Why do friends in Bad Marriages, try to ?


Well-Known Member
I have a friend in a bad marriage and she's confinding in me trying to convice me that being single is better, and that I should just stay like I am, an "I would be so much happier" and how she made a mistake. Why judge one bad, selfish, inconsiderate individual on the whole institution of marriage? Why not let me decide that? I hate when they do that, but If you ask would they change places with you for working and the single life they are like well........:look:? Thanks for letting me rant!
Good Rant I know people in bad marriages saying Oh it is going to happen to you too Almaz so far I am very blessed but she is angry and think that she is telling you something good for you watch. Watch and listen to her closely. This is divine providence. You may not think so but it is. She is here to teach you a lesson

Think about you are listening to her issues with her husband. Learn from her so you if you meet someone like her or her SO. Cause women can be butts also. Then you will learn to avoid such type of person so you DON'T make the same mistakes in your marriage and you WON'T have the same problems she has or if something comes up you can head it off at the path.

You may think this person is just venting and angry yes she is but listen and learn. Sometimes the good lord puts people in your life for a reason

Just saying
I have a friend in a bad marriage and she's confinding in me trying to convice me that being single is better, and that I should just stay like I am, an "I would be so much happier" and how she made a mistake. Why judge one bad, selfish, inconsiderate individual on the whole institution of marriage? Why not let me decide that? I hate when they do that, but If you ask would they change places with you for working and the single life they are like well........:look:? Thanks for letting me rant!
O-KAY!!!! :up::up: This is why married people need to lighten up on the unsolicited advice to single people (I thought this when I was single and I still feel this way now that I'm married-- in spite of people who said I'd change my mind once I "had a man" :blah::blah::blah:). There's nothing wrong with having an open and honest conversation with someone, but don't act like dark clouds don't have silver linings when you KNOW you wouldn't trade places with the person you're advising!
because it's the encouraging thing to say. people hype marriage way up.. and for good reason but, it's like the saying '' the grass isn't always greener on the other side ''.