DSD you always keep it real. And that was exactly what I needed to hear. Sometimes its easy to forget others are in the same struggle. Thanks to DSD and all my LHCF family. Much luv!!!
Thanks DSD. I have been a member for over a year and I'm still trying to find the right regimen for my hair:perplexed . I have short hair which is thinning in some areas and have managed to retain what I have thanks to everyone on LHCF:clapping: . So your words are so encouraging. Thanks DSD:Rose:
Awwwww...DSD...this was so cool. I missed this the first time around....
glad it was bumped up so I could peep it.

Made me and my slow growin hair smile. Thanks again...:)
Wow! So many things have changed since I wrote this but not my attitude and positivity toward growing my hair.

I have had my setbacks and it's encouraging to read how I felt almost 2 years ago.

Thanks everyone! :)
Thanks DSD,

Very good post.....

I try to learn something from each of my set backs

Will my learning ever stop

It's a struggle, but I won't give in....
Thanks DSD
I have been lurking this forum for about 3 years now and you always know the right thing to say. I love reading your post b/c I know it's going to be something positive.
BTW have you been checking your PM's lately.
gorgeoushair said:
Thanks DSD
I have been lurking this forum for about 3 years now and you always know the right thing to say. I love reading your post b/c I know it's going to be something positive.
BTW have you been checking your PM's lately.

Thanks ladies! :wave:

I am getting there slowly but surely. :yep:

If you sent a pm and I didn't respond, it probably got overlooked in the sea I call pm'd. However if you resend it I will make sure to read and respond asap!
Well this is timely to share this: Forgive me, that this is a long post: I HAD A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH! You ladies know that I have been expressing a lot of dissatisfaction with my hair over the last few months because it just was frustrating me. Anyway: one day (about 3 weeks ago) I decided that the real problem was, that there was an eqation missing in my regime, something that I was overlooking. I remembered what I did when I first started out growing out my damaged hair that I overnight baggied and baggied my whole hair almost daily, with a moisturizer of some kind and it was coming in full and thick. And it was not dry. I realized that in the last year I started focusing on oiling my ends, focusing on the arrival of "grey strands" and the fact that my hair is not jet black but is naturally streaked and tends toward the red zones. Also it started to get very brittle. I was giving it protein and oil and not enough of the kind of moisture it needed. Frankly, I was angry at my hair...really angry....Like is this how you do me after how good I have been to you hair!!!!What changed?...I decided that it is not my hair it is ME and I had to solve MY PROBLEM AND STOP TRIPPIN!! I remembered that I had bought a bottle of natural vegetable glycerine, that I had lots of homemade castor oil on hand and rosewater. My hair was trying to tell me something. Oil is fine...but I NOW need something different for my type, my texture and to make my hair thrive! TRY THINKING LIKE MY HAIR....(If it could talk).lol It was simple as mixing vegetable glycerine, distilled water, rosewater and saturating my hair and putting a couple of white kitchen catchers on my head and steaming it naturally overnight for about three days and then just daily for about a couple of hours. Talk about a 360 turnaround. Yes, I was steaming it before, but not with the glycerine, just water, oil and the bag. Now I just moisturize and brush it back and pin it up till the next day. All my waves are popping! no tangles! No dryness! Lots of body! I took care of the grey hair problem with Herbatint in the front and left the back area alone so I can MTG to my heart's content three full days a week with the mix and IT IS GROWING YA'll. But best of all, it has never looked this healthy and the elasticity is amazing. So just keep hanging in there, because ladies, your own breakthrough is COMING!!!!! Happy Hair growing. Bonjour
Mahalialee4 said:
Well this is timely to share this: Forgive me, that this is a long post: I HAD A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH! You ladies know that I have been expressing a lot of dissatisfaction with my hair over the last few months because it just was frustrating me. Anyway: one day (about 3 weeks ago) I decided that the real problem was, that there was an eqation missing in my regime, something that I was overlooking. I remembered what I did when I first started out growing out my damaged hair that I overnight baggied and baggied my whole hair almost daily, with a moisturizer of some kind and it was coming in full and thick. And it was not dry. I realized that in the last year I started focusing on oiling my ends, focusing on the arrival of "grey strands" and the fact that my hair is not jet black but is naturally streaked and tends toward the red zones. Also it started to get very brittle. I was giving it protein and oil and not enough of the kind of moisture it needed. Frankly, I was angry at my hair...really angry....Like is this how you do me after how good I have been to you hair!!!!What changed?...I decided that it is not my hair it is ME and I had to solve MY PROBLEM AND STOP TRIPPIN!! I remembered that I had bought a bottle of natural vegetable glycerine, that I had lots of homemade castor oil on hand and rosewater. My hair was trying to tell me something. Oil is fine...but I NOW need something different for my type, my texture and to make my hair thrive! TRY THINKING LIKE MY HAIR....(If it could talk).lol It was simple as mixing vegetable glycerine, distilled water, rosewater and saturating my hair and putting a couple of white kitchen catchers on my head and steaming it naturally overnight for about three days and then just daily for about a couple of hours. Talk about a 360 turnaround. Yes, I was steaming it before, but not with the glycerine, just water, oil and the bag. Now I just moisturize and brush it back and pin it up till the next day. All my waves are popping! no tangles! No dryness! Lots of body! I took care of the grey hair problem with Herbatint in the front and left the back area alone so I can MTG to my heart's content three full days a week with the mix and IT IS GROWING YA'll. But best of all, it has never looked this healthy and the elasticity is amazing. So just keep hanging in there, because ladies, your own breakthrough is COMING!!!!! Happy Hair growing. Bonjour
Wow! What a success story. Congrats to you on discovering what works best. HHG
DSD, that was very beautiful and uplifting post of positive encouragement. Happy Healthy Hair Growing to everyone!
I was getting nostalgic. I guess I needed to read my own encouraging words again.:grin:

My hair is shorter now than it was when I first started growing it in 2003.
I really needed to hear these words because even though i TRY to stay positive and motivated, I definitely get depressed or down sometimes.