Who do you talk hair with IRL?

I talk to my bf. I talk, he listens. :yep:
As far as my girlfriends? A few want to grow their hair longer but they are looking for the magic bullet instead of practicing consistent hair care. When my hair was grazing shoulder length we could talk for hours about it...but now that my hair is growing I see there is less and less talking about hair at all. :rolleyes:
bf- he thinks im kinda crazy though im really obsessive and he's always trying to get me out of that bonnet but he does see how much progress ive made so he listens to me and sometimes sits in the bathroom and watches me do my hair.

my :shock: white gf- she is cosmetics obsessed just like me but to even more of an extreme she used to have major major skin issues so shes seen a myriad of different dermatologists and tried every procedure and product in the book. she still has issues with her scalp because its really really oily but her hair is very very dry. shes always really curious about all of my different hair products much like i am with her different skin products so i guess we're just pj's feeding each others addictions.

my sister- a little bit, sometimes i think about telling her about the forum shes dreaded and she just cut them from mbl to a really cute bob. i think she'd probably be a better fit for this forum than myself hmmm maybe i will
If you have 2 ears and ask me a question about hair.... Be prepared. My family knows I give good advice. But when an outsider asks I start grinning.... :lachen:I swear If I ever learn sign language... :yep: Its ON!
Loca ( a member on here) is the only one I talk to about hair. When I talk to my mom about hair she just starts talking about chores and things she needs to do. Its all a waste of time.

My friends all participate in badly put together weaves and grow hair quick growth aids that I dont think is really working. If I tell them to just take their time and be gentle with their hair and especially they dont need to put 10 different types of hair grease/oils/sprays in their hair to make it grow. I still get the :hand: and " Cocoa you are so slow" look from them. One of them told me that she just doesnt have hair that grows :rolleyes:. I just cant deal and we talk about other things.
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Ummm everyone. I have convinced 3 people to go natural, so I get to talk to them.

And, I kind of just tell everyone I'm hair obsessed so they just grin and bear it :drunk:
I've been accused of the same thing by my DH. I think I bore him with all of my hair talk. I usually talk with my cousin who is transitioning.
hair is soo not boring. How could you not be interested all the different recipes you can make and the different way to love you hair and the progress you make makes you feel good inside. I love hair...lol and I am glad I have people on here to talk to about it.
My bf at the time
My sister - she listens to be nice but she also gives me advice
My gf i met on bhm
My other gf who is trying to grow her hair again
I talked to a few people about it, usually they just don't get it. So now I talk to those who ask, but now my hair is braided so I don't get any questions...
no one really....I mean if the topic of hair comes up in conversation I will talk about stuff, but I don't go hardcore to the point that folks would know that I spend so much time researching hair care....I doubt most folks would understand our "obsession"...
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