Who among us is a non frequent washer?


New Member
Lately I've been suffering with excessive shedding and breakage. Southerngirl suggested that I not wash my hair frquently or Co wash during this time period. I am taking this advice, even though I'm used to washing at least twice a week.

My girls who wash once a week or less.....Do you dare to shout out?

And is your hair thriving or on life support?:ohwell:
I'll tell you a secret...I never knew black people washed their hair so much...until I joined this board. I wash my hair ONCE every THREE weeks, and my hair is doing fine. My hair does shed, but I rather it be shedding than breaking off. Right now I'm at bra-strap, and I would say my hair is fairly healthy. Do I agree with washing hair so much...not really, because hair is very fragile when wet...but hey, if it works for you, why not? Would I say people's hair is more healthy because they wash it so much....not really, just more clean. If my hair hair had a perm in it, would I wash it more often?....probably once every two weeks. The reason why I stretch out my hair to three weeks, is because I press my hair, and 1) I don't want to end up pressing it every week, and 2) My hair causes me major headache to untangle.

So there you have it!
Hmm... sometimes I only wash my hair once a week.
But it's so I can keep the style for longer... I'm lazy.
My scalp doesn't feel clean towards the end of the week and my hair feels more and more dry.

I usually like to wash twice a week (if I'm not feeling lazy)
Yeah I find myself washing my hair once a week- I am pretty lazy and I honestly don't feel like washing it any more than that. I used to do con washes almost everyday a while back, but I got lazy and I wanted to keep a style longer without it tangling. Washing once a week works for me.
I too must agree that I never knew black women (my dad washes his hair every day in the shower), washed their hair so much. And it's funny because I was reading in this curly hair book, that white women are learning to take advice from black women that it is not good to wash your hair every day. I started co washing my hair every other day, but I think I am going to go back to once a week and see how that works. I don't know if there is any major diff. I tend to stick to wash & go, so that way I comb less, so we will see.
I wash my hair once a week. My transitioning hair tangles easily at the line of demarcation once it's wet, so I can't subject my hair to that kind of damage daily. Because I only wash once weekly, I do take a longer time--pre poo for 30-45 minutes, lather twice with shampoo, condition for 30-45 minutes and a couple of leave ins with careful detangling. My hair and scalp start to feel dirty by day 7, so it's good timing. This is actually more frequently than I washed when I had a relaxer, so I think I'm doing good. :D

I might cowash more frequently after I go natural and it's not so difficult to do.
Have you tried Nexxus Humectress deep conditioning treatment to strenghen he hair,
Also I have started using alba shampoo found in health food stores no harsh chemicals.
shampooing the scalp to keep the pores clean promotes hair growth.
i stopped shampooing actually this week..even with the smell of mtg i do co washes every other day..i think i might be stopping shampooing only either as a monthly thing or maybe not even use shampoo but some time of cleanser..

ive started and my hair is looking like its good ol curly self again...it hasnt looked this healthy since the times when i didnt use to relax..in between the cowash days ill refresh my hair with a spritz to keep the curls and to avoid the need to put water everyday..its working!:D:D:D


ps: im sure everyone realizes this..im transitioning..but back when i used to relax, to stretch the relaxer more effectively, try to minimize the washing as much as possible..it dries out the follicle and the relaxer doesnt stay as long...:mad::cool:
You know latley I hav ebeen washing my hair ALLOT less frequently now. I wash it every two to three weeks. I have a 3b natural twa and I use lots of grease in my hair to make it stay very curly / wavy. It's not until after three days after my washes that my natural oil sets in with my grease doo and it looks perfect.
Up until i joined this forum i used to wash my hair every 2 weeks. Now i try to wash at least once a week (sometimes fall off the wagon and it will turn into another week). But I can't get down washing any more than that. I don't have the time, and even if I did, I'd be too lazy to do it. I'm not ashamed. :lol: My hair is doing wonderful and has been for years.
I used to wash my hair once a week when relaxed. Then almost every other day when transitioning, because I was throwing it up under a wig usually. But now that I am full out natural, shoot, my hair is lucky if I wash it once that month, THAT IS TERRIBLE!!! But I am too lazy to fool with it now. Then I don't really care too much for the shrinkage. I like long hair *wink*wink*
I have been trying to go get it washed professionally as of the past few months, but that's not even frequent or regular. I washed my hair last week to accomplish a certain look, once I get a look I like, I usually stick with it and may not wash for a while.

