Why do some forums close??


Well-Known Member
I know there is a good reason for this, but it's so annoying. Why do are some forums randomly closed for posting at different times? Thanks.
Do you mean here at LHCF? I've never known just one forum to be closed here? And believe me I'm on here alot.:look:
Really?? I'll look for, say, the relationship thread & it's just not there. This morning the hair thread was not there for about 10 minutes. I wonder if it could be my computer? But how?
Yeah, sounds like you were automatically logged off. When I used to sign in from class :sekret: I would be auto logged out after a few minutes- then the site would be back to guest status. If you're on your own PC (I do not suggest to do this on a public computer) when you sign in, click "remember me" and you won't have that issue anymore.
I don't know about mizzdebbie, but that wasn't the problem when i couldn't see the Suggestions forum. I stay logged into LHCF 24/7 52/365--all the time, with the remember me box checked. So I don't know
Yeah, sounds like you were automatically logged off. When I used to sign in from class :sekret: I would be auto logged out after a few minutes- then the site would be back to guest status. If you're on your own PC (I do not suggest to do this on a public computer) when you sign in, click "remember me" and you won't have that issue anymore.

I should do that! I don't know why I bother to log out. :laugh:

I'm going to try it.
Yeah, sounds like you were automatically logged off. When I used to sign in from class :sekret: I would be auto logged out after a few minutes- then the site would be back to guest status. If you're on your own PC (I do not suggest to do this on a public computer) when you sign in, click "remember me" and you won't have that issue anymore.

Checking the "Remember Me" box keeps me logged in. Otherwise, when I click to submit a post, I get logged out automatically and I've lost my post.

Checking the "Remember Me" box prevents that for me; I stay logged in until I log out. :yep: