Who gets 3/4 or 1 inch of new growth monthly

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
ngaa said:
good luck den1 and jazzyangel on yo 2inch goals but i think i'll jus work on gettin this an inch a month thing consistant

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Thanks Ngaa, I hope I win the race for 2inches of growth
, or else shame on me
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
den1 said:
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
ngaa said:
good luck den1 and jazzyangel on yo 2inch goals but i think i'll jus work on gettin this an inch a month thing consistant

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Thanks Ngaa, I hope I win the race for 2inches of growth
, or else shame on me

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UH! hahaha!
This is what my focus will be:

1) 8-9 hours of sleep, and try to go to bed before midnight.
2) 10-12 glasses of water a day more when I work out.
3) Leafy greens and protein. (eliminate refined foods - this is hard for me)
4) protective styles for the whole month.
5) nightly scalp massages
6) Rinse every evening and use S-curl activator for mositure
7) Maintain 100g of protein daily
8) Vitamins:
MSM, Biotin, Fish Oil, Silica Plus.

That's it really! It's really not that hard to incorporate all of these into a regime, being consistant is really the difficulty.

I have tried each vitamine alone for long periods to be able to tell what the effects are. By far the added protein always makes a HUGE difference.
Here is my regime

1) High Protein diet, with a vast amount of vegetables and fruits.
2) 2 litres of water per day, (I hate water, this is going to prove difficult)
3) Workout one hour a day (Tae Bo, Aerobics)
4) Wear protective styles continuously (I just had cornrows put in today).
5) Take all supplements on a consistent basis.
6) Apply Infusium 23 original/African pride braid spray daily (I add sulfur powder to my products)
7) Dry clean my scalp every week to promote growth, using Robin Woods technique.

The added protein helps my growth too. My main hurdle is willpower and persistence.

Hope your ready for battle.....
<font color="green">I get about 1" -1.5" per month. I have a simple regimen; I eat salmon at least 2x per week, drink close to a gallon of water per day and I take a children's chewable multivitamin daily. I wear my hair curly 99% of the time, conditioning and moisturizing daily. I think that this has gone a long way in eliminating breakage and dry ends, allowing me to accumulate length. I rollerset my hair on huge hard plastic rollers for Easter Sunday and I was blown away by how long my hair was
oo: My hair is now about 20" - 23" when straight. </font>
Yep I am still doing this with a few minor changes but it's basically the same. I rarely miss a pill because I lay them all out in portions everynight. I will probably take a few things off once I reach my first goal but right now I'm still going strong.
updated pictures

With these daily conditioner rinses I have been doing for the past two months, my hair definately grows at least 1 full inch per month. I haven't even been taking any supplements for the last couple of weeks either. I have added some more pictures to my picturetrail. I am getting closer and closer to reaching my gaol of brastrap length. I'm hoping I'll be there by the end of the summer.
Re: updated pictures

Niiiiice Dimoness...

You are making really good progress! Have you purposely stopped your vitamins? How often do you shampoo? I know you're doing daily rinses and as soon as I get my touch up this weekend, I'm going to try that as well. Nice pix.
Re: updated pictures

With these daily conditioner rinses I have been doing for the past two months, my hair definately grows at least 1 full inch per month. I haven't even been taking any supplements for the last couple of weeks either. I have added some more pictures to my picturetrail. I am getting closer and closer to reaching my gaol of brastrap length. I'm hoping I'll be there by the end of the summer.

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Girl you are rolling! See at the finish line in August!

Den1 and JazzAngel, what are your results?

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Sorry we PM each other with the results.

Well here are my results. In the begining of May my hair was still brittle from the excess protein build up. On the day of the challange my hair was 81/2 inches all around by this point I had already lost over 2 inches of hair. I divided my hair into three sections top, middle and back to measure.

After the first week I decided to measure my hair again and rather than progressing further I was then at 8 inches.

I was so discouraged I decided to wait till the end of the 4 weeks and when I measure I was at 9 inches in the very back and middle of my hair but at the top part I was at 81/2 - 8 3/4.

Sorry I did not make the 2 inch mark but I have remedied my dryness by becomming more aggressive with deep conditionig. Sleep with it most nights and on weekends kept it in my hair all day.

