Whose loving on their own hair right now???

I would say deeply loving my hair or :infatuated: lately. Since joining LHCF and learning new and interesting things,I might add everyday about hair is very liberating(from stylist who don't know their A*&es from their elbows). And yes Fab you do save a ton of money by not visiting the salon as much,but end up spending it on new products my bathroom is looking real crazy right now!
I would say deeply loving my hair or :infatuated: lately. Since joining LHCF and learning new and interesting things,I might add everyday about hair is very liberating(from stylist who don't know their A*&es from their elbows). And yes Fab you do save a ton of money by not visiting the salon as much,but end up spending it on new products my bathroom is looking real crazy right now!

Say word!:yep:

bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, hair products falling out the hall closet.. craziness.:lachen:
*RAISES HAND* i'm sooooo in love with these danggone curls. Especially after I did some soul searchin (board browsing) for a product to give me decent curl definition. I think i've found it and now.. i'm absolutley lovin it.:yep: plus, I'm finally able to get atleast the front section of my hair into a little puff. So I'm wearin it half up half down.. Sooooo In Love with this moisturized natural fro I have!!
MEEEE :) I'm loving my hair right now! I'm so happy that I cut it because it's thicker than ever now! :D
I keep it up in a bun by day but when i take it down after soaking oils in it all day it has so much shine softness and yummyness :)
*RAISES HAND* i'm sooooo in love with these danggone curls. Especially after I did some soul searchin (board browsing) for a product to give me decent curl definition. I think i've found it and now.. i'm absolutley lovin it.:yep: plus, I'm finally able to get atleast the front section of my hair into a little puff. So I'm wearin it half up half down.. Sooooo In Love with this moisturized natural fro I have!!

Are you going to share with us what product you found to define your curls?

And, oh yes! I am loving my hair.....twa stage is good! :yep:
I am Loving all 13 Strands! :grin:

Waiting for 14! Wishing for 15! Will end up with a Head Full Eventually.:look:

Enjoying the Journey. And the Wonderful Friendships! :yep:
Im loving my hair now!! Im finally finding styles that work with my hair...when you stop fighting your hair and just let it do its thing, its so much easier. I used to just want others hair and wish my hair could do the same...it can't...so now im just coming into my own and appreciating what my hair can do. :-)
I am lovin' my hair right now! It is the shortest it has ever been in my life (just BC'd). I am having a blast with styling and accessorizing:grin:!
Fabulosity, I officially change my vote. I BC'd last night and am now officially loving on my hair again :)
I am absolutely LOVING my hair right now. I finally tweaked my routine for summer and established one that my hair agrees with. So it feels all soft and looks shiny :grin:.
Oh, count me in! I'm certainly LOVING my hair right now!! These bangs are finally growing some, by the end of summer I should have a nice side swoop bang.
*RAISES HAND AND JUMPS UP AND DOWN* I am! I am! I just finished with my wash, DC, acv rinse, and twisting. It feels FABULOUS! And because of my shrinkage, I'm always amazed when I wash it and see the unshrunken (not a real word, I know) length. Can't tell me nuthin right now!
I'm really loving my hair right about now...I love to feel it.... I want everyone to be as happy as I am about their hair. When the length is longer I'll love it even more. My hair has never been as healthy as it is today...I found how I want to wear it for now and it works for me (braid out)..still slighty searching for better products. But I'm so happy with it.