Whose Hair Detests Deep Conditioning?


Well-Known Member
This is soo STRANGE, whenever I deep condition my hair doesn't feel moisturised at all, if anything its harder to detangle, i really do not think its partial to what i currently use, because the exact same thing occurs when using some other brands of conditioners too. Now conditioner washes are an entirely different matter, I just smooth it on, and leave it for 5 minutes and i'm left with softer and more conditioned hair. Should i stick to just CWs? Could lack of deep conditioning be deterimental to the health of the hair? Has anyone had this type of experience? I thought hair is supposed to loove deep conditionings.
I'm starting to wonder the same thing about my hair! I'm sorry I don't have answers for you. I would like to know this information as well.
Den, how long are you deep conditioning and how often? I find that if I deep condition under a dryer more than 15 minutes my hair tends to feel dry. You may also need to add moisture. In the salon I go to on they wrap my hair in a wet towel, then put on the plastic cap. Sometimes I don't use the dryer at all I just put on two plastic caps and wrap with a towel.
joyous said:
Den, how long are you deep conditioning and how often? I find that if I deep condition under a dryer more than 15 minutes my hair tends to feel dry. You may also need to add moisture. In the salon I go to on they wrap my hair in a wet towel, then put on the plastic cap. Sometimes I don't use the dryer at all I just put on two plastic caps and wrap with a towel.
I usually deep condition for 30-40min without heat under plastic cap, because it makes my hair even drier. I only deep condition once every two weeks because of the same reason i explained, only CWs help.
den1 said:
I usually deep condition for 30-40min without heat under plastic cap, because it makes my hair even drier. I only deep condition once every two weeks because of the same reason i explained, only CWs help.

Maybe co washes are the way to go, listen to your hair. Sorry I couldn't help. Whatever your doing, your hair is absolutely gorgeous. You are a great hair inspiration on this board.
joyous said:
Maybe co washes are the way to go, listen to your hair. Sorry I couldn't help. Whatever your doing, your hair is absolutely gorgeous. You are a great hair inspiration on this board.
Its really weird, i'm not sure if its because of the transitioning textures, i recollect that this happened quite frequently when i was texturizing too. Maybe my hair cannot handle product overload, for now i'll continue with my regime. Thanks for the compliment Joyous!!! and for trying resolve the problem.
I deep condition with heat for 20 mins. Cathy Howse suggests 20 mins with heat at least once a week. Maybe you are spending too much time under the dryer. Or maybe you should bypass the dryer all together and just use the plastic cap wrap with a towel.

Are you sure its not the conditioner itself? I know I can't use cholesterol type conditioners to deep condition. They just make my hair hard and tangled.
simplycee said:
I deep condition with heat for 20 mins. Cathy Howse suggests 20 mins with heat at least once a week. Maybe you are spending too much time under the dryer. Or maybe you should bypass the dryer all together and just use the plastic cap wrap with a towel.

Are you sure its not the conditioner itself? I know I can't use cholesterol type conditioners to deep condition. They just make my hair hard and tangled.
I don't use the dryer at all, its makes my hair harder. I'm almost certain its not just the lekair cholesterol conditioner, after a while i had issues with keracare humecto, Nexxus Humectress as well.
Since I've been natural, my hair doesn't do well with just the straight deep conditioners (Lekair, Queen Helene, Lustrasilk), I've found that I have to mix them with something then warm them up. Like if I have a 1/3 jar of conditioner, I add about half that amount of moisturizing conditioner (suave or whatever), and 2 or 3 tablespoons of honey. This would work well after clarifying and I would just leave it on for a couple of hours while I cooked dinner or something. But it works even better for me when I warm it up then slap it on dry hair.

If it isn't working for your hair though, I don't think it would cause harm not to do it especially if your hair doesn't need it. My hair needs it, I get split ends and knot terribly (I have some scab hair that I'm trimming slowly because I don't want to loose all my little length at once.) Try experimenting with mixing to see if that works any better if it is something that you think your hair will really need. But If you see that your hair is suffering no ill effects from not deep conditioning, then leave it alone...:)