
Well-Known Member
when they're 7 or 8 weeks post? I get super excited when I'm feeling all that ng because I can't wait to relax at 11-12 weeks and see that extra 1 1/2-2 inches of ng:grin: I know I'm not the only one who gets excited when their ng starts coming in. I remember when I use to get mad because it meant that it was time for a touchup, now I embrace that ng with a passion:grin: cuz I know I'm going to be closer to my hair goal:yep:
Same here.
Actually I'm only stretching 8-10 weeks currently b/c I wear my hair straight more often but also cuz I played TOO much w/the ng lol.
But yes I get so excited about relaxing and all the growth I got.
I sure do!

I'm 8 weeks post. I can't really tell by looking, but I can feel the difference between my new growth and texturized hair. I also can't see my parts anymore :lol:

To me, it is a sign that my hair is growing, it's not breaking and it WILL get longer :yay:
Nice thread T :)

I just rinsed out my prepoo mix and I was like you're doing good kid for 9 weeks...

feeling better about going past 12 weeks at this point..

I have 7 weeks to go..
Thats one of the great things about being relaxed...you see your length a lot quicker which is great for someone like me who is impatient. When I was natural, I got so discouraged because I could not see the length.
Wow, I thought I was the only one! :grin: Especially when instead of it just being a little wave, I can actually see a curl forming (it also makes me wonder what I would look like natural, but I prefer to relax it and watch it swang!) :lachen:
I sure do!:yep: I'm 6 weeks post right now with about 1-1/4" of new growth, and I plan to do a self-touchup at 8 weeks. I've been experiencing a growth spurt this summer, so I'm really excited to see how close I am now to WL. :grin:
I couldn't agree more. I am 9 weeks tomorrow with lots of ng and I am so excited. I love it! I find myself spending more time on the boards researching because I am so excited. Great thread girlfriend!
I do I am 9 weeks post and have 4 weeks to go until I relax. I went out 1 extra week I usually go 12-18 weeks.:grin: I love massaging my scalp at this point!:yep:
Oh yeah, the more ng the better. Sometimes I want to stretch longer just to get an extra 1/2 " at retouch so I feel you.
I'm getting excited. :yep:

My hair is 9 wks post too, and this is my first attempt to stretch 12 wks without weave. Yesterday I did a prepoo, wash, dc, and roller set. My hair feels good.

I gotta stop playing with this coily new growth. :grin:
I get excited too. Everytime I get a touch-up I can see a huge difference in length and thickness:drunk:
Wow, I thought I was the only one! :grin: Especially when instead of it just being a little wave, I can actually see a curl forming (it also makes me wonder what I would look like natural, but I prefer to relax it and watch it swang!) :lachen:

HA! So I'm not strange! I knew I couldn't be the only one who gets excited with the ng. I just knew I couldn't be with all the ladies on here, some one must feel the same way about their hair! Thanks for replying!
That's me. :grin:

I hate when I'm 3 weeks post and still don't feel any new growth :mad:

I also get excited to try out my new conditioners (that I bought when I was freshly relaxed) on my new growth :grin:
I dont get excited until about the 12th week. Because, I stretch for 4 to 5 months. --Its also funny cuz I'm so excited to relax but then when I relax and see my progress, the next day I can't wait for new growth. lol
I'm getting excited. :yep:

My hair is 9 wks post too, and this is my first attempt to stretch 12 wks without weave. Yesterday I did a prepoo, wash, dc, and roller set. My hair feels good.

I gotta stop playing with this coily new growth. :grin:

:lachen::lachen:Tell me bout it, I'm loving my ng. I did an oil treatment last night for about 2 hours, then rinsed the oil out. Today one of my co workers said my hair was very shiny and it's pretty and healthy. I only have my hair in a bun with a swoop bang:blush: but my temples are coily/curly:rolleyes: I'm loving it:yep:
Nice thread T :)

I just rinsed out my prepoo mix and I was like you're doing good kid for 9 weeks...

feeling better about going past 12 weeks at this point..

I have 7 weeks to go..

Hey Mo, what's crackin? You can do it boo. I don't even know how many weeks post I am. I know I'm somewhere between 7 or 8 weeks...Idk..:spinning: I try not to count anymore because if I start counting down *:grin:I get excited:grin:* I'm aiming for 13 weeks this time:ohwell: but never make it to 12:lachen: