Whose loving on their own hair right now???


New Member
I am absolutely LOVING on my hair right now. I'm happy with the length, the health, and the versatility from tips I have learned here. My regimen is pretty much consistent with the swap out of new products :look:; but the process stays the same. Straight or curly, I have managed to come up with some styles I like and have been stylist free for 6 weeks. :blush: Even when I had WL hair; I don't know if it was as healthy as it looks and feels now... probably was before I started straightening.. but I was using "Let's Jam", pink oil moisturizer, oil sheen and all kind of other crazy Asian BSS stuff at that time and it still grew. With the extra money burning a hole.. I have bought up almost all the dangon hair products I could... :lachen::lachen:

Who else is loving on their hair?!
I love my hair & it loves me back!

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YAY!! I'm happy for you guys!!!!
I'm ... LIKING on my own hair right now.
I'll love it again soon i'm sure
Meeeee! I'm especially loving my new growth. I've learned to appreciate it and I can't stop touching it. Pre-LHCF I probably would have relaxed already. I really want to find out what my hair type is. My hair is probably the healthest it's ever been....not that I was paying much attention to it before starting my HHJ. :)
I love my hair too. I was a bit bad when the front of my hair was totally underprocessed but after finding the right products and wearing braid-outs, I really don't feel the need to relax now. I am so in love with my waves and coils. :love:
I love my hair & it loves me back!

okay, off topic but when the #@%* did you cut your hair? what did i miss? :shocked:

okay back on topic :lol:

i did some snipping of my own and i'm SUPER happy with my shape now! no more knots on the ends of my hair, detangling is a breeze and my hair is "bouncier," and most importantly no more curly mullet! :lachen:

so i'm totally lovin my hair right now :grin:
I love my hair. And I love that I know how to provide my hair what it needs.
Thanks LHCF for helping to set me free from being slave to the chair.
I'm "in like" with my hair right now. If it would just get to a healthy APL, it would turn into love. I like that I have mastered the styling and care on my own without a hairdresser--that's very empowering.
im loving my hair right now too. i love how soft and silky it feels ever since i started using coconut oil to seal again. my hair is thanking me and the compliments keep coming.
Not yet. I like my hair today (pretty wash-and-go,) but I definitely don't love my hair yet. Maybe when I'm WL, or perhaps after my transition I will love it :)
Fab, thanks for posting this because that's how I feel right now!
I am absolutely in love with the length, how healthy it looks/feels, the fact that my hair is natural again...

I feel like I have an extra skip in my step LOL
I even went out and bought a bunch of pretty sundresses for the summer because I just feel so happy. Yeah corny but true LOL
Fab, thanks for posting this because that's how I feel right now!
I am absolutely in love with the length, how healthy it looks/feels, the fact that my hair is natural again...

I feel like I have an extra skip in my step LOL
I even went out and bought a bunch of pretty sundresses for the summer because I just feel so happy. Yeah corny but true LOL

Yup!! Totally agree with this.. I'm thinking the natural products do help... I started going almost all natural at the end of Feb.. and I can really tell a difference.
Not yet. I like my hair today (pretty wash-and-go,) but I definitely don't love my hair yet. Maybe when I'm WL, or perhaps after my transition I will love it :)

Are you kidding Spin? I can give that head of hair a good home!!! :lachen: I think you have that hair anorexia disease.. because I'm a tough grader and it's gorgeous to me.. at the current length. Maybe bc I don't want super long hair ever again...BSL/MBL is gonna be good enough for me and functional for my lifestyle.
I absolutely love my hair! It is so well-behaved...the way it can go from straight, to curly, to textured, according to whatever mood I'm in. The versatility is just marvelous.

Right now, I'm 14 weeks post, with almost 2" of new growth and scheduled to touchup my texlax next weekend...after a 15-week stretch. I'm thinking that I just maaayybe at WL...finally. I am so excited!:grin: