Who's set to make BSL 08?

I'm inching there. I only have a few strands touching now. I'll get a touch up the end of the month and will check then hopefully I will be then but if not it's still not too far away.
Aggie, your hair in the pic in your siggy looks very healthy and shiny :yep:. It'll look great @ BSL.

I am currently using the C&G method...trust me, it works!!! If you stay consistent with it, you'll see results fairly quickly. Good luck :Rose:

Thanks you so much Lioness and good luck to you too.
I'm going to try and make it right after you...:look:

*let me know when you start the '09 thread...*[/quote]

Hmm, if I don't make it this year, I just might have to start the 2009 BSL thread if someone else don't beat me to it first, lol.
Congrats to all the ladies who already made bra strap for '08...!

I am getting close. I should be able to join yarl by August.
i'll be taking some new pictures in a few weeks
not sure exactly when - but whenever i take
these twists that i'm currently in the process of doing out.

i'm sure i wont be bsl by then...but still...lol

hope everyone's doing gooooood!!!
I'm going to try and make it right after you...:look:

*let me know when you start the '09 thread...*[/quote]

Hmm, if I don't make it this year, I just might have to start the 2009 BSL thread if someone else don't beat me to it first, lol.

If you're passed out somewhere on December 31st..:look:...
I'll make sure I start it before I go out for the evening..:grin:

*I already feel that the 2009 thread is where I will be chilling when it goes up -- but I'm gonna stay supportive in this one...and :sekret: *
If you're passed out somewhere on December 31st..:look:...
I'll make sure I start it before I go out for the evening..:grin:

*I already feel that the 2009 thread is where I will be chilling when it goes up -- but I'm gonna stay supportive in this one...and :sekret: *

Hey Mona, I haven't seen you in a looooooooooong while. I missed you. Where have you been? By the way, I started a new deep conditioning challenge. If you wanna join, let me know, okay? Here's the link just in case you're interested:

And yeah, I guess we both will be racing to start that 2009 BSL challenge if we don't make this one:yep:.
another pulldown from today (april 30, 2008)



i just ordered some of that ovation cell therapy stuff oh goodness.

haha...hopefully it helps give a little push...
I'm in! I am hoping for BSL by July 08, but really hoping to make it by May 08. I use no heat and I don't deal with scissors. I'm just trying to find the right moisture balance for my hair.
you are almost mud back length girl!i can tell from your photos.congratulations!!!!!!!!:grin:
i want to join, i'm hoping to there by december, depending on which bra I wear.:grin:, i'm only 5'2 so it shouldn't be that hard....
I got strands touching BS, but I'm not claiming it until I'm full BSL. I'm on a personal HYH challenge for summer and I'm stretching (since January). I'm still on the mission though :grin:
How's everyone doing?
Hey Mona, I haven't seen you in a looooooooooong while. I missed you. Where have you been? By the way, I started a new deep conditioning challenge. If you wanna join, let me know, okay? Here's the link just in case you're interested:

And yeah, I guess we both will be racing to start that 2009 BSL challenge if we don't make this one:yep:.

I peeped that challenge, I need to officially join! Especially since I'm a conditioner junkie :look:
Is it too late for me to join? If not I'd like to go for BSL by Dec 31, 2008. Gotta give myself till the last minute. :grin:

I'm finally claiming full APL in the front and back right now. Its a miracle! Now that I'm starting OCT today, when it arrives, I KNOW I'll hit BSL sooner than later so I'd like to adjust my goal date to October 31, 2008. I'm not sure its going to happen by then but I've gotta reach for the stars on this one! :grin:
I think I need to readjust my goal :ohwell:
I was hoping for BSL in April...I"ll just say "...sometime this year..." :rolleyes:
However, I'm not disappointed. I knew it would take longer (...for some reason BSL and MBL look the same on me ...I dunno) and at least I have a head full of half-way healthy hair to show for my efforts :yep:
Hey Mona, I haven't seen you in a looooooooooong while. I missed you. Where have you been? By the way, I started a new deep conditioning challenge. If you wanna join, let me know, okay? Here's the link just in case you're interested:

And yeah, I guess we both will be racing to start that 2009 BSL challenge if we don't make this one:yep:.

Hey chica..

Just a lot has been going on this past month and the past week or so has been especially hectic...just moved into new spot yesterday and I'm still trying to get myself together/settled. Decided to do a quick driveby and see what was poppin on the board :sekret:

Hey chica..

Just a lot has been going on this past month and the past week or so has been especially hectic...just moved into new spot yesterday and I'm still trying to get myself together/settled. Decided to do a quick driveby and see what was poppin on the board :sekret:


Okay honey. I guess I'll see you more after you settle in then. Have fun with the move.
I did my touch-up on May 2nd, I believe I have an 1 1/2" -2" to make BSL.
I find it harder to make BSL than it was to reach APL :ohwell:. Hopefully I'll make it sometime during the summer :yep: