White women have highest divorce rate...


Well-Known Member
According to the Census Bureau (2001 study), white women divorce at a rate higher than any other group, at 25.4%.

Here are the stats:

Percentage of men ever divorced:

White 23.3%
Black 18.8%
Hispanic 12.7%
Asian 8.8%

Percentage of women ever divorced:

White 25.4%
Black 20.1%
Hispanic 15.9%
Asian 10.4%

Another interesting stat:

By 2001 when the study was published, 93.2% of black women had been married by the time they were 70, compared to 97.1% of white women, 97.7% of Asian women, and 93.9% of Hispanic women.


Furthermore, according to a National Survey of Family Growth study, interracial marriages involving white females had higher rates of divorce than those involving white males and women of color.


Just thought that was interesting. Anyone care to discuss?:look:
That stat on black women marrying is interesting - considering the stats on OOW kids, are black women only marrying once they are too old to have children? Or are we having our children very early, and bringing the husband to the family equation later?

And even more interesting the interracial results - some men marrying white women realize they are not the endall, beall of womanhood, eh?
Doesn't surprise me about the WW... maybe because I meet so many divorced WM (who were likely married to WW), it doesn't surprise me.

Also NOT surprised about the WW in interracial marriages either... :look:
I hate to say this but this is the first comment that popped into my head...

"White women have the highest divorce rate, because they actually get married. Not enough Black women get married to get divorced in the first place..."
My first thoughts were:

1) there's a greater % of them, therefore, it makes sense that their divorce rate would be higher

2) more of them get married

3) whites tend to marry at an early age (seemingly right after college) so the marriage is longer, so there's a higher chance for divorce
I hate to say this but this is the first comment that popped into my head...

"White women have the highest divorce rate, because they actually get married. Not enough Black women get married to get divorced in the first place..."

But 93% get married! That's - alot. :yep:
That stat on black women marrying is interesting - considering the stats on OOW kids, are black women only marrying once they are too old to have children? Or are we having our children very early, and bringing the husband to the family equation later?

I was wondering about the bolded, as well. The table is sort of confusing when you look at it.

And even more interesting the interracial results - some men marrying white women realize they are not the endall, beall of womanhood, eh?

:lachen::lachen:you mean to tell me, that we don't have to worry about the white woman taking all our men afterall? I guess we should be thankful, 'cause once they divorce 'em, the sloppy seconds are ours
I hate to say this but this is the first comment that popped into my head...

"White women have the highest divorce rate, because they actually get married. Not enough Black women get married to get divorced in the first place..."

We're not talking raw numbers though. We're talking percentages.
Their rate proportional to their numbers is higher than our rate proportional to our numbers. Their rate is 25%, ours is 20%. Out of 100 ww, 25 of them will divorce. Out of 100 bw, 20 will divorce.
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Thanks for posting this SB.

A point I tried to make in the OOW thread was just because the children were being BORN out of wedlock didn't mean that the parents NEVER ended up married or that the mom NEVER married at all. Folks acted like the later marriage was an extreme example.
I hate to say this but this is the first comment that popped into my head...

"White women have the highest divorce rate, because they actually get married. Not enough Black women get married to get divorced in the first place..."

That was my thought.

And the fact that 93% of BW get married before they are 70? What a benchmark age :lol:
We should start using that stat when folks are talking about marriage - most of us WILL get married. :look: Not saying you'll be a spring chicken, but it'll happen. :look:
That stat on black women marrying is interesting - considering the stats on OOW kids, are black women only marrying once they are too old to have children? Or are we having our children very early, and bringing the husband to the family equation later?

And even more interesting the interracial results - some men marrying white women realize they are not the endall, beall of womanhood, eh?

I think it's the latter, I know quite a few women who have had at least one OOW child and get married to another man. The odds are in our favor, now I can stop hearing about how people will never get married, etc.
So we went from approx. 30% of Black women get married to approx. 93%?

As of the date of the study, 93% of black women ages 70 or over had been married. Of those, 72% have been married once, 18% had been married twice, and 2% had been married 3 times.

For those wondering about the numbers, this is EXACTLY how all those negative statistics about black people are calculated. What's good for the goose is good for the gander...
My first thoughts were:

1) there's a greater % of them, therefore, it makes sense that their divorce rate would be higher

2) more of them get married

3) whites tend to marry at an early age (seemingly right after college) so the marriage is longer, so there's a higher chance for divorce

This is the first thing I thought about. I would like to see stats that compare the length of the marriage and the age of when they first get married with the divorce rate.
Thanks for posting this SB.

A point I tried to make in the OOW thread was just because the children were being BORN out of wedlock didn't mean that the parents NEVER ended up married or that the mom NEVER married at all. Folks acted like the later marriage was an extreme example.


I think that the "black people do things out of order" thing is true. I always hear of people getting married when their children are toddlers or still young. I guess they wanted to make sure everything would work out. So if you are still together with two kids, then you get married?
*I* feel like Black women don't divorce as much because we're more likely to "tough it out." Now the reasonings behind that may vary, but don't act like yall don't know plenty of black women who think they can't get "better" or that they've "lucked out" so they'll hang on to a marriage in shambles for dear life.

I also feel that WW may feel as though they have more viable options therefore they do not feel obligated to stay in a marriage unlike some Black women may feel.
I agree with those who said that black women (comparitively) are not getting married thus yeilding lower divorce rate numbers.
*I* feel like Black women don't divorce as much because we're more likely to "tough it out." Now the reasonings behind that may vary, but don't act like yall don't know plenty of black women who think they can't get "better" or that they've "lucked out" so they'll hang on to a marriage in shambles for dear life.I also feel that WW may feel as though they have more viable options therefore they do not feel obligated to stay in a marriage unlike some Black women may feel.

I have a cousin going through this now. She feels lucky so even if it means he constantly leaves and come back, that is what she will do to say married and have a husband.
This is the first thing I thought about. I would like to see stats that compare the length of the marriage and the age of when they first get married with the divorce rate.

It's all in that table. For example:

82% of ww ages 30-