So in all I gained an one inch in the back and center within 3 weeks and 3/4 inch at the very top.

<font color="red">So we have began a new challenge started Monday May 26th...let's see!
</font> Den1 got close to the 2 inches, let her share her results.

I think the Viviscal has kicked in because I've been experiencing a lot of growth! I relax every 12 weeks and I used to get 2 - 2.5 inches of new growth during this period (about 2/3 to 3/4 inches per month) using biotin. At my last touch-up I had gained close to 4 inches (about 1.3 inches/month)! I know this because I got a pretty hefty chop at my last relaxer appointment, and my hair has grown back to the same length in some places and surpassed the previous length in others (back, sides, and bangs). Even my stylist remarked on how fast my hair grew!
I tried clicking on your site at snapfish, it requires registeration, which I did, but your album would'nt come up under my res. Also any advice, I'm new here, and my hair is so mess up. I have 1/4 on sides and back and 2 inches on top, been trying to grow it since November 2002, without luck. Help Help!!!!!!!:)
So far I've achieved 1 inch of new growth monthly. I've just increased my MSM today, so hopefully this will enhance my growth rate.
I just love the support here at LHCF
Thanx Pebbles,
I appreciate the response. I owe it all to LHCF. Believe me, I did not know how to care for my hair the proper way before this year...even though I thought I did. Culturally, I was never taught
Oh my goodness, of course I'm not being mean! Why would you think that? I almost missed this. Didn't you mean that in our culture we're not taught the proper way to care for our hair? That's what I was responding to and I was agreeing with you! Sorry if you took it to mean something else. I never say things to be mean to anyone, why should I be mean to you? Again, sorry for any misunderstanding I may have caused.
Oh my goodness, of course I'm not being mean! Why would you think that? I almost missed this. Didn't you mean that in our culture we're not taught the proper way to care for our hair? That's what I was responding to and I was agreeing with you! Sorry if you took it to mean something else. I never say things to be mean to anyone, why should I be mean to you? Again, sorry for any misunderstanding I may have caused.

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Please accept my sincerest apologies.

I think I might have totally misunderstood you. I've been going through some things this week...vibrating on low. Feeling kicked around like a football, etc. including a few personal issues at hand. Also, I take on too many problems of others (in my work) and think I can handle everything okay....I forget that I'm human.
I thought (don't ask me how) I was being attacked because in past people have made comments that were totally out of line about my background. My doctor even said something negative two weeks ago which set me off.
I don't think that background shouldn't be something anyone have to worry about (at least with the doctor). Yes I put HIM in his place, but I guess it wasn't enough. This is something I have to work on spiritually and emotionally speaking. I think I will take a small break from the forum and get a healing or two. I've been lashing out (this is not like me at all)

Again Pebbles, I sure hope you can please forgive me.
Hi HighPriestess,

All is forgotten.
I totally understand what you've been going through, I think we've all been there. Don't worry sis, whatever you're going through now, it's going to be alright.
Hi HighPriestess,

All is forgotten.
I totally understand what you've been going through, I think we've all been there. Don't worry sis, whatever you're going through now, it's going to be alright.

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Hi Pebbles...I'm back now

Hopefully with my head on my shoulders now turned on correctly...LOL.
I've gotten my aura cleansings and private energy healing sessions, so I feel a lot better...a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Thanks for your understanding. You'd think I would have seen it all coming
I am presently getting 1 to 1.5 inches per month. I try to massage at least 5 times a week. I have been washing at least 4-5 times a week using Marie Longhair Shampoos and conditioners, alternating with Aubrey Organics shampoos and conditioners. Once every week or so I also condition my scalp before shampooing with a amla, shikakai, neem and tulsi tea. These are suppose to be great for conditioning the scalp. I then put avocado butter on my hair and a light glycerine spray. (This seems to work at keeping my hair moisture at a good level).
My vitamins are as follows:

GNC Ultranourishair (2 X day)
Trimedica MSM (1000 mg x 4 day)
B5 (500mg X 2 day)
Vitamin C (500mg X 2 day)
Vitamin E (400mg 1 x day)
Biotin (7500mg divided throughout the day)
Silica (600mg 1 x day)
Soy Protein (once in the a.m.)