Whoops!! My natural journey has come to an end...

Awhh, thanks for the update Fab!! You know I was itching waiting. I can't wait to hear how long your next flat iron last. :up:
Gurl, you gotta do what's best for YOU. Ain't nobody doing your hair but YOU.

If you're happy, then so am I.

It's just hair. Natural ain't for everybody.

All my natchal sistren are relaxing! :(

I'm gonna keep up the good fight!

If you are happy, I am happy for you! :)
Your hair came out nice and you still have a nice amount of texture...great job. You are smiling pretty, looking good. :)

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One day I see you upset because your hair went back to it's 'original' state, now I see you decided to 'fix', that situation. LOL! It looks very good! You have great length. I have been up thinking about going to the beautician this evening to relax my hair. I haven't relaxed in only 3 months, but I am a nervous wreck! So, we'll see how this goes. Your hair really does look good!
Congrats on your new hair options. Your hair will be just fine because this board is a wealth of knowledge and your a trooper.

I relaxed. I still have some texture but not as much as I was hoping for, especially in the back. I didn't realize how fine/silky my hair was in the back, probably like a 3c i'm guessing so that part is pretty much straight :lachen::rolleyes: The sides, middle and front are more texlaxy but again, not as much as i'd hope. Oh well!!!

I guess the texlaxing process wasn't quite what i was hoping for. I think the mistake i made was the total time it was left in from start to finish (about 13-14 minutes) and the fact that I used the "regular" instead of the mild like I intended to but i was scared it wouldn't take.

I'm sitting here with my cap on and the ors pack which i'm hoping is a protein. Once done i'll rinse, blowdry on low (going forward i'll airdry overnight) and then do a light flatiron to see whats going on here.

I'll post pics of my wet and dry hair.


Here are the pics. Again, my intent was to texlax but i can see that I left the perm on for too long. Anyway, it is what it is but at least my flatironed hair lasted all day as you will see below. Also, the wet hair pics are pretty crappy because I took them on my camera phone








So, that's it. My mom told me that my hair is going to fall out/break off from the perm just a few minutes ago <insert eyeroll here> LOL

Girl Your hair is really growing. it is so beautiful. i will be glad when i finally see some real length. i have started over at least three times all due to tragedy in my life and i thought that i could not deal with my natural tex. during those times so i permed it. so far i have been transitioning since jan. and doing well.
It's hard for me to self relax. I usually wind up underprocessing a lot of areas (like I did at the beginning of this month and I had to re-do some sections) but overall I think your hair looks good. It looks full and has nice body, AND you're APL by the looks of it :D!
All I can say is WOW!! I will miss you as a natural but you are gorgeous either way. I know that you will take care of it (your hair) well.
No Whoops!! It came out beautifully Fab. Enjoy it. Your hair has grown and looks thick and healthy. I'll bet Kiwi is gonna love playing in it.
Well, at least it was worth the wait! :yep: Your hair looks great, I can't wait to be your length.

Is there any remorse or disappointment? I kinda had those feelings when I went back to relaxers, I think it is a "natchal" feeling at first. Not regret, but....something. I'm just curious.
Your hair looks great! I hope you are happy with your choice. You were natural for a while, I hope I can hang in there as long as you! :look:

You are a pretty lady... but why do you look so mad in your pictures? Smile! :grin:
Well, at least it was worth the wait! :yep: Your hair looks great, I can't wait to be your length.

Is there any remorse or disappointment? I kinda had those feelings when I went back to relaxers, I think it is a "natchal" feeling at first. Not regret, but....something. I'm just curious.

Yes, i do have that twinge of "something" there. I haven't permed in over 2 1/2 years and was natural for almost 2 years of that time. I looked at my daughters beautiful soft puff ponytails yesterday and just sighed. I do feel like a part of me is missing if that makes any sense.

I know I can't hae it both ways, natural i had knots, long detangling times, couldn't ever get my hair straight, tangles but overall still beautiful hair.

Relaxed i'm hoping will still yield beautiful hair, i just need to learn how to take care of it. I think that this will help me in the long run with my gym sessions, i can do faster co washes ( I still plan to cowash maybe 3-5 days a week), etc.

Your hair looks great! I hope you are happy with your choice. You were natural for a while, I hope I can hang in there as long as you! :look:

You are a pretty lady... but why do you look so mad in your pictures? Smile! :grin:

Thanks for the compliment. Do i look mad in my pics??? Everyone in my life tells me this. I truthfully wasn't mad, for some reason I just have this face. I don't really know how to control it :lachen: It's something i'm working on :yep:
I may be going the same route as you!! I've been trying to transition for a year now and it's not getting any less stressful. I think that if I go ahead and have a professional relax the 4 or 5 inches of new growth my life would be so much easier. I don't really want to, but we've all got to make hard decisions sometimes. Oh well! :ohwell:
I may be going the same route as you!! I've been trying to transition for a year now and it's not getting any less stressful. I think that if I go ahead and have a professional relax the 4 or 5 inches of new growth my life would be so much easier. I don't really want to, but we've all got to make hard decisions sometimes. Oh well! :ohwell:
Your hair is gorgeous ma :yep: Yes, it was a hard decision for me but look at it this way - It is hair and it will grow back with time if you ever want to go back to natchal or relaxed - This is one of the things i told myself before i took the plunge :)
Well, well...you hair was beautiful natural and it's still beautiful now. It's still thick and really healthy-looking. Love that I can see your length. You go girl!