
New Member
I know most people when they tell others that they want to grow their hair or transition and they tell them they belong to a hair board. They get looked at like
. I stopped telling people about LHCF because they think I am a hair nut or that we are just crazy. Especially when I tell them I'm taking hair vitamins. But my husband is the only person who actually encourages me to talk on the hair board and asks questions like "what did you learn on the hairboard today" and he sometimes is a little fanatical though. I bought some Salerm the other day and he says "Now is this hairboard approved stuff, cause I don't wann have to turn you in?"
. He says he can't wait until I reach my goal and he is very happy about it and even will pick up some products that I ask for.

Is there anyone that you guys have in your lives that encourage your hair goals. I am pretty sure most people are negative about it when you tell them but who can you talk to about it that is not a part of the board or has no interest in growing their hair?
My mother, she said I am going to be an old woman with my hair to my knees
, I thought that was sweet.
It's funny you bring this up because I'm the only person of color at my job and my boss has been saying your hair is getting long. Then she see's me on here,VERY NOSY PEOPLE I WORK WITH, she asks why I'm always here because my hair looks long and healthy. I tried to explain all the effort it takes to keep my hair healthy and she looked at me like I was nuts. She touches my hair and says oh it sooo soft, I'm like yeah is it suppose to be hard??? She says well not a lot of black girls have long pretty hair needless to say I was stumped, I gave her a blank stare for a moment then went out for a smoke break before I smoked her.... when I came back in I showed her pictures of all these black women with long healthy hair and I made sure to show her pics of the natural hair beauties so she could see black women do have long healthy hair. She was amazed
My sister is pretty supportive and she listens when I give advice. She will even go out and buy the reccommended products. I tell her exactly where I get my info from. She doesn't think I am crazy or fanatical. Well she has always know that my passion is hair. Even before I joined the hair board.

And of course all of you wonderful supportive ladies!!
My husband supports my hair length goals because he loves my hair long but he thinks we're all nuts to have a website dedicated to long hair. Then there are all my sisters at LHCF that support me.
My husband has been a major source of encouragement in my hair goal. He has supported me through all my hair trials and tribulations. He encourages me to reach new goals and he has everything to do with the success that I've made. I started out with 16 inches, now my hair is 23 inches long and for my height that is mid-back. So yea, my husband is my #1 supporter.
Everybody thinks I am crazy and obsessed so I don't tell anyone. They all had too much to say when almost every strand of my hair fell out! I think it is wonderful that you all have people that support you. Make sure you tell them you love them
aww kim I tell my hubby all the time I love his support. I'm sure there is somene besides us that will support you too. You just haven't found them yet. But they are out there.
My friends encourage my hair madness because they listen to me when I tell them stuff about the board and try to help them with their problems, and my guy friend in a way, encourages me for healthy hair by encouraging my ever changing decision to go natural..or at least transition
My super, super sweetie
. He's so wonderful and amazingly supportive. He tells me how beautiful my hair is, even when I'm sitting w/my silly looking heating cap on my head.
He calls it my little helmet and still says I'm cute in it!
I love that man! Anyway, he tells me I'm taking such good care of my hair and remarks on how long it's getting again. So that makes me feel like I have a gold star on my chest.

My best friend entertains my foolishness too, I'm even dragging her to the area meeting!

And no one compares to all of you!
my mom, dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings -- did i mention that they tried to beat me within an inch of my life when i BC'ed(relaxed) about 4 years ago
so they are VERY supportive
-- jainygirl
My mom hates when I cut/trim my hair and she is my most staunch supporter even though she doesn't know about the LHCF (she's not computer literate so why confuse her?). My sis lovingly calls it a cult, but understands and benefits from all that I learn here.
Everybody in my realm encourages me with my decision to go natural. Nobody says I'm crazy or anything. They all think I know everything now. Especially when I give them a tip. They come to me for tips.

And the newest lady in the office with natural hair is my inspiration. Every day I look at what she has done and we have discussions about hair. She encourages me to go natural and she barely even knows me. I've got to show her some of these sites but I'm selfish and don't want to share ya'll.
My boyfriend wants me to cut my hair very short like it was when we met, so he's no help
, lol. My cousin and one of my friends are encouraging. EVERYONE else thinks I've gone insane. Hmph. When I get to bra-strap, though, everyone will see! *evil laugh*
My mom. Initially, i started this little hair journey b/c my SO didn't want me to cut my hair again so i did this for him. Now he acts a little too nonchalant about it, like he doesn't care how long or short my hair is... whatever *****, he knows if i came in the house with my pixie cut he'd never speak to me again
I dont keep company with too many these days except my family and my boyfriend...He is basically the only one that supports my hair goals, compliments me and even brings me bottles of Surge, S Curl or some of my other staples without me asking. He tells me how long it's getting or how shiney and healthy it looks, etc. I want to be waist length by my graduation 6/05...We both look forward to that. Sometimes my mother will see me doing my hair and comment on how long it has gotten since last year, but that's all she'll say. It feels good for someone to notice my progress though, it's make me feel like it's all worth it
My biggest support comes from those who don’t even know that I have such goals. Let me see…

Kisses to The Vitamin Shoppe who will rush my $18 order of I just have-to-have-right-now-or-I’ll-pass-out MSM to me via Fed-ex for only $30.

Lots of love too to Whole Foods, who doesn’t even flinch at over pricing my must have items.

The Koreans. Yes. All of them. They are letting me put their children through graduate school. Big ups to The Sun Woo family, the Kims, Lees the Parks, Chois, Jungs, oh and I can’t forget the Jeong, Chung, Kang, Jo, Yoon, Jang (Chang) and the Yim families. Just continue to look at me funny every time I come into your BSS to spend my money, keep on following me around. I know you know more English than you pretend to know. Don’t even worry ‘bout it cause a sista gots international friends and language skills . By the way ladies: Annyong ha shimnikka (An-YOH HASHim-ni-kah) is hello in Korean. thank you is "kamsahamnida"

I know, I know...Brooke is a FOOL. It's friday y'all.
My sister,mum and my husband. Although my husband only started supporting me not long ago.My hair was 25 inches and he made me shave it for the sake of style in 2001
. Now he wants me to have waist length hair
No one. mainly because I dont share my hair goals/styles/tips/comments with anyone outside of this forum, so they wouldnt know anyway. In fact people are assuming that my hair is going to stay the same length forever. I feel like a hermit
All the women on LHCF. My roommate because I supported and helped her grow out her hair from chin length to waist length. My mommy, who probably wouldn't support me if she knew exactly how much time and money I actually spent on my hair. Everyone else thinks I'm
. My coworkers think my hair is long enough as it is.