Have you given hair advice to people who actually used it?

Told my god daughter how to handle her curls. She now can make her frizzy fro, lie in defined waves with a little oil and gel. She is very happy with the new abilities. My sisters are starting to inquire after three years of me doing the natural hair care, and growing the longest hair of my life. Jeve
Nope, no one listens :ohwell: After hearing her complain about her hair for months, I bought my mom some stuff from Qhemet Biologics. She uses it on top of her GLUE IN weave :perplexed

I told her to get a sew in, she said she doesn't like the bulkiness. I told her to wear a wig, she said she sweats in her head too much. I told her to get cornrows, she said she doesn't like wearing braids. I told her to baggy under a phony pony, she said her head's too fat to wear a ponytail. One of her friends bought her some AVEDA PRODUCTS, YA'LL! All she did was wash her hair with some Aveda and threw a glue in back on her head. I'm through!

My mom, sisters, MIL, SIL, aunt's, friends, cousins..... They have all asked for advise, and then they don't use it :wallbash: I'm so done trying to help people with their hair.
My mother now air dries with her hair pulled back and she loves it because it dries relatively straight. She's stopped relaxing her hair and it's gone from a few inches to top of shoulder. yeeaaahhhhh!:grin:

My aunt is a now an avid lurker and has her own regiment and loves the free flowing knowledge! Her hair is thriving wonderully.:grin:
Nope, no one listens :ohwell: After hearing her complain about her hair for months, I bought my mom some stuff from Qhemet Biologics. She uses it on top of her GLUE IN weave :perplexed

I told her to get a sew in, she said she doesn't like the bulkiness. I told her to wear a wig, she said she sweats in her head too much. I told her to get cornrows, she said she doesn't like wearing braids. I told her to baggy under a phony pony, she said her head's too fat to wear a ponytail. One of her friends bought her some AVEDA PRODUCTS, YA'LL! All she did was wash her hair with some Aveda and threw a glue in back on her head. I'm through!

My mom, sisters, MIL, SIL, aunt's, friends, cousins..... They have all asked for advise, and then they don't use it :wallbash: I'm so done trying to help people with their hair.

Thats okay, Tiffers!!! Your hair is so pretty! And your kids look wonderul...just continue to let you and your children's hair be the testiment to great care!:yep:
when i first transitioned and then bc'd i was eager to share my excitement with people and apart of that was sharing my knowledge. however, it all fell on deaf ears and i got the :rolleyes: attitude a lot. i learned to stop talking about hair all together with the vast majority of people.

i give advice to my mother because she has lovely, thick relaxed hair and it hair grows fast. it has the ability to grow long but crap stylists don't handle it properly. i'm a little protective over her hair :look:. i tell here i'll give her a henna treatment, which relaxers said to be good, shampoos to use etc. generally, she listens to me but since i'm at university out of london and she keeps her hair in braids virtually all year, i haven't seen her hair in ages. the last time i saw it, she was past shoulder length.

anyway, now that my hair is a little big, the same people who dismissed me concerned my hair will be the first to bring it up in conversation. they weren't interested when my hair was shorter. however, they haven't asked me outright for tips and advice so i'm not offering any.
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Yes and it's changed the hair of every female member in my family , and black females in my office, my friends..I'll never stop..as long as they are willing to listen ..I'll be here..I think of it a one of my ministries.:grin:
Yes and it's changed the hair of every female member in my family , and black females in my office, my friends..I'll never stop..as long as they are willing to listen ..I'll be here..I think of it a one of my ministries.:grin:

That's wonderful that they actually listen! I'm glad that all of the ladies in your circle are all gonna have wonderful hair.:yep:
ugh. i get so frustrated trying to help people with their hair because most people just won't freaking listen. if i tell you to leave your hair alone, and you show up to work with a new weave every few days, im not telling you s*** else. lol

but yeah, there have been a few. my momma listens pretty well. she gets excited when i tell her all the things i mix up and put on my hair. and there have been some strangers that seemed genuinely interested in listening to what i had to say.
I don't even bother telling anyone anything. For awhile LHCF was my little secret but then I tried explaining co-washing to my cousin; her response "Oh lawd, you been spending too much time around white people." :perplexed So..yeah...after that reponse, I just keep my mouth closed.
I do...I get mixed results.

