Who else has been here more than a year and STILL not APL?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Okay ladies, my two year LHCF anniversary is coming up on Valentine's Day and assessing my progress over the past two years, I see that my haircare regimen has changed dramatically - my hair is much healthier and stronger than before. I've gone from above-SL to below-SL, but I'm *still* inches away from APL (arm pit length, for the newbies :)) Now a part of me says that I shouldn't be upset because I haven't been really hardcore about getting to APL -- I protective style only about 50% of the time (and usually I'm not even really protective-styling -- just being lazy about styling in general). But, I stay away from heat (except for the occasional curling iron to my bangs, I only use heat for dc'ing or rollersets) and limit my trims. I also have added apple cider tablets and fish oil pills to my daily regimen. So at least I'm getting more nutrients. (I was drinking ACV for a while, but I was worried about my teeth so I stopped.) I baggy and do my best to baby my ends. I limit comb usage. (I mostly finger comb my hair and use a wide bristle brush when necessary.)

Is this just part of my hair growing pains? Or should I get really severe with my routine and focus only on length (not style or whatever) to get over this hump?
The only thing I can see that may be a problem is not protective styling. If you think that's the reason, then try doing it more and see what happens. You can protective style and still be stylish and cute.
I don't think you have to compromise style for length. I also don't think you should go over board with heat and manipulation. They're so so many flattering styles to work with while still being attentive to your hair. Roller sets, classic buns, straw sets, and braid outs come to mind.

I've been focusing on my hair for more than a year and I'm not APL. My BC dashed that goal from me. lol. But I hope to make it next year.
I don't think you have to compromise style for length. I also don't think you should go over board with heat and manipulation. They're so so many flattering styles to work with while still being attentive to your hair. Roller sets, classic buns, straw sets, and braid outs come to mind.

I've been focusing on my hair for more than a year and I'm not APL. My BC dashed that goal from me. lol. But I hope to make it next year.

What is BC, I've come across that acronym in a few threads
What is BC, I've come across that acronym in a few threads

It's short for Big Chop. It's when you transition from relaxed to natural hair. To do so I had to cut off my relaxed hair so I am now all natural. I had to get rid of 4-5 inches.
I've been on this site nearly 3 years and I have yet to reach APL. My starting length was base of my neck. I've havent had any dramatic set backs and I've only dusting occasionally. I've been popping vitamins religiously for a good 2.5 years, tried all sorts of growth aides - you name it. I'm so frustrated it's not even funny. Currently I have 5 months worth of NG and I don't plan on texlaxing until Feb (if I can hold out) mainly because I just cant' stomach another disspointing touch up. :perplexed Glib Girl I completely understand.
How often are you trimming/cutting if at all?
And are you experiencing a lot of breakage?

I've only gotten my hair trimmed once in the last six months (because my stylist was like, "Look at these ends!"). As far as breakage goes, it's definitely less than it used to be, but I still experience it - mostly when I do overnight rollersets. I am trying to be more gentle with my hair, but I feel like it's inevitable when rolling my hair! :mad: :cry:
I've only gotten my hair trimmed once in the last six months (because my stylist was like, "Look at these ends!"). As far as breakage goes, it's definitely less than it used to be, but I still experience it - mostly when I do overnight rollersets. I am trying to be more gentle with my hair, but I feel like it's inevitable when rolling my hair! :mad: :cry:

Overnight, every night rollersets? If so I'd go for some nice, gentle pincurling, less manipulation seems to work. I hope you reach APL in the upcoming year Glib.
Overnight, every night rollersets? If so I'd go for some nice, gentle pincurling, less manipulation seems to work. I hope you reach APL in the upcoming year Glib.
If yes please stop for a while and see if there is any charge. You maybe breaking off your ends....
^ I agree with NYAmicas.

maybe you should try pincurling.

I've been here since 2005.

Didnt start taking care of my hair until late 2006. I havent reached APL. But I've had VERY BAD setbacks.
Overnight, every night rollersets? If so I'd go for some nice, gentle pincurling, less manipulation seems to work. I hope you reach APL in the upcoming year Glib.

Oh no, not every night . . . maybe a couple of nights a week. The other days I will bun.

I tried pincurling last week and, uh, the results were not pretty. (I mean that literally.) I looked like I put my finger into a light socket. I may just need to practice more . . . .

Thanks for the well wishes :)
Hey Glib! Please don't be discouraged! I've been natural for 3 years and I just got to APL in November. I recommend practicing pincurling because it is less manipulation on your hair, and with practice the results will be fab! Again, don't be discouraged, the best advice I can give besides making sure your regimen is appropriate for you is to have patience. As soon as I just stopped worrying about length and focusing on health it seemed APL came right away.
Hmmm . . . just did a google search and found this tutorial -- I see my problem already -- I twisted my hair instead of curling it. Hmmm . . . will try again tonight and see what happens.
What type of rollers are you using? Are you using the satin covered rollers? Those were bomb for me when I pressed my hair. Bouncy curls and rather easy to sleep on at night.
Oh and I see newbie 2 year naturals at APL all the time. I'm coming up on year 3.5 and I'm SL and still inches from APL. You are not alone. I just charged it to the game. Like whatever...I just gotta do better at doing me.
I don't know Glib. You've grown approx 4 inches in the past year. That's an acceptable rate. I think most ladies will fall in the mid range of the average (middle of the bell curve). A small percentage will be on the super growth end and an equal percentage will fall at the slow growing end.
I am SL, and I have been her for more than a year. It doesn't bother me one bit, because I know I have made tremendous progress. I'm looking forward to seeing how my hair will grow in 2009. :yep:
Plus you have to take into account neck length etc. A full APL on me looks pretty long because of my neck and upper torso length.
with all my lurking then fianlly joning i think i should be up to a year now.......

my main issue is my ends....they a yuky yuky yuky!!!! i have trimmed.....protective styled (i bun 99%)...moisturise etc etc....but its just so hard just getting past shoulder length let alone apl.....

but i'm not going to be discouraged and neither should you....your hair looks thick which is a great thing....

length shouldnt come in the way of healthy (easier said right :look:)

I have been here several years...but i keep cutting. LOL This year I did the BC. Next year...I will hit APL tho! You will also! Stay encouraged and protect those ends!
What type of rollers are you using? Are you using the satin covered rollers? Those were bomb for me when I pressed my hair. Bouncy curls and rather easy to sleep on at night.

I use either cloth covered ones (for tight curls) or flexirods (but I use those sparingly because I know they do the most damage).
Don't feel bad Glib. I became a member back in February and I was hoping to be SL already.:sad:
I also came in her in Feb with a pixie cut and I was really hoping for chin length by now:perplexed. I protective styled this year about 90% of the time. I did cut the back of my hair down in hopes to even it out. I think I would have been at least NL by now. I am really giving myself 2-2.5 years. Then whatever it is, I will make it work for me. Hang in there, though!:grin:
Girl, I'm with you! I've been on here since December 2006 and am still not APL; however, I'm not going to get discouraged. I started with a shaved nape, so I think I've made tremendous progress. I hope to be APL by March, but that will be without any setbacks.:crossfingers: