White women have highest divorce rate...

i think the divorce rate would be higher, but a lot of us don't want to pay for a divorce, so we just stay separated for years.
*I* feel like Black women don't divorce as much because we're more likely to "tough it out." Now the reasonings behind that may vary, but don't act like yall don't know plenty of black women who think they can't get "better" or that they've "lucked out" so they'll hang on to a marriage in shambles for dear life.

I also feel that WW may feel as though they have more viable options therefore they do not feel obligated to stay in a marriage unlike some Black women may feel.

There's truth in this. Also, ever notice that a lot of white women will remarry quickly or at least have a new guy on tap right away? They don't play around when it comes to that, none of that dating/living together for years stuff. Most divorced white women with baggage(kids, bills, crazy ex) have no problem meeting someone else and marrying again right away.
exactly, we use precentage because no two groups are the same size.

In LHCF terms: It doesn't matter how long or short the person's hair is if you cut of 100% of their hair they are going to be upset:lachen:

I don't know how else to explain it but population size does not matter when comparing groups....its all about %

I am so mad at the LHCF analogy!!:lachen:
i think the divorce rate would be higher, but a lot of us don't want to pay for a divorce, so we just stay separated for years.
My friends parents did this (they were white though) But they could not afford a divorce so they just went about their business and acted as if they were divorced

How much is a divorce anyway?
Well, let's analyze this...does that mean black women have better judgement?

Hmm, I'm not sure. But the BW who has already raised children and decided to get married at 45-50 most likely isn't gonna just cut and run at the first sign of trouble.

And as someone else mentioned, I think a lot of black women feel like they have less options so maybe that accounts for them trying harder to make it work?
My friends parents did this (they were white though) But they could not afford a divorce so they just went about their business and acted as if they were divorced

How much is a divorce anyway?

You can get divorced on the cheap. A lady I used to work with years ago had no money at all and bought some kind of do-it-yourself divorce kit. It worked as far as I know.
My friends parents did this (they were white though) But they could not afford a divorce so they just went about their business and acted as if they were divorced

How much is a divorce anyway?

Depends on whether or not it's contested and on how much stuff you got :look:

DH and I were in the "bad marriage held on for years and worked through our ish by both of us growing the freak up" statistic :yep: :grin:
exactly, we use precentage because no two groups are the same size.

In LHCF terms: It doesn't matter how long or short the person's hair is if you cut of 100% of their hair they are going to be upset:lachen:

I don't know how else to explain it but population size does not matter when comparing groups....its all about %

But if you have 19 inches of hair and I have 1/2 inch of hair, the 2 heads of hair aren't really comparable even if we're talking about a total 100% hair loss. The person with the 19 inches of hair invariably lost more hair than the person with 1/2 inch of hair.

Black marriage = 1/2 inch of hair or a twa
white marriage = 19 inches of hair or mbl
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Wow, ya'll are really not trying to believe these stats. When they are negative, you agree, but when slightly positive it gets the side eye.
Hmm, I'm not sure. But the BW who has already raised children and decided to get married at 45-50 most likely isn't gonna just cut and run at the first sign of trouble.

And as someone else mentioned, I think a lot of black women feel like they have less options so maybe that accounts for them trying harder to make it work?

I agree with this. Not saying the black woman wouldn't have other options, but her perception of there not being much out there could influence her to stay.

Also, I think black women are more religious and more likely want to work out their marriage because of their faith.
I'm not surprised to see Asians having the lowest divorce rate. After 10+ outise kids and 30+ years of marriage, my mother finally divorced my father. :rolleyes:
Someone might have said this already but maybe it's because some blacks dont believe in divorce??

Even when we aren't toughing it out, we will be seperated for decades but wont divorce. I know two couple like this.
Wow, ya'll are really not trying to believe these stats. When they are negative, you agree, but when slightly positive it gets the side eye.

I totally and completely agree. :ohwell: I remember many an HIV/AIDS thread or crime thread or whatever that pointed at a truth no one wanted to acknowledge, and people flooding in to decry the study methods and whatnot and claiming that the data collection and statistical analysis were inherently racist. :rolleyes: And I distinctly remember when Southernbella posted that CDC data about Black youths having less risky behaviors - researchers have been knowing that for years, but do you think that ever makes the news? And now we have a study that's saying something that goes against our collective conventional wisdom about marriage in the Black community and we're acting like these stats on White women are not true. :perplexed Will we ever be pleased? You can definitely manipulate statistics to say what you want it to say, but at the end of the day numbers don't lie. Contrary to what we have been led to believe marriages between Black people are not doomed to failure. Contrary to what we have been led to believe (no, to what we have allowed ourselves to believe!), Black people do marry each other.

The one interesting statistic that I'm kind of surprised wasn't addressed was marriages where the wife is Black having lower rates of divorce. Those results weren't too surprising, either, for two reasons:
  1. You have to overcome a lot to marry someone outside of your race and I suspect that if you can't make it past introducing homegirl to your parents, you shouldn't be together in the first place. :ohwell:
  2. Black women are the bomb. Who wouldn't want to marry - and stay married - to us? :D
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1. Their men don't seem generally opposed to marriage
2. Because of this they are more free to dump a dud
3. ...and then promptly find another to marry
4. .....on top of it they tend to try to marry "up"

I don't blink at their higher divorce rates at all because of these reasons. Black women these days are lucky to marry it all, it seems.
One thing that I'm confused about is how is it that the overall divorce rate for women is higher than that of men, shouldn't they end be equal to each other?

For every woman that gets divorced one man must get divorced, no?
I hope the people denouncing these stats are also aware that these are the same methods used to collect the "other" stats that most of us are so willing to accept.

