Hello sutton and welcome to the board. As you stated we also love this board not because it addresses long hair but because it addresses healthy AA hair. I searched everywhere for information about healthy AA hair and believe me theres not much information out there. With health comes length if any woman chooses to. There is a myth that AA women can't have long hair unless it's a weave. Our hair grows just like anyone elses and it is a personal preference on how someone chooses to wear their hair. Why would that be considered a sell out? As far as why do AA women with long hair get asked if they are wearing a weave. It is ignorance that we can't achieve great lengths. It's funny before weaves became really popular, many people would approach me and say you have beautiful hair. Now that weaves are the rage, they ask if I'm wearing a weave. Don't forget many white women wear weaves and take vitamins too. There are plenty of sites addressed to their hair needs. We are blessed to have this site to address our hair needs..finally someone listens. I choose to grow my own healthy hair from my scalp, not get it out of a bag.