what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to?

Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I love that I'm able to stretch so long and I'm looking forward to going to the "dry bar" for a blow out. I'll probably go around spring break.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I love that my hair is not where I want it to be but it is still sooooo much better than my relaxed hair:)

I love that I know what I need to do to make my hair soft, strong, happy or sad. We have a communication that I never knew before.

I can't wait to do BAB (big a$$ buns). I love how lush updos look with lots of hair:)
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I love seeing my curls blossom as each month post-relaxer passes and I look forward to having big, natural hair. Woo-hoo!
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I love how healthy my hair is and that health is now turning into length for me.

I'm looking forward to getting to full APL within the next few months and also on making BSL by the end of the year. BSL will the be longest my hair has been ever.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

NJoy: What can we say about you? This is a great looking picture. Your hair is remarkably pretty. Boy am I looking forward to my hair growing more. I had a good first year in 2011. 2012 is just getting better!!
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I am loving how super soft and woolly my hair is. I am loving the fact that it is beautiful. I am loving the fact that my hair is simply me.:yep:
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I feel I sort of "get it", and now I can work towards having thick, long, healthy care. Goal: WL 2014 baby! <3
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

Honestly, I'm loving how SHORT my hair is right now. Why? Because it's easy to wash my scalp and my hair dries really quickly. LOL.

That said, I cant wait until I'm back to AT LEAST APL. I want my twist-bun back.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

Bumping....anyone elsa wanna share?? :-)
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I discovered on Friday (wash day) that my hair is APL UNstreched!!! This has been a long time goal of mine and one I didn't think I was going to reach until full WL or longer so I am really excited about this milestone! I am almost embarrassed to confess to you all how much I have been throwing my hair over my shoulders and flipping it from one side to the other in the last two days all the while singing "I whip my hair back and forth" in my head. You don't have to tell me, I know I need to stop :)
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I am loving reading all the responses...so many accomplishments. :-)
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I'm loving how my kinky twists allow me to workout daily, sweat like a beast, and still don't have to worry about my hair looking a mess after. lol.

I love that I've been sooo consistent with my ps'ing.. I haven't fallen off, which should means I'm retaining w/ no problems. :spinning:

I'm looking forward to that time between taking my twists out and getting new ones in, because I'm SURE my hair is going to feel strong and moisturized :yep:
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I'm loving the fact that I can finally put my hair in a bun. Y'all just don't know, it felt like forever!!
I can't wait until my hair gets to BSL. Just to be able to feel my hair across my back will be a nice experience that I've never had. That's my goal this year for 2012!!
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I like how my hair is showing my length now when it's curly. M

I am looking forward to my curly reaching bsb in a semi stretched state (after being banded or twisted)
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

Im loving the fact that my hair has been moisturized, split end, and knot free since Ive been relaxed..HOWEVER im 7 months post and Im really trying to think of what I can do to have my natural hair be in the same condition so I wont have to relax again. decisions decisions :ohwell:
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I'm wearing my first natural puff and loving it.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I'm loving how this is the longest and healthiest my hair has EVER been and I owe it all to LHCF and Mane & Tail conditioner. I now have a goal of Mid Back Length - say what?!!!

I think I can make it, where before it was only a dream. I have the longest, healthiest, thickest hair of my life. I call it my "dream" hair!
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I loving how full my hair finally is! I never had full hair in all my life. Styles are just so much more better when I'm not missing portions of my hair because it broke off. I'm also loving the thickness. I can't wait for it to get longer so i can experience its full glory.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I'm transitioning so I am loving my new growth! I have missed my beautiful, natural, nappy hair so much and it's great to see it again and enjoy the thickness.

I'm looking forward to all of the yummy goodness that is going to continue growing out of my scalp. Currently 9 months post and I can't wait until I am completely natural.:grin:
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

It's super thick and shiny thanks to pregnancy hormones. :grin::grin: I'm looking forward to gaining more length.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

Loving: Finally getting some hang time in shrunken styles and the fact that I am back to my former longest length.
Looking forward to: Breaking my own personal best with longer lengths than ever before.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I am loving that I learned how to wash my HL hair without tangles.

I am glad that I tried finger combing as it works great for my hair, and I lose less hair from pulling and tugging :)
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

Im loving that my hair is SO healthy on the ends finally and curls all the way (Except my bangs) My hair hasnt been this healthy in years and Im growing to love my kinky curly hair! I'm looking forward to growing my hair back to BSL this year (CBL now) and seeing more of my totally natural, virgin hair.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I'm loving my length, my permed ends are slowing getting cut off, I'm looking forward to retaining all if not most of my growth.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I'm loving that my breakage is not as bad as it was and I'm learning how to "diagnose" and "treat" my hair. I'm loving that I can do my own hair and achieve salon quality results. I'm loving that my hair is near APL in the back and sides and my bangs are chin length.

I can't wait for the hair damaged by breakage grows out and I can get my fullness back. I can't wait to be BSL. :yay:
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I am loving how my hair has actually retained length over the past four months. I am really looking forward to reaching APL hopefully by the summer and be MBL in 2013.
I love that my hair is so soft after these roller sets I'm doing twice a week. I can't keep my fingers out of my hair.
I'm looking forward to getting box braids for part of the winter/early spring and I'm looking forward to reaching my year end goal of bsl!!!
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I have never even dreamed of such long, thick and easy to maintain hair.
It even keeps detangled in its natural state to the point that I can part it when dry. For the very first time I like it the way it is (tear lol). I have to be honest, I didn't think it was possible. I look forward to full MBL.
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

I love that I can flat-iron my hair and get relaxer-esque flat-iron results, without heat damage worries or putting relaxer in my head! it's so exciting to me! i feel like my hair is growing and retaining length.

I'm looking forward to the END of these ssk's!!
Re: what about your hair are you loving right now and what are you looking forward to

for the first time in my life i will be able to grow out my hair to wsl or even tailbone, due to good hair practices and a solid reggie. the longer it gets the easier it is to manage. i get swangin flat ironed hurr that people mistake for relaxed.