Why do guys text all day long but can't call?


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to have to get dude some public speaking classes for Christmas or something. I already cut him off but this is what happened. My girl came over one day with her guy and one of his friends. Me and the friend hit it off and exchanged numbers. Thinking back this had to have happened around the end of September. We have NEVER held a phone conversation. I held off thinking maybe it was because he wasn't comfortable with me yet, but today, after two days of not hearing from him he texts me out of the blue.

"I don't know about you but I like human interaction. If you don't have the time or enough interest to pick up the phone and call me then we don't need to talk. I'm not a robot."

That's what I told him and told him to stop texting me. Why do guys do this? It's so irritating!!!
I just tell them upfront I don't like texting. If they say they are at work or busy I simply tell them to call me later. That takes care of that.
Do you reply when he texts you after you told him to call?

I have the opposite problem. I like texting. I wish my bf would text me but he rather call.
Do you reply when he texts you after you told him to call?

I have the opposite problem. I like texting. I wish my bf would text me but he rather call.

No not usually. He doesn't call then texts me the next day. I'm not about to call you after I asked you to call me and you don't. I like to text but damn, I mean id rather talk on the phone. We don't have any other interaction. Then he's going to text me today that he finally got a car and it's "on" now. N*gga you're basically a stranger to me, I like you but don't know shyt about you except your first name. I'm not about to play games with him OR chase him if that's what he expected.
i'm the opposite. i usually tell guys to text me and if they call i most likely will not pick up.
I don't like talking on the phone period. So maybe it's not just a guy thing? I can text and text and text you all day. I much rather chat with you in person. If you're gonna call, it's gonna be so we can plan meeting up.

On the other hand, if you cannot hold a conversation with me period, then that's a different story.
I don't like talking on the phone period. So maybe it's not just a guy thing? I can text and text and text you all day. I much rather chat with you in person. If you're gonna call, it's gonna be so we can plan meeting up.

On the other hand, if you cannot hold a conversation with me period, then that's a different story.

I'm the same way, if I talk on the phone with someone it's usually about plans...

With texting it's just easier...an hour lag here...30 minutes there...
Men text all day because it helps the day go by faster. They are bored and texting is fun and instant. Also for some, they are away from the wives and significant others so, they can.

Sometimes they dont call because they just dont want to talk to you. (I can be the same way) Sometimes people just dont want a real convo because they are just happy and content with the fast-instant-temporary-in-the-moment connection texting provides.

Its shallow, but thats the point. Theyre probably not looking for a real connection.
*stop the track*

I just finished reading. You mean you haven't had a convo with this **** since September and you're just now trying to put a stop to it? Oh no ma'am. You should have nipped this in the bud then.

Chronic texting is cool if we've gotten to know one another, we're >>>>here<<<<, and we know each other's moods, tones, dispositions, etc but *IMO*it's inappropriate in the "getting to know you" stage.
*stop the track*

I just finished reading. You mean you haven't had a convo with this **** since September and you're just now trying to put a stop to it? Oh no ma'am. You should have nipped this in the bud then.

Chronic texting is cool if we've gotten to know one another, we're >>>>here<<<<, and we know each other's moods, tones, dispositions, etc but *IMO*it's inappropriate in the "getting to know you" stage.

Lol, I know right.
Have you calls had 1st date yet? Or is he just a guy that text u every now and then without any real plans of dating????

September is a long time without any type of regular communication.

I soooooo hate talking on the phone, can't believe I'm not the only one. I rather text unless plans are being made or there is a really good convo going on. Other than that text me buddy, lol.

sent from HTC EVO
Have you calls had 1st date yet? Or is he just a guy that text u every now and then without any real plans of dating????

September is a long time without any type of regular communication.

I soooooo hate talking on the phone, can't believe I'm not the only one. I rather text unless plans are being made or there is a really good convo going on. Other than that text me buddy, lol.

sent from HTC EVO

No, I don't know. I thought we were supposed to be dating. We were "getting to know each other." I dont understand why guys think they can do that through text. In person when we first met he was all in my face and friendly but all we do is text. HE texts me every now and then. I don't take him seriously. That's how these n*ggas get their feelings hurt, then they want to run around talking about how "bishes ain't shti."
TBH, this is not dating, IMO. I've stated this in previous posts, but if a guy is not calling you, he's just not that into you. Seriously. Especially after you've asked him to call and he is defiantly refusing to do so. When a guy is interested, he his interested in impressing you, making you happy, and trying to get to know you, even at the expense of his inconvenience sometimes. There is only so much you can know about someone through texts. You don't get tone, context, inflections, etc. from texts. I really wouldn't consider him a serious candidate and if you guys haven't been on a date then :perplexed, I mean, I got nothing else for you.
I can't hold a conversation via text, IM, or twitter. I get bored very quickly and the easiest way to get/hold my attention is via verbal conversation.

