their hairline, lol...the intent is the same imo.
Im simply going to say, Everyone should just do what you want to do

In the end people are still going to think what they think anyways.

I have no problem with heat trained individuals, I dont really care
ITA. Some people go natural because their hair can't handle chemicals. That was the main reason I went natural. The chemicals were too much for my hair and it broke off even though I was taking care of it.Once I was fully natural I didn't wear my natural hair because I got picked on alot (being natural wasn't a good look 7 years ago in my neighborhood). I got my hair straightened religiously every 2 weeks for about 5 months (last semester of my senior yr)

Don't you believe thats kind of a negative thing? lol.

Dang, it's like...walk outside with patches of picked out hair and raw, bald scalp...or where my hair natural, lol. Sad that the former example is the only thing that entices a lot of women to go natch.
Personally I think it would be easier to just slap a relaxer in your head if you want to wear straight hair 24/7 :shrug:
I don't do it, but i totally understand why some do.
If I want to do it later on, I will.

My Moms had my natural hair heat trained when I was a young girl. Every week...straightening comb.
My hair was healthy and strong the entire time.:yep:
I don't know where the line between hair that's heat trained and hair that is heat damaged and weak is.
I think lots of folks go natural for the sole purpose of attaining better looking straight hair, lol, as backwards as it sounds.
not everyone wants to 'train' their natural hair. i know i don't, and there are plenty of people who are fine wearing their hair in kinky styles. everyone that has natural hair don't always want to wear natural hair. that don't bother me none. i can see why you're annoyed and asked though; i don't want anyone suggesting i should 'train' my hair either. its fine the way it is boo. ♥
Why is it a crime to wear your natural hair straight all the time if you want to? You are still natural am I correct? It's just straight. NO CHEMICALS. One wearing their hair not straightened does NOT make you better than the one who does. Just sayin. Some people are just so EXTRA. :rolleyes:
Ladies.......seriously? To assume you know the mindset of every natural who straightens her hair regularly, is pretty arrogant and presumptuous. None of us knows the true motivation of someone else. Why someone straightens their hair is their own business. Our approval is not required. Nor should it be. If being a kinky, curly natural works for you - roll with it. But please, don't be so judgmental of others. This is the joy of living in a free country - we get to do what we want with our hair.

No offense to anyone intended.