Why did you get married??


New Member
I know it sounds like "one of those questions", but I'm curious about why other people get married. I'm getting married in a week and I really don't have any in depth reasons. I love him, we have a family together, and we want to build a future together. What are or were your reasons?
We both fell in love with each other and what each other stood for. Our family values and morals are the same. We are both in mid 30s. We both went through bad divorces. We had both been hurt. We wanted a family. We missed being married. Now, with 2 kids from his previous marriage and one from mine we are doing the dang thing. Sometimes it gets rough with issues pertaining to the kids, but I couldn't see going through it with anyone else but him. For anyone that thinks there are no more good men.....keep praying and just wait. They do exist! Congrats to you!
I love the person that he is...I love the person that he "makes" me. Though I don't care to much for Beyaki "Flaws and all" is my anthem.

UGH!!!! he just farted and smiled as I was typing...I'll come back to this thread later..he threw me off. Ole nasty bamma! I guess its my fault for making mexican lasagne for dinner.
I love the person that he is...I love the person that he "makes" me. Though I don't care to much for Beyaki "Flaws and all" is my anthem.

UGH!!!! he just farted and smiled as I was typing...I'll come back to this thread later..he threw me off. Ole nasty bamma! I guess its my fault for making mexican lasagne for dinner.



Girl, first I was saying awww, then you wrote that last paragraph and now my stomach is hurting from laughing so hard.

But that is marriage in a nutshell, you love em to death one moment the next you just want to strangle em. But he is yours and you are his.

God Bless their hearts!

I love the person that he is...I love the person that he "makes" me. Though I don't care to much for Beyaki "Flaws and all" is my anthem.

UGH!!!! he just farted and smiled as I was typing...I'll come back to this thread later..he threw me off. Ole nasty bamma! I guess its my fault for making mexican lasagne for dinner.

:lachen: Girl! That messes me up too! What's in a mexican lasagne? :look: