Whoops!! My natural journey has come to an end...

Bre, you got pics? One tactic my sister uses (and I will be using) not to get her hair permed bone straight even when she goes to a stylist is to put lots of oil on her hair before she goes, even the new growths.

Hmmmm:scratchch, good idea Keen. I will do this before I get my relaxer done in December for the Christmas holidays. Now I am looking forward to it again.
Your hair looks good, Fab. Lots of body, but now you'll be able to maintain the straightness like you want. And like you said, if you end up having regrets, you can always transition again,right?
Bre, you got pics? One tactic my sister uses (and I will be using) not to get her hair permed bone straight even when she goes to a stylist is to put lots of oil on her hair before she goes, even the new growths.
This is so true- Using the oils overnight before relaxing works like a charm! I made a mistake during my last relaxer and did not do this and my hair came out way too straight for my taste :nono:.
Your hair is gorgeous ma :yep: Yes, it was a hard decision for me but look at it this way - It is hair and it will grow back with time if you ever want to go back to natchal or relaxed - This is one of the things i told myself before i took the plunge :)

Thanks! You're right, it is just hair. I can always try the natural thing again in the future.

I relaxed. I still have some texture but not as much as I was hoping for, especially in the back. I didn't realize how fine/silky my hair was in the back, probably like a 3c i'm guessing so that part is pretty much straight :lachen::rolleyes: The sides, middle and front are more texlaxy but again, not as much as i'd hope. Oh well!!!

I guess the texlaxing process wasn't quite what i was hoping for. I think the mistake i made was the total time it was left in from start to finish (about 13-14 minutes) and the fact that I used the "regular" instead of the mild like I intended to but i was scared it wouldn't take.

I'm sitting here with my cap on and the ors pack which i'm hoping is a protein. Once done i'll rinse, blowdry on low (going forward i'll airdry overnight) and then do a light flatiron to see whats going on here.

I'll post pics of my wet and dry hair.


Here are the pics. Again, my intent was to texlax but i can see that I left the perm on for too long. Anyway, it is what it is but at least my flatironed hair lasted all day as you will see below. Also, the wet hair pics are pretty crappy because I took them on my camera phone




So, that's it. My mom told me that my hair is going to fall out/break off from the perm just a few minutes ago <insert eyeroll here> LOL

it is STILL beautiful and DELICIOUSLY thick!!!:lick:

is that APL, I see...