Who sleeps on a silk/satin pillowcase?


New Member
I just ordered a silk pillowcase cause my scarf usually wont stay on at nite. Who sleeps with one and is it actually helping your hair? :spinning:
Oooooo, I can't wait to get my pillowcase! Such rave reviews on it! Al least now I wont be bummed when I wake up to find my scarf on the floor, which I strategically tied the night b4.
i do sometimes. my hair never feels dry, but when i sleep on the satin pillow case it is flater than when i wrap it and tie it up w/a silk scarf...
I do! I am a wild sleeper and scarfs/bonnets never stay on my head! I also think it has helped with hair breakage/dryness on the sides of my head( no more lil hairs on my pillow case). It was hard getting used to but now I even take them on vacation and out of town trips! My face doesnt feel so dry in a.m. now either...
Satin. My scarf comes off sometimes and instead of worrying about it, I know my pillow case will provide some protection.
I sleep on satin pillowcases and satin sheets while wearing a satin head scarf. I'm serious about my satin.
i do. i have a couple so i can rotate cuz i believe in washing sheets and pillowcases often, especially cuz of my face
I have both I have been known to show up at the end of my bed by mornings light balled up in a corner and folks looking for me....LOL

I don't sleep in one place so I figure if the cap or wrap fall off my head (which it has been known to do a time or two, or three) I will still be clutching my pillows with the satin cases.
I have both I have been known to show up at the end of my bed by mornings light balled up in a corner and folks looking for me....LOL

I don't sleep in one place so I figure if the cap or wrap fall off my head (which it has been known to do a time or two, or three) I will still be clutching my pillows with the satin cases.

Same here. If I am just resting or taking a cat nap, I sometimes won't tie up my hair because I'm lazy, especially if it's in a bun. This way I don't have to worry about it too much.
I have a satin pillowcase, but got tired of using it because it made my face really greasy. (I tend to oil and moisturize my hair at night so it will absorb while I'm sleeping.) In the mornings, though, I would wake up to a shiny shiny face and it felt gross. I worried it would cause breakouts. Did anyone else have this problem? Anyone have any potential solutions? :)
I sleep on a satin pillowcase. It helps my hair look decent the morning after allow me to go two to three days without re doing my hair in addition to the benefits of sleeping on satin vs. other fabrics that can dry out or break off the hair.
That's the only type of pillowcase on which I will sleep and I'm about do it, right now.
I've been doing it for so many years that I don't recall what my hair was like when I didn't. Okay, maybe my sleepiness is contributing to my lack of memory, at the moment. :lol: