Who has difficulty styling their natural hair?


Ms. Nobody
i dont like twist/braid outs because they kill my volume.
wasn n gos are nice but i hate waiting for them to dry and then they get smashed when i sleep.
i dont like puffs because they give me headaches
i dont like parting for cornrows and im too cheap to pay
twists and braids look childish and are too scalpy unless i do them small which takes to much time and dont last
pony tails are cute but my hair always gets tangled on the end
i like bantu knots but my hair always seems to dread in them:perplexed
rollersets take to much time and manipulation plus my roots never get smooth

i only like buns and single braids:ohwell:

and weave:look:

anyone else just cant find many natural styles they like that doesnt give them issues?

any suggestions?im trying to give my natural hair another chance. its only been a few days and im already reaching for my pressing comb:cry:
get a turbie twist (a t-shirt might work, idk) and after you wash/cowash put it on your hair for like 15 minutes and then apply your WnG product and see if that makes a difference in your drying time...i used to put my products on in the shower or directly out of the shower on soaking hair and my would take hours to dry, but with the method above it takes about 30-40 minutes total from the time i wash my hair to dry. to preserve them at night try putting them in a couple-few ponytails and in the morning fluff/shake/refresh with a leave-in/and or water/aloe spritz
I wasn't going to say any thing.
I left then came back, then left and came back, then left and came back again.

It doesn't sound like you have difficulty styling your natural hair. It sounds like you do not like what your hair...(can't find the right phrase).

One can't give something a chance if they can't see the good. There are so many ways to style natural hair but you do not enjoy the vast majority of them which is cool.

Since you don't but you like straight hair...
My suggestion: press your hair
I've been there OP. The only thing that really works for me are twist outs and that's when I do them right. Most of the time my hair is in a bun. :nono: I just got a weave installed today because I was tired of wearing the bun. I had been alternating between the bun and wigs for the last two weeks but I got tired of that.
I don't know many styles except a twist out puff or wash n go puff. It has taken me months to perfect the twist out puff. Finally, I have figured out how to get a really good twist out puff. So even though I don't know but 2 styles I'm not bored yet because I was trying so hard to get it right. Now that I got it down pat I will soon be bored and will start looking around for another style to perfect.
I have difficulty styling my natural hair, but for different reasons than the few that you stated. I have difficulty styling because I am style-challenged. NO matter what I try to do none of the styles ever look good me. For the life me, I can't do cornrows.

However, I will keep trying until they look right. Until then I will continue to live in my buns and puffs.
I have trouble so I just wear a messy bun. When wet I have some sort of curls/waves. I have to twist or braid after washing if I don't I will have a mass of tangles. After day two my hair looses all curl/ waves so I am left with a sort of puffy fluff. I avoid heat due too getting splits easily. I am though happy with my hair though I am envious at times of the curly styles.
It sounds as though you just don't like doing your hair :lol:

When you don't like doing hair, that can be frustrating to put time and effort into a style and to not have it come out like you'd like.

The styles that you do like on natural hair, are really easy---so are weaves--and you also mentioned straightening, which may be easier for you.
It sounds as though you just don't like doing your hair :lol:

When you don't like doing hair, that can be frustrating to put time and effort into a style and to not have it come out like you'd like.

The styles that you do like on natural hair, are really easy---so are weaves--and you also mentioned straightening, which may be easier for you.

yeah i am very lazy when it comes to doing my own hair.i can style it, but i hate time consuming styles and then having them last for a little period of time.i like doing others peoples hair though:drunk:

i like simple "i dont want to deal with it" styles.:lol:
yeah i am very lazy when it comes to doing my own hair.i can style it, but i hate time consuming styles and then having them last for a little period of time.i like doing others peoples hair though:drunk:

i like simple "i dont want to deal with it" styles.:lol:

I don't blame you, friend, on the time consuming hairstyles :yep:

I've done a few hairstyles that took hours out of my day, and either, didn't last a throughout the day, or didn't look right. Needless to say, I haven't revisited those styles.

