Being natural does not a Nazi make.

^^^ relaxed or natural - people don't bother me about my hair.

Yep and when they do, it's either compliments from strangers or them asking where I get my hair done. My sisters/friends and I will discuss from time to time our next hair styles or ooooing and ahhing over each others new styles. The conversations never really lean toward why relax, why natural, why a straight natural, why weave, why wigs, why don't you?
^^^^ I guess I haven't lived cause I have never met someone with nerve enough to say something like that to my face. I would probably ask them did they take their meds that day while I flipped my pressed natural hair in their face, and seriously hope the relaxed ladies would do the same. That sounds like someone off their rocker. Only on the internet would someone flex enough muscle like that cause IRL bayyyyby...first off, them's fighting words...second off #GETYOLIFE if what someone else do to the hair on their head causes someone who is totally unaffected so much grief. :lachen:

I must live around some really bold women then cause its happened to me twice lol. The conversation started off fine then just took a serious left turn. I'm not a very confrontational person so I just let them talk then went on about my business but it did make my blood boil
I respectfully disagree. If u have never been accosted by someone who accuses u of "trying to be white" or hating yourself, your heritage and your fellow "sistas" because you relax your hair or straighten your natural hair, then u haven't lived. Seriously...... :(

I've seen this on blogs or on LHCF OT when people try to insult or make greater points.
Yep and when they do, it's either compliments from strangers or them asking where I get my hair done. My sisters/friends and I will discuss from time to time our next hair styles or ooooing and ahhing over each others new styles. The conversations never really lean toward why relax, why natural, why a straight natural, why weave, why wigs, why don't you?

Same here. I am the only female in my family with my natural hair and, from my big chop to date, they have been encouraging. I know my sisters and mom have no interest in being white :lol: so it would be crazy to assume that about anyone else with relaxed hair or extensions.
The Incident (if you're interested)

Her: I want to get my hair pressed this week. You should go to my girl, I bet your hair would look nice pressed out.

Me: I would like to but I'm really afraid of getting heat damage since I usually wear my hair curly.

Her: Oh no. She's good. She's the only person I trust with my hair and she got me heat-trained.

You: Oh ok, cool


Some folks just dont know and its not worth the potential foolishness that could ensue. I dont see any natural nazi'ism from her tho. Just ignorance
I respectfully disagree. If u have never been accosted by someone who accuses u of "trying to be white" or hating yourself, your heritage and your fellow "sistas" because you relax your hair or straighten your natural hair, then u haven't lived.

Seriously...... :(

Did this happen to you IRL or online? I find some relax heads go out of their way to visit websites geared toward naturals and complain about all these accusations so called natural "nazis" make about them.

The persecution complex needs to stop. Yall who relax and/or wear weave are still in the damn majority.
I have some odd interactions about natural hair. It usually goes something like:

Lady: You have such beautiful hair. I wish I could have some natural hair. But [insert excuse, I'm stuck under this weave, my edges are gone, it used to be nice when I was young blahblahblah.]

Me: You could go natural. Do you some scalp massages and be gentle on it. Anyone can have natural hair.

Lady: Sit your silky, curly haired butt down.
Did this happen to you IRL or online? I find some relax heads go out of their way to visit websites geared toward naturals and complain about all these accusations so called natural "nazis" make about them.

The persecution complex needs to stop. Yall who relax and/or wear weave are still in the damn majority.

It happened to me in real life and online and I have witnessed it happen to others in both scenarios as well.

I'm currently natural. I'm not "persecuted" just relaying what happened to me and my experience a few times over the course of being relaxed for over 20 years. Hopefully me sharing will offer support to someone who also had this happen and lend credibility.

Just because something did not ever happen to you personally does not make it less true, nor does it make me have a complex.

Just as a reference, I have had people say some pretty awful things to me since I have been natural as well. Mostly in real life, not online.

Women around me in real life are a hot, bold, mess.