who's hair does yours look like?


New Member
who\'s hair does yours look like?

I made an appointment to get my hair done on saturday. (A flat iron and a trim.) I explained to the stylist that I am natural. She asked who my hair looked like so she could get an idea and I said Gloria Reuben. She had no idea who she was and I couldn't think of anyone else.

So, if someone asked you, who would you say your hair looks like?
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

I just have garden variety, nappy negro hair. So, whoever fits that description, lol.
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Depends on if it's a good hair day.../images/graemlins/look.gif
Holly Robinson Pete or Tracie Ellis Ross
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Maybe Joan on Girlfriends but not as voluminous? I don't know, I think I identify more with some of the people on this site than celebrities.
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

I get called Kelis a lot when I'm out and about--I WISH haha...I think I'm closer to Gloria Reuben as well...
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

When I used to crimp it...Beyonce (which is how I ended up on LHCF - I wore it like that from 2000 to 2002 everyday!!!)

Kelis if I do a wash and go. Color, curl and all.

I still haven't mastered straight hair so no one at this time./images/graemlins/ohwell.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Hairlove I think your curls are looser than Gloria Reuben's.

I used to get Joan from Girlfriends and "that black lady on Ally McBeal" (Lisa Nicole Carson) when I was texturized. I got the big forehead going on like them too. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif At a club once I overheard this guy tell his friend that I looked like Scary Spice /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

I have no idea...lemme think a minute. /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Hey I know my exact hair twin.You all might not know or remember him though, lol! His name is Jaye Davidson, he was in Stargate and The Crying Game.
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Hairlove I think your curls are looser than Gloria Reuben's.

I used to get Joan from Girlfriends and "that black lady on Ally McBeal" (Lisa Nicole Carson) when I was texturized. I got the big forehead going on like them too. /images/graemlins/rofl.gif At a club once I overheard this guy tell his friend that I looked like Scary Spice /images/graemlins/perplexed.gif

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I think she's beautiful on the outside /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Hairlove I think your curls are looser than Gloria Reuben's.

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I was thinking the same thing... /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

I agree, if this is a white salon you should say Sarah Jessica Parker's natural hair or Juliana Margolis (sp?-that girl from ER) They'll know who that is.

Hairlove I think your curls are looser than Gloria Reuben's.

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I was thinking the same thing... /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif

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Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

hmmm I cant really tell right now, maybe kelis and scary spice? I dunno. I have to wait until it gets longer.
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

I have not seen anyone in the entertainment field that even "looks" like they have hair like mine....and thats cool wit me.
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

I think I identify more with some of the people on this site than celebrities.

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Ditto. I can't think of one celebrity whose hair looks similiar to mine.

ETA: Okay, I take that back. I just saw the LisaRaye pics and my hair looks very much like hers.
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

I think I identify more with some of the people on this site than celebrities.

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Ditto. I can't think of one celebrity whose hair looks similiar to mine.

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yeah thats more accurate lol
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

/images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif I guess Jill Scott but that may be wishful thinking on my part /images/graemlins/grin.gif .
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Me with out my weave...Lenny Kravitz. Before the relaxer and after the dreadlocks. Me with the weave...Anyone I want! LOL
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Frederick Douglas. (Y'all know that brother had some cool hair /images/graemlins/smile.gif)

And Gossamer, of course /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Hmmm...I don't know of any clebes whose hair looks like mine either! /images/graemlins/confused.gif So few of them wear their actual hair out that it's hard to tell... /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Does this count as a celebrity? /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

Does this count as a celebrity? /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif

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roflmbao /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif
Re: who\'s hair does yours look like?

KAddy, you ain't right.

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