I hope you find something that you can live with :)
I wasn't going to say any thing.
I left then came back, then left and came back, then left and came back again.

It doesn't sound like you have difficulty styling your natural hair. It sounds like you do not like what your hair...(can't find the right phrase).

One can't give something a chance if they can't see the good. There are so many ways to style natural hair but you do not enjoy the vast majority of them which is cool.

Since you don't but you like straight hair...
My suggestion: press your hair

huh? @ the bolded

i dont like straight hair only. if that was true i would be pressed all of the time or just get a relaxer. although if i cant find a cute natural style or some banging weave by next week i will gladly press my hair.:look:

im pretty sure i didnt name all of the styles out there....im lookin for quick and easy styles.ive done plenty of styles with my natural hair, many i did not even document. at this point i just cant be bothered...i feel like i might like out styles more when i get a hair cut but im trying to grow my hair out to full bsl before i chop(length whore)

I feel like I have mastered how to maximize my hair's health.... But when it comes to styling I am absolutely clueless. My hair ends up tucked away most of the time because I've utterly failed in any attempt to style.

The thing is, I know that my natural hair is capable of looking great because I have seen countless texture twins and cousins pull it off, I just need to keep at it and be patient.
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Have you tried fingercurls?

I don't know how long your hair is, but one of the styles that I loved for me before my hair got too long was fingercurls.

I could fingercurl my whole head in less than an hour--let it airdry, next morning I separate the curls so that I could get the volume I wanted (no more than 15 mins).

I could wear this style for 1 full week before I did them again.

The best thing about this style is that the older the curls got, the better and fuller they looked.

Maintenance was sleeping on a satin pillowcase and in the morning if a few of the curls were flat, it didn't take any more than 5 minutes to spritz those and re-fingercurl.
Have you tried fingercurls?

I don't know how long your hair is, but one of the styles that I loved for me before my hair got too long was fingercurls.

I could fingercurl my whole head in less than an hour--let it airdry, next morning I separate the curls so that I could get the volume I wanted (no more than 15 mins).

I could wear this style for 1 full week before I did them again.

The best thing about this style is that the older the curls got, the better and fuller they looked.

Maintenance was sleeping on a satin pillowcase and in the morning if a few of the curls were flat, it didn't take any more than 5 minutes to spritz those and re-fingercurl.

i loved me some finger curls when my hair was short! i think my hair is to long for them now though. i started earlier today and just said "screw it":lol:

i was experimenting earlier with styles and i did many i mentioned in the op. in the end i wasted 2 hours with no finished style other than a bun.

i start,get frustrated and stop undo, and then start again. its an ugly time wasting cycle:nono:
i loved me some finger curls when my hair was short! i think my hair is to long for them now though. i started earlier today and just said "screw it":lol:

i was experimenting earlier with styles and i did many i mentioned in the op. in the end i wasted 2 hours with no finished style other than a bun.

i start,get frustrated and stop undo, and then start again. its an ugly time wasting cycle:nono:

:lol: I tried. Fingercurls definitely are better on shorter hair. When my hair grew longer than 8" it just wasn't the same, and a shame too because it is my all time favorite natural hairstyle on myself.

It sounds as though you have had a very frustrating day with your hair :hug3:
:lol: I tried. Fingercurls definitely are better on shorter hair. When my hair grew longer than 8" it just wasn't the same, and a shame too because it is my all time favorite natural hairstyle on myself.

