Who among us is a non frequent washer?

I can honestly say that my roomates hair does not smell. And she goes 2-3 weeks between washing. IMO the smell depends a lot on what products you use and how much you sweat.

tryn2growmyhair said:
What do all of you do about that dirty hair smell? Please don't try to say that your hair doesnt smell after not washing it for three weeks to one month. :D Sometimes people say this and I wonder if they have sweat glands. I have been near some people who clearly do not wash their hair that often -- and I am not talking about homeless people, ladies. One woman in twists nearly made me pass out! So please let me know how you keep down the funk. Becuase part of the reason that I wash my hair twice a week is to keep my hair smelling clean. My hair has also grown a lot since I started the Cathy Howse method of washing twice a week. But the airdrying and frequent washing are making my hair dry and shed a lot. Maybe I will do braids so that I can stop manipulating my hair as much. :look:
DigitalRain said:
Lately I've been washing once every two weeks.
Raising hand!!

I used to wash every week, but my hair gets so dry, the ends split quicker and I don't retain length. I started cutting back to washing every other week and I've been able to retain much more length.
When I first joined this forum I was only washing my hair once a week and my hair was doing fine. But I wanted to try CO washing because everyone was raving about it and saying that they gained maximum growth from this routine so I decided to give it a try. So I came up a regime of washing my hair twice a week. Washing with shampoo, condition, deep condition, condition on the weekends and then one day during the week I would CO wash. By doing this I used less hair products in my hair because I didn't see the sense of adding hair products (leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, oils, serum) then by the weekend I would have to wash my hair again and remove all the hair products again. Especially when I don't even wear my own hair out. I wear a wig most of the time. I am not sure if this is the best routine for my hair because my hair has been dry and breaking alot. So I am going back to washing once a week and see if my hair will be back to normal but I really like how my hair feels when I CO wash so I might do it when I achieve my desired hair length which is when I plan to wear my own hair out but for right now I will be washing once a week.
I wash my hair once a week. When it was breaking and shedding though I used to wash about 2-3 times a week, but it was mostly conditioner washes and I'd shampoo once a week. Sometimes I did go as long as 2 weeks without using shampoo. That helped a lot and eventually the breaking and shedding stopped. Now when trying to stretch my relaxer (now texturizer) after about 8 weeks I start back to washing (conditioner washes) 2-3 times a week again. This keeps it moisturized. And I still only shampoo once a week.
:wave: Well as a transitioner i am a once a week washer, but when I'm natural I'll definitely make up for lost time and wash frequently. My hair tangles very easily, so less is certainly more.
I don't understand. :confused:I have to wash my hair everyday. It works great. Before I joined LHCF, I washed my hair every 5 days. I could not go longer than 5 days or my scalp would get sensitive due to itching. If I waited too long, the soreness and itching would continue for days before going away. I would have more breakage and did not understand why my hair seemed weak and oily.
I'm a lot happier now (thanks to the support here), because my scalp and hair are much cleaner. I think it's important to make sure that there's no build up. My hair condition has improved greatly since my regimine now. :look: I guess it's different things for differernt people.
I am falling back to once a week. I'd love to wash more frequently, but I don't want to manipulate my hair so much. For a while now I have been washing everyday. When I am mostly natural (or even half-way) I will go back to daily or every other day washing. For years I only washed once a week, and sometimes every 2 weeks...never had a bit of a problem with breakage or the health of my hair.
I used to wash my hair every 3 to 4 days, now I hate washing my mair so I wash it every week.