The argument that there are more white women than black women doing this and that can be used to explain just about anything if you're willing to treat raw numbers the same way that you treat percentages. So for example, when we hear that black women marry less than white women, we can just say well there are more white people than black people so obviously there's going to be more of them getting married.

And using this argument, as it relates to the interracial marriages stats, since white men marry outside of their race more then white women then that would mean that white women make worst partners than white men because their interracial divorce rates are higher than white men even when white men are more likely to marry outside of their race.
^Co-sign, I don't get why people are having a hard time believe that white women have an higher divorce rate than black women.
One thing that I'm confused about is how is it that the overall divorce rate for women is higher than that of men, shouldn't they end be equal to each other?

For every woman that gets divorced one man must get divorced, no?

This is just a guess, but it might be because some groups like Native Americans are not being accounted for. So if a black, white or asian woman marries into that group and gets divorced, that will increase their numbers without having an effect on the divorce rate of the men who are represented in the data.
Another interesting stat:
By 2001 when the study was published, 93.2% of black women had been married by the time they were 70, compared to 97.1% of white women, 97.7% of Asian women, and 93.9% of Hispanic women.

My interpretation: this means they're looking at the older generation of black women, the 70 and 70+ year old black women. The vast majority of these older black women did get married. It wasn't until the advent of welfare in the 60s that black marriage took a dive, because in order to get welfare, the woman had to be unmarried. In the old days, women usually got married in the 20s, and the 70 and 70+ year old women would have already been in their 30s when welfare started, therefore their marital status was relatively unaffected by it.

The numbers would be different if they were looking at black women within a younger age group, especially the ones that got caught in the welfare dilemna, and once the I-don't-need-me-a-man-to-raise-a-child mentality set in.
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One thing that I'm confused about is how is it that the overall divorce rate for women is higher than that of men, shouldn't they end be equal to each other?

For every woman that gets divorced one man must get divorced, no?

Good points.

Even if we're looking at mean numbers, there are a lot of variable that are not accounted for. Women live longer than men, so as we get older, there will be more women and less men. Single men die sooner than married men, and if a man is divorced and has not remarried, he will probably die sooner too.
Wow, ya'll are really not trying to believe these stats. When they are negative, you agree, but when slightly positive it gets the side eye.

More recent stats have shown that there are more unmarried Black women than unmarried White women, so I think that's why a lot of folks are skeptical. My main question is how were these responses gathered?

If it was self-reported, then I question it, b/c you know some of us are quick to call our live-in boyfriend of 30+ years 'my huzzzband'. Kinda like when you upgrade the dude you 'kicked' it with to boyfriend status a year after the 'break-up' (wasn't really a break-up, b/c you two were never actually together).
My interpretation: this means they're looking at the older generation of black women, the 70 and 70+ year old black women. The vast majority of these older black women did get married. It wasn't until the advent of welfare in the 60s that black marriage took a dive, because in order to get welfare, the woman had to be unmarried. In the old days, women usually got married in the 20s, and the 70 and 70+ year old women would have already been in their 30s when welfare started, therefore their marital status was relatively unaffected by it.

The numbers would be different if they were looking at black women within a younger age group, especially the ones that got caught in the welfare dilemna, and once the I-don't-need-me-a-man-to-raise-a-child mentality set in.

Excellent point. I doubt that stat will be the same in the next 20-30 years...
More recent stats have shown that there are more unmarried Black women than unmarried White women, so I think that's why a lot of folks are skeptical. My main question is how were these responses gathered?

If it was self-reported, then I question it, b/c you know some of us are quick to call our live-in boyfriend of 30+ years 'my huzzzband'. Kinda like when you upgrade the dude you 'kicked' it with to boyfriend status a year after the 'break-up' (wasn't really a break-up, b/c you two were never actually together).
this made me laugh :lachen:

But yeah...I hope they asked for documentation. I also hope they did not count common-in-law wives
I hate to say this but this is the first comment that popped into my head...

"White women have the highest divorce rate, because they actually get married. Not enough Black women get married to get divorced in the first place..."

SAD, but exactly what I thought as well.

...and as for the WW divorcing more in IR relationships, veeeerrryy interesting to say the least...
But these married BW percentages are so far apart...one study says a small percentage, now it's 70%? :perplexed Okaaaayyy I don't think it's nearly as low as many think, but I also don't believe it's as high as 7 out of 10 BW. My experiences tell me different.
Also, where were these studies taken?
and more importantly, who conducted them???

The only thing more I'll say is, depending on who does certain research/studies/surveys, it can drastically affect the results and pretty much make them convey whatever they want them to. I always take these numbers with a grain of salt.
But I believe we as BW need not worry, it's not as bad as it seems.
Perhaps I missed it, but I'm surprised no one asked why they have the highest divorce rate...
No, that's not how it works.

I'm having a hard time explaining it, but raw numbers and proportions are two different things.

Like on the Biggest Loser where they have one guy that is 300 lbs and he looses 30 lbs with a percentage of weight loss of 1% then you have a chick that weighs 250 and she looses 25 lbs and she has a higher percentage of weight loss than the dude?

I suck at percentages by the way and I don't know what they do on biggest loser to get their stats but I am imagining something similar is being done in the study listed, no?
Yea, all they men leaving them for Asian and white Latino women!

I was in Frisco today, and I was AMAZED at the number of white men with non-white women (I didn't see one of them with us, though)!


Take THAT, white b**ch! You can actually tell the "out-of-towners" (white men/women couples)! :giggle:

If you're a white or a black woman looking for "love" within your own race, DON'T COME HERE! It ain't happening! :rofl:

BTW, Macy's had a good sale on today! I didn't participate, though! Bought myself a new Coach bag; you know that sh** wasn't on sale :look: :lol: ;)
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