Why did you break up with your ex?


Well-Known Member
Why did you and your ex break up? Do you have any regrets? Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did? Would you consider your new bf/husband an upgrade?
I'm divorcing that nicca cuz he couldn't keep his hands to himself & I have NO regrets. Haven't met anyone else yet, not in any hurry too.But, when the time is right I trust the next man will be a much better man than the one I married. My standards are twice what they were when I met him & I know my value now so I'm bound to attract a good man.
I'm divorcing that nicca cuz he couldn't keep his hands to himself & I have NO regrets. Haven't met anyone else yet, not in any hurry too.But, when the time is right I trust the next man will be a much better man than the one I married. My standards are twice what they were when I met him & I know my value now so I'm bound to attract a good man.
Same story with my ex husband.
I broke up with my ex because I met my husband. :look: I can still remember it like it was yesterday, my then boyfriend and I arrived together at his school, and my dh was there with his friends. I met my dh about a week prior and gave him my number. When my ex walked ahead of me, I looked at my dh and mouthed "call me!" :lachen:
I broke up with my ex because I met my husband. :look: I can still remember it like it was yesterday, my then boyfriend and I arrived together at his school, and my dh was there with his friends. I met my dh about a week prior and gave him my number. When my ex walked ahead of me, I looked at my dh and mouthed "call me!" :lachen:

you are GANGSTA:lachen:
Why did you and your ex break up? Do you have any regrets? Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did? Would you consider your new bf/husband an upgrade?

1. He wants a kid now. I do not.

2. Nope.

3. Yes, I am worried, because he had some great qualities but they were only consistent if I obliged to his wants/needs.

4. Currently single, and will be that way for some time.
We were in hs and he joined the Navy. He was leaving for basic training and he asked me to marry him. The whole month before he left, he was constantly taking my picture and saying "I can't wait to show this to the other guys like 'Look what I got waiting for me at home.'" My response would always be " :look: ." I told him that I wasn't going to wait for him as soon as he told me he was joining the Navy and I continued to tell him throughout our relationship. I never misled him. He must have thought I was joking. I started dating my current SO a few weeks after he left.

ETA: I wasn't worried about meeting anyone else because we were in high school.
I don't have any regrets because the relationship was fun and I'm happy about where I am in my life and he's happy with where he is in his.
My SO was an upgrade :grin:
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Why did you and your ex break up?
He wasn't ready to marry me and wasn't man enough to admit it.

Do you have any regrets?
At first I was afraid that I had made a mistake, then I came to my senses and realized that if he really wanted to marry me he would have done so 2 years ago.

Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did?
I will never let anyone treat me the way that he did.

Would you consider your new bf/husband an upgrade?
Haven't been looking and am not worried. I am focusing on my own goals.
Why did you and your ex break up?
Where do I start LoL...Because he wasn't ready to grow up yet. He was horrible with money. He was picky about everything (food, trips, clothes, etc...) and 4 years later he still lives with roommates @ 38!
Do you have any regrets?
Nope not really! He was a very nice man an never mis treated me but... I think I can find someone who is kind AND responsible. I stayed because I thought since he was soo nice I could deal with the other flaws and boy was I wrong. It got old and irritating.
Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did?
Nope not worried. One of these day's I'll find the Mr. Right.
He was a douchebag and I was desperate to be with someone.I finally found God in a deeper way and made a step of faith and left him.We had a car accident a week prior to our wedding and I'm thankful for it because I would be a divorced woman at 25.Im happy I left even though I haven't dated since then.
Because I realized that we were both dreamers but I was the only "doer" and eventually I got tired of it.

I shouldn't feel guilty for the things that I want, especially if I'm willing to work hard to make them a reality. And if what I want/dream of/hope for makes you (my ex) feel inadequate/incapable/insecure, step aside.
-He was abusive
-My biggest regret is that I didn't leave earlier and that I wasted so much time on a sorry arse guy..
-I was too occupied keeping myself in seclusion to worry about being with someone else
-My sweetheart is one HELL of an upgrade.I always thought men like him existed in movies lol
He was boring and a waste of time so no regrets there. I wasn't worried about finding someone else as he never set the bar that high in the first place, he was just.....summer filler.:look: New BF is definitely an upgrade and that goes back to exes past as well. It's funny when you find someone that encompasses so much of what you want/need and you realize you were just wasting time with past SOs.
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Why did you and your ex break up? He became a hermit - didn't want to go outside or hang out with other people ...then he had the nerve to complain that we never did anything.
Do you have any regrets? Nah, I learned a lot about myself and other people during the experience.
Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did? Nope. I never had a problem with people treating me poorly. I did worry that I wouldn't find someone who was as compatible with me...but I quickly realized that was silly.
Would you consider your new bf/husband an upgrade? Currently single and dating. The few people I've been out with since the ex have all been upgrades :)
Ex: Selfish, insecure, immature, callous at times, trifling,

New SO: Total upgrade in every category. He is so kind, considerate, and a true gentleman.

I was not scared to let go of the loser b/c I felt God telling me that He wanted a man to treat me the way He knows I deserve to be treated whether I realized it or not. So glad that I let go and let God. My Man is the best thing since chili cheese fries.
:lachen: I broke up w/ one of my boyfriends because he called me 3am one morning talmbout he checked himself into the Charter mental insttution. :lachen:

This one had me LMBO!! :lachen::lachen:
Why did you and your ex break up?
He was immature, had no car, no job or goals. And everytime we had a fight he would go talk privately to my best friend about me. (ex best friend) :perplexed

Do you have any regrets?
I did at first but now no. I really did love him, but perhaps I was just happy to be in a relationship because it was my first one really.Now I know I deserve way better.

Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did?
I am currently single but I have faith and know I am a good woman that deserves a good man, so he will find me.
Why did you and your ex break up? He decided that he didnt want to be in a commited relationship and cheated with one of his coworkers.
Do you have any regrets? No. I did miss him for a while but realized that I was better off without him.
Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did? Nope.
Would you consider your new bf/husband an upgrade? Oh yes!
Why did you and your ex break up? Cause he a crazy mf'er
Do you have any regrets? Hell no
Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did? Never I know in life i deserve better
Would you consider your new bf/husband an upgrade? When i find one in the future hell yes any thing is a upgrade from dirt but i expect diamonds the next time.
Why did you and your ex break up?Because he was a habitual liar, he emotionally abused me, and he started to become physical. Then he stalked me for months after our break-up (we were together for 9 years). Take in mind, ya girl is not a weak one at all so it was a really crazy time period. I was so confused and hopeful over a situation I wanted to happen, but God did not want that for me. I prayed and he showed me.

Do you have any regrets?
I have not one single regret. I will always have a place for him in my heart because we genuinely loved one another, but we were not in love, nor were we compatible. We would have hurt one another even more by staying together.

Were you worried about not finding someone who treats you as well as your ex did?
When we finally broke upfor real, I wasn't worried at all. I am not going to say I did not feel alone, because I did. I made God my man, and he treated me better than any man ever could. I figured that he won't bless me with someone I put before him (the way I did my ex) so I made him my first concern. My time with God was so abundant, that I didn't have time to worry about a man. At that point in my life, I knew that if God wanted me to have a man, then I would not have to do anything, we would find each other through him.

Would you consider your new bf/husband an upgrade?
My SO is definitely an upgrade. He is a man of God, he is a good father, willing to learn, we are actually friends first, not just boyfriend/girlfriend. We know to pray when we have issues because some things, I can't help him with, and some things he can't help me with. We have an awesome, fun, and relaxed relationship.