Who do you talk hair with IRL?


Well-Known Member
It appears as if some people think I have a hair fetish lol. And I was wondering who you have to talk hair with? I don't have anybody I just give advice sometimes, what about ya'll?
i talk hair with anybody who will talk hair with me, LOL! :lol: usually i only join in other people's convos on hair so i don't sound like a hair-obsessed nut all the time... although i'm sure i still do anyway. :spinning:
No one nada! With my friends, they already know I'm obsessed and luckily they love me anyway. We talk about hair when they're telling me what they've been doing lately with their hair. I'll chime in on lil things that could help them out. Now, if I sense you like hair just as much as I do, I'll talk all night and day!! Otherwise, "What chu talkin bout Willis" lol. Associates no NOTHING except I don't do anything to my hair except shampoo it every week and use Organic Root Stimulator (I don't even use ORS that much...I only use the Mayo sometimes lol). LHCF has made me become a hair liar haha

My neighbor yesterday asked me hwo my hair got so long, (FYI She is the hater who told me her hair grows so long cuz she uses this expensive olive oil grease that I couldn't afford haha) I told her I don't know lately it's just been growing like that! I guess I got that growing hair all of a sudden.:rolleyes:
No one. Occasionally members of my family will ask me questions and I answer them. I don't think they really listen, though. I don't initiate conversations.
No one. Occasionally members of my family will ask me questions and I answer them. I don't think they really listen, though. I don't initiate conversations.

Same here. Especially the bolded. Their eyes glaze over after about 5 words...
No one nada! With my friends, they already know I'm obsessed and luckily they love me anyway. We talk about hair when they're telling me what they've been doing lately with their hair. I'll chime in on lil things that could help them out. Now, if I sense you like hair just as much as I do, I'll talk all night and day!! Otherwise, "What chu talkin bout Willis" lol. Associates no NOTHING except I don't do anything to my hair except shampoo it every week and use Organic Root Stimulator (I don't even use ORS that much...I only use the Mayo sometimes lol). LHCF has made me become a hair liar haha

My neighbor yesterday asked me hwo my hair got so long, (FYI She is the hater who told me her hair grows so long cuz she uses this expensive olive oil grease that I couldn't afford haha) I told her I don't know lately it's just been growing like that! I guess I got that growing hair all of a sudden.:rolleyes:

The bolded is too funny.
I don't talk about it much, but my sister and mom wonder what all the powders and oils and shampoo bars are for so I tell them and they think I'm crazy and spend waaay too much time on my hair!
That's ok though cuz when it's down to my waist I'll say "how crazy am I now?!"
the only person i really talk hair with is my older sister, who's a natural. i told her about this site so i'm sure she's checked it out a time or two.....we usually talk about what hair care products work for us and also different techniques that work for us -- which is normally very very different for both of us.

other than that, nobody really.
What is IRL? I talk to my boyfriend he seems like the only one to listen or pretend to listen:yep: but I guess i have been talking about it so much and he sees that i'm doing all these crazy recipes that he actually sometimes joins in on the conversation..
What is IRL? I talk to my boyfriend he seems like the only one to listen or pretend to listen:yep: but I guess i have been talking about it so much and he sees that i'm doing all these crazy recipes that he actually sometimes joins in on the conversation..

IRL = In Real Life... (offline, basically) :lol:
I talk to myself and even dream about it lol! ...I have a good friend that I can talk to, because we both have toddler daughters and both have the same goal to grow their natural hair long and strong.
My sister, who's hair grows so quickly that she donates to Locks of Love every 2.5 years or so (she is also a beautician). She very seldom wears her hair down so her bun (which I had to tell her was a protected style :spinning:) probably has something to do with it.

I also talk to my daughter who is very excited about making healthy hair choices (yep, mommah knows best) and we just stocked up on things to try on our hair to make it healthy and to help it grow.

Occasionally my husband to get his feedback on a hair style.
I talk to myself and even dream about it lol! ...I have a good friend that I can talk to, because we both have toddler daughters and both have the same goal to grow their natural hair long and strong.

That's exactly what I was going to say! :lachen:
But I also talk to my mom about it... she loves to hear about what new techniques or products I am trying now that she sees my hair growing. My sister asks me for advice on products too from time to time... but she is not nearly as obsessed as me!
My SO. He is obsessed with my hair more than Im. He will say stuff like " You shed too much this week did you deep condition or moisturize? Your need to tie your hair up at night more often." LOL:lachen:
I don't really have anyone that I can talk about it hardcore with. People would think I'm crazy. Only one person has seen my "supplies" closet and even they were like...:perplexed
No one. Occasionally members of my family will ask me questions and I answer them. I don't think they really listen, though. I don't initiate conversations.
Same. My sisters ask for suggestions and products, but that's as far as it goes.

I do talk to my mother, especially if I find a product I really really like. I know she doesn't care and tunes me out though.
My best friend, she's as much into hair as I am and the only one I can use APL, BSL, MSM, etc with in those synonyms without someone else thinking I'm doing some sort of binary code language. :lol:
I talk with my friend who I met on here. And eventhough we talk about everything anyway; we HAVE to talk about hair all the time. We learn from and teach each other.
Unfortunately, I have no one to talk to. I used to talk to my best friend about it, and share information from this site. She was very receptive at first, and even gave me advice from what she saw on this site. Now, she thinks that I'm obsessed/crazy. I think that part of this change is because she has not had much progress (mostly because she does not moisturize enough and use the correct products).
Um...myself. :look:

Seriously, though, I have yet to find anyone else who really cares much and I don't really like talking about my goals to people just because I don't like feeling as if my hair is being "watched"...meaning I worry about not reaching my goal and being asked about it. I know I shouldn't care, but I can be very vain in that way sometimes.
my mom helps me out with the experimentation - i do her hair, she buys new products. i'm trying to get her to get a pibbs :look: but as far as all the terminology i would be better off talking to a water hose. she shakes her head at some of the stuff i try but my hair looks great and hers is shaping up too.

i'm trying to pass some of the stuff i tell my mom onto my 13 y/o sister too, but i keep it basic with her. you know, the importance of moisturizing and such.