"Call me anytime."

It's been my experience that the truly interested guys will make it a point to call, even if they don't really like talking on the phone. He should call you first. You might want to cut down on responding to texts.

Exactly. I also take it as a sign as he's not all that interested in the first place. Men who text all the dang time and no call means no interest. Believe me someone is getting those phone calls. It's just not you.

Hell I hate talking on the phone but you better believe I pick it up asap when I want something or need to get a hold of someone I reallly want and need to talk to.
I agree with letting the phone ring then hanging up. I wad in this this situation and did this and he called me back 30 seconds later "so sorry i issed your call.i couldnt reach my phone in time"...rely apologetic n let me,know where we stood.

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So, I've been texting with a dude who seems like a good prospect. (Yes, this is a different dude. Cue Fabolous :grin:) Anyways, we have been texting so much back and forth I feel like a phone call is in order. So, I ask him if he'll be around later and if he'd like to chat.

His response? "Sure. You can give me a call anytime."


I *hate* the idea of calling first. (But he did text first, so . . . .)

What do you guys think? If Bunny were here, I think she'd tell me not to . . .

What say you?

I miss Bunny. Where did she go? Did she not renew her membership or something? (I know I myself was MIA for a bit.)
I guess you have to make your own choice.If you want to chat then you can call but don't go aggressive.Some of the ladies here for my the life of me have the fantasy date life where it leads into marriage..it doesn't always work that way..but I would throw it out there like one of the ladies said maybe text and let him know your available for a little while to chat and he can call..
I tell guys from the jump I don't do the texting unless you are late or just saying you are on the way. Several have had their issue with that fact but in the beginning I am not that wrapped up with you so cutting you off is no big deal.

Once I let them know they usually fall in line. All the texting has made dating difficult. When I told one dude I was unhappy that we hadn't talked all week he was looking puzzled because he counted our texts as actual conversations.

I am on a no text plan. Outside of "good morning" or "I will be there is ten" you get on reply. Heck I want to cancel the text plan on my phone all together.
yep. left a message and he called me right back :grin:

I am really happy for you!I know how confusing that time must have been for you during the contemplation stage. I know your mind is at ease now, at least in regards to that. I hope everything works out:yep:
IMO, sorry but he did not ask first for a REASON. Even if a guy is super busy - he will explain his schedule and will lock down time for a quick chat with you if he is interested.
"Sure. You can give me a call anytime."
Words cannot express how much I hate that sentence.:angry2: I always ask the guy to call me. I don't buy excuses like "I'm super busy." Or, "I'm not a phone person." If he really likes me, he'll become a phone person or it's time to KIM. After a few frustrating situations I refuse to text a guy I'm interested in. If he texts me I don't respond and usually I get calls soon after.:yep: During the getting-to-know-phase I only talk on the phone or in person. In relationships texting only goes as far as "Him: Gonna be 15 min late for dinner at CPK. Me: Ok. Cu then." Or, "Him: Thinking of you tonight. Me: Me too. =D"
I tell guys straight up when they ask me to call "you call me" then i add the smiley face. LOL

always have to add the smiley face:yep:

but yeah i woulda said "how bout you call me.....i'll be up til 10...."

not callin no dude first and not havin no damn textlationship with nobody....that gets old...pick up the daggone phone! please and thanks.:look:
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