Who is more attractive? You or SO

Who looks better you or your SO?

  • I look better

    Votes: 26 43.3%
  • He/she looks better

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • We are about the same

    Votes: 24 40.0%

  • Total voters


When it comes to looks are yall a match made in heaven? Or is one of you drop dead gorgeous? Most couples are in the same range, but now and then we see a guy with a girl that is out of his league. That's where game and personality come into play...

First pic is us on Mother's day 2012. Second pic is from date night last Friday


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I'm gonna say DH, because if I'm having a bad hair day I look a hot mess. Men have it easy. Haircut and go lol
im usually about a half point to a point and a half more attractive than my partner and i like it that way. of course with such a small deviation who is more attractive would probably depend on whose eye is beholding us. but i dont seriously date men who could say theyre prettier than me.
jdvzmommy Why do guys always have great eyelashes??

There used to be a show here called 'Your Face or Mine'. At the end the couple would have to decide together who the audience thought was most attractive. It got tense and so cringey to watch sometimes :lol:
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I would say we're pretty equal. We have that "sibling" look going on. Not that any of my siblings resemble him, but he looks more like me than they do lol.
Between school and my five year old I have a lot of rough days....:look: but id say we are in the same range. together we are the cutest thing around. We get compliments a lot especially when we are out and about. People tell us we look so cute together.
I think we are in the same range. My husband is sexy as hell to me. I think I am quite the catch myself. : )
He is.. He's a personal trainer so his body is perfect... He is tall with a basketball player athletic build.. Plus he is younger than me... I'm attractive but my body needs sum tightening up before we r on the same level
He's more attractive now. I have aged badly because of stress.

He's tall, dark, in shape. women love him.
My husband is a big teddy bear. The ladies love him because he is easy to talk to and handsome. He is always getting hit on by old and young women. He looks 10 years younger than his age. I've been told that I am standoffish.
I am.... Lol no conceit just truth. DH is a personal trainer/body builder though so his body is EVERYTHING but he's vertically challenged (5'7") hahaha. I love him though, everything about him!
My SO has a gorgeous face (very masculine bone structure and clean cut with dimples) and an amazingly fit body, so that's a little hard for me because I like to be the outlier in the relationship. He's on the short though, so schwing! :look:

He works out everyday but has a hell of a sweet tooth. I see cute chubby butterball in his future :look: so, I think we complement each other equally now, but in ten years people are going to be liiiiike....."why is she with you? :look:"?