I haven't read the other pages of this thread.....but yes I have a satin pillowcase and a scarf....BUT, one day while at the BSS I turned the package over and guess what?????? The front of the package says SATIN...but when I look at the small print on the back it will say something like 100% polyester, not REAL SATIN...
So, I'm wondering for the ladies that break out sleeping on your pillowcase 100% satin/silk? I don't buy my satin caps/pillowcase from the BSS...i just purchased me a few 100% satin/silk scarfes out of TJ MAXX...they were marked down from like $20-25 to $7 bucks. Yes, there's a big price difference when dealing with the real satin/silk scarfes v/s the $2.99 ones in the BSS.
Oh, to answer your question OP, my hair loves the REAL satin/silk scarfes....when I was using the fake hard didn't have a shine to it,..just dull like.