And typically my hair does well, as of recent I have been encoutering a lot of shedding, but that might be another type of transitioning, maybe body change, weather change, other factors, I don't know, but I am not doing anything majorly different. Maybe it's being tired.
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I used to wash my hair every three days religiously, followed by deep conditioner. Then, I noticed I wasn't actually retaining any length. A couple of people on the board suggested that I was manipulating my hair too much, so lately I have been washing just once a week. I haven't seen a big change yet, but to be honest, I am getting a little too lazy to go back to that every three days stuff.
I wash and retwist my hair every 3 weeks or so. Occasionally, I will do a CW if I feel my hair needs it. I like to call it my "super lazy" routine. Hehe. No major problems.
I wash my hair once a week. In the summer I may add a conditioner wash mid-week into my regimine. My hair tangles very easily so the less manipulation the better.
I wash my hair 1-2 times a week because the longer I go without washing, the drier my hair seems to get at the root and ends, and I also get build up, which causes tangling and such in the long run. I use a leave-in daily, but rinsing or condition washes helps me to make sure all my hair gets a lot of moisture (water). I am retaining a fair amount of length. I also retained a lot of length when I condition washed/rinsed daily, so my hair likes water. Needless to say, everyone's head is different, and everyone has to do what works for her unique head of hair.
I wash my hair every 10 days. I wish I could go longer, cause I would if I could. I hate having to bother my hair. I try to leave it alone as much as possible.
yeaaa i noticed that too..the grease really helps the hair id say even 2 or three days later..it makes it more pliable and you can style without adding tooo much...it especially works if the day you wash/co wash you apply oil- plain oil to the hair...any kind..but be careful of light oil moisturizers..after a little while i notice they either turn extra greasy or make your hair drier feeling and looking..
I "try" to wash/deep con my hair 1x a wk, but sometimes go 10 or 12 days in between (lazy). Before joining the board I hardly ever washed my hair - maybe every 3 to 4 wks. I'm still trying to get a schedule down w/ an aim of every 7 days. I think in winter I may try every 14 days. My hair def does not like to be manipulated, and tangles so much, so once it gets stronger/healthier I think I'll try to go as long as possible - maybe every 2 wks for washes and 1x a month for poo washes.
I only wash once a week, and my hair is fine. I am not currenlty having any breakage, and my scalp is good. I just have to take it easy on the products because I know that they are going to have to stay in my head until the next shampoo.
FRO-EVER 21 said:
I used to wash my hair every three days religiously, followed by deep conditioner. Then, I noticed I wasn't actually retaining any length. A couple of people on the board suggested that I was manipulating my hair too much, so lately I have been washing just once a week. I haven't seen a big change yet, but to be honest, I am getting a little too lazy to go back to that every three days stuff.

When I was in high school and had a short hair cut, I washed my hair every three days and used hot tools and it still maintained length.
I generally wash every two weeks. Occasionally, I am forced to go longer, but that is very occasionally, and I do notice more breakage and a general decline in the condition of my hair when I do this.

I do try to wash more frequently when I'm doing braidouts/twistouts because I have noticed the longer I go between washes, the more tangled my hair gets. When doing these, I think once weekly washes are ideal for me.
I wash my hair once a week and my hair is doing fine. I could do the frequent washing but that would mean wearing buns more often and I don't want to do that until maybe winter.
Before joining the board I shampooed and conditioned once a week. After joining, it was pre-poo/shampoo/deep condition once a week. Now that my hair is less dry, I CO wash once a week and pre-poo/shampoo/deep condition once a month. Sometimes after a wash and blow dry at the salon, I'll go 2 weeks w/o washing my hair.
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Cinnabuns said:
You know latley I hav ebeen washing my hair ALLOT less frequently now. I wash it every two to three weeks. I have a 3b natural twa and I use lots of grease in my hair to make it stay very curly / wavy. It's not until after three days after my washes that my natural oil sets in with my grease doo and it looks perfect.

You're like my mother. She gets her hair pressed and washes every two to three weeks. She loves how her hair looks once her natural oils "kick in". But as you do, she does have to oil her hair before it does.

I've been washing my hair once a week, but I believe I'm going to start washing every two weeks.

I just don't think it's necessary to wash your hair that often anyway, unless you have excessively oily hair and black women have far more control over oilage than other race women.

I think other race women, or women with naturally straight hair, have to wash more frequently or look like something out of the Godfather.
When I am not wearing a weave, I get my hair done every one to two weeks by my stylist, I do not wash in between. My hair is growing just fine and I am still am to retain length. Washing to frequently may cause your hair to be more dry especially if you have 4a/4b type hair.
keldevine said:
When I am not wearing a weave, I get my hair done every one to two weeks by my stylist, I do not wash in between. My hair is growing just fine and I am still am to retain length. Washing to frequently may cause your hair to be more dry especially if you have 4a/4b type hair.

And that's why I oil the hell out of my hair with jojoba oil...
What do all of you do about that dirty hair smell? Please don't try to say that your hair doesnt smell after not washing it for three weeks to one month. :D Sometimes people say this and I wonder if they have sweat glands. I have been near some people who clearly do not wash their hair that often -- and I am not talking about homeless people, ladies. One woman in twists nearly made me pass out! So please let me know how you keep down the funk. Becuase part of the reason that I wash my hair twice a week is to keep my hair smelling clean. My hair has also grown a lot since I started the Cathy Howse method of washing twice a week. But the airdrying and frequent washing are making my hair dry and shed a lot. Maybe I will do braids so that I can stop manipulating my hair as much. :look:
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