It sounds as though you have had a very frustrating day with your hair :hug3:

you know this gave me an idea. i might just twist the roots and finger curl the rest. ill try that out later in the week
and thanks :hug3:
Not really I love being the 'master of my hair domain' and have learned how to make the most of all my styles.
You just gotta make a compromise---do your own hair or pay someone else to do itLOL
This is the choice everbody makes, natural or otherwise----yeah in a perfect world we all wake up photo-ready--I'm waiting on the same miracles you are along with everybody else---you sound like a whiner, tbph!:P
I don't find my natural hair difficult to style. It just depends on how you want your hair to look. I don't do twist outs, braid outs, or anyting that requires heat. But I do love my natural hair texture and I like wearing my hair in its curly state. Or when I don't want to deal with my hair I wear my phony pony afro puff.
I did a lot of experimenting when I first went natural and found the right products, techniques and tools I needed to do my hair. Every style that I have mastered, it took time to learn how to do them. The advice I would give you is to just keep practicing and experimenting with different size twists and braids to see if you can find the size that gives you the look you want. Learn how to place your hair in the way that you want your hair to fall. Learn how to style your twists and braids so that you can get a cute look that you are happy with.

Just be willing to accept the fact that you may not "get it right" the first couple of times but be willing to work at it until you are able to perfect the look that you want....Also, be willing to accept your hair for what it is. It may not look like the next natural but it is your hair so it is beautiful the way it is :)
practice practice practice, is all i can say!!
i had to work at it, and now i have an arsenal of go-to styles that i KNOW will turn out nice.

i might add: all my styles look 10x better when my hair is nicely shaped/trimmed. that may be something to consider....
I only have 2 favorite hairstyles on me: I love my top knot/high buns (sometimes it's flat twisted or cornrowed) and I love my hair in micros. That's it! (I did do a lot of 2 strand twist styles last year tho.)

I'm not really into any of those styling methods you mentioned either and if you're like me and don't need a lotta variety and you just need your hair to look cute with not a lotta hassle then just pick your two least pain in the :censored: styles and stick with those LOL.

My fave do:

I have problems but I'm still learning to find the right product for my hair being natural only a year. The most difficult is for me is twist/braidouts.
Try a flexi rod set...stretch your hair by blowdrying or wearing large twist overnight.
Depending on the length of your hair us small or large flexi rods. My hair is apl..i use grey flexi rods and I make a side part and twist my hair into about 8 or 9 large two-strand twists sometimes less. Then I set my twists on the flexi rods. Idk if i'm explaining it clearly but I love this style and it takes me about 10 mins to set at night and it lasts 2-3 days.

heres a video that shows you what i'm talking about...

if i do a hardcore workout or the weather is humid or rainy I do have to re-do this at night because of frizz..but once u get the hang of it it only takes 10 mins to set. And this is the only style for me that turns out perfect everytime I do it..but on the days i'm super tired or lazy i'll put my hair up n a messy bun or side ponytail and i always dress those up with cute headbands..hth
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One thing you are failing to realize is that just because you are natural now does't mean you absolutely have to wear your hair in it's kinky or curly state. If you prefer the ease of straight hair, then press/flat iron it. There's no shame in that.

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I don't find it difficult to style my natural hair so much as I find so many styles to be time consuming and then they don't last very long for all of the time and effort I have to put in. Other than straightening, I don't have any styles that I can do on my natural hair that look cute beyond a day or two. I end up rocking various buns most of the time, which I don't think look that cute on me but it's my easiest go-to style. I love my natural hair but I understand feeling style challenged.
I get it. My suggestion is to practice the styles you do like to get your technique better. You will get frustrated only trying a style a couple of times the exact same way expecting different results. I made a playlist on Youtube with just styling videos in it. I play those videos when I do my style and follow th instructions exactly. It takes a little longer, but you'll get used to styling and finding the technique that works best. :yep:
I have major issues w/ styling my hair. For some strange reason when I either do braid-outs or twist-outs they never come out right...the banana clip has become my friend b/c of that. My styling of choice is weaves or wigs b/c it doesn't take long to get ready, my hair is protected and it is so simple. I'm planning in the summer to have my friend braid hair in a mohawk style and rock that for like two weeks.