I have some friends who listen and their hair is improving. Others look at me like I'm crazy...but it's all good.

I work at a university and a lot of the students ask me about my hair and who does it and compliment me on its healthiness (thanks to LHCF). I start telling them some things and you can tell that they are interested.

I think I'm going to do a workshop or a discussion group on campus about haircare. I know I don't know 1/3 of what others do, but god knows I can help some of the girls.
I have coworker who writes down whatever advice I have for her.

And a few other close friends who come to me for hair advice. It feels nice.
I have coworker who writes down whatever advice I have for her.

And a few other close friends who come to me for hair advice. It feels nice.

ooooooo...me tooo:yep:...one actually joined the site after a year of my telling her about it...now she is so happy she did:grin:
i have a couple of friends who after seeing my MN growth have gotten on that bandwagon, after saying there was no way in the world they would. I guess the proof is in the pudding...
I am sick of giving these bald heffas hair advice, and NEVER follow through with it. They've seen my progress, (hair went from long, short, now back to long :grin:) and always talking about how they've been trying and trying trying to grow out their hair, their hair's has been breaking off badly, etc etc. Give them advice, direct them to this site and they're graciously thanking me, telling me I'm a "life saver" and all this crap. I send them a e-mail asking them for an update on their hair......."Oh. I put it back in braids." :rolleyes: (the same ones that broke their damn hair off:wallbash:)

For now, I'll just keep my mouth closed and NEVER offer any advice again. LHCF will continue to be MY lil secret. :grin:
My mom used to talk me to death about always being on lhcf. She and my dad would say " All that time you spend on that hair site seems like your hair would be down to your butt by now!" But when she saw how fast and healthy my hair was growing she slowly started doing everything I'm doing.

Her hair is fine and beginning to thin plus it broke off due to some really tight braids she had had. THanks to me and LHCF she went from pressing with a hotcomb every week to flat irons once a month, from relaxers pulled through the entire lenght of hair to natural, and she's even using my MTG and WGO!!! Talking bout "Im outta that horse hair stuff, when you gonna order some more?"

Now her hair is thickening up and even getting its length back!
My friend (well on her daughter.. wish she would do the same for herself) That was the same person who use petroleum jelly to grease her daughter's scalp. I told her to stop. She never put conditioner in her daughter's hair I mean never. Poor lil girl's hair was short dry and trashy looking. She started to listen (after I stopped giving advice). Started to DC her lil hair and use a water based moisturizer. Since Doctors gave her some sulphur based shampoo for her ezcema. I told my friend to try BT. You should see her daughter's hair now. Yesterday she asked me to order BT for her and she was soo upset her momma used petroleum in her daughter's hair. She told me the texture of her daughter's hair is smoother now. I just nodded. But Im glad she is seeing results for herself. I pray she does the same for herself.
I am someone who was referred here by a member who was referred by another member:grin: (nice chain huh?)

My friend goes since you're always in braids and weaves u know u could grow out ur hair using the Crown & Glory

Me: Huh?

Friend: Yeah, using those styles u could look after ur hair and have it grow very long my (other LHCF member) grew from brushing shoulder to brastrap in just over a year
(We check out the site)

Me: Is this some sort of cult?

Friend: Yeah the cult that grows hair:rolleyes: I can give u this thing for horses (MTG) it grows hair really well.

Me: ok I can work with a growth potion

I grew my hair to past shoulder in a few months (the longest that I can remember) and then bleached and relaxed it and had to BC:ohwell:.

I came back to the site on my own last year and now have the guinea pig (sister) following and telling me what to do with my hair...

The first LHCF member is still healthy bra-strap and my referee is about APL (with thicker hair) - she always had thin hair that grew at most to just about shoulder...

I am now shoulder aiming for APL this year:yep:
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