I always tell them up front that I HATE texting.
TBH, this is not dating, IMO. I've stated this in previous posts, but if a guy is not calling you, he's just not that into you. Seriously. Especially after you've asked him to call and he is defiantly refusing to do so. When a guy is interested, he his interested in impressing you, making you happy, and trying to get to know you, even at the expense of his inconvenience sometimes. There is only so much you can know about someone through texts. You don't get tone, context, inflections, etc. from texts. I really wouldn't consider him a serious candidate and if you guys haven't been on a date then :perplexed, I mean, I got nothing else for you.

Yeah I know, it's just irritating. Like leave me alone, quit pretending that you actually like me.
The people I talk to like that texting gives them a few seconds to put together a response instead of being on spot like a telephone conversation.

That ish gets on my nerves as well.
I don't know but they've turned me into a chronic texter. I ONLY like to talk on the phone with guys I really like. In general, I've become less of a phone talker and I'd rather talk in person but with guys I have to really like them to enjoy a phone conversation.
Is he really someone you want? Think about it, is he the type of man who makes the moves to keep your feeling like there is promise? Seems like a very convenient way for him to keep his distance. A lot of these dudes are about their own self interests, best you see it for what it is now.

Modern technology has made it very convenient for those (men and women) with intimacy issues to avoid real communication.
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*stop the track*

I just finished reading. You mean you haven't had a convo with this **** since September and you're just now trying to put a stop to it? Oh no ma'am. You should have nipped this in the bud then.

Chronic texting is cool if we've gotten to know one another, we're >>>>here<<<<, and we know each other's moods, tones, dispositions, etc but *IMO*it's inappropriate in the "getting to know you" stage.

Agreed. If he refuses to call you, just keep your texts short. Don't entertain any "real" conversations in that way....or just don't respond.
Yeah I know, it's just irritating. Like leave me alone, quit pretending that you actually like me.

Don't let it irritate you, just don't respond. Believe me, he'll get the point. Either he'll call like you asked or he'll slowly "die" (not literally) off. I wouldn't even put anymore effort into thinking about him.
The guy im talking to does this, he'll text me all day long, but won't pick up a phone. So then when we go out, he complains "No one ever calls me" And I told him once, Well I dont call because i didnt think it was up to me...I dont know, maybe im old fashion but I want a guy to call me, not to run him down..So we text..and I call occasionally, It works...keeps us in contact..but sometimes I would like to hear his voice.
I got duped into a date by a chronic texter. You can't build a relationship through texting. It's fine for little things like "gonna be late for dinner" but nothing serious. Now I simply don't respond to texts and usually the guys start calling or, if they're immature, one guy actually sent me an angry text asking how I could be so busy and why don't I just tell him I don't want to see him anymore if that was the case.:ohwell::perplexed That made me mad so I texted him back and told him off. He's had enough sense not to contact me since.
I love texting it's easy and nonintrusive especially during the week. It's all about multi-tasking and texting while grocery shopping with a 5 year old is easier than talking on the cell phone.
The guy im talking to does this, he'll text me all day long, but won't pick up a phone. So then when we go out, he complains "No one ever calls me" And I told him once, Well I dont call because i didnt think it was up to me...I dont know, maybe im old fashion but I want a guy to call me, not to run him down..So we text..and I call occasionally, It works...keeps us in contact..but sometimes I would like to hear his voice.

Exactly. Women are supposed to be pursued. I showed my interest, now it's up to you as a man to handle it.
This is crazy though because actually around Sweetest Day (oct 14th) we stopped talking and then out of the blue a week ago he texted me claiming he missed me. Boy please! What exactly do you miss? My smilies and lol's?
If a man is into you IMHO he will call you. If he was picking up a Bugatti I am sure he wouldn't text the salesperson. Even if a man is not a phone person but is smitten by you, he will call. Texting is an easy way to keep in touch but without any real depth. I doubt he's going to tell you his whole life story via BBM, LOL. If I see a man is all about texting and not calling even after I discussed how I felt, I'd let him go and not respond to his texts. .

How well do you reallyknow this guy? I notice you say that you've been communicating with him since September. Are you sure that this guy isn't married or has a girlfriend? I just find it hard to believe that you haven't had a phone conversation. He texts, you tell him to call, he responds with "okay" but never calls?:ohwell: And also, the fact that you don't hear from him for days at a time, then pops up out of thin air and texts that he "misses you".:nono::nono: Have you ever tried calling him?

I don't think that it's so much as him not being "into you". I'm thinking that he may not call because he may not be available to talk. Most guys that I know prefer to call instead of texting. Others may disagree with me but it sounds like this guy is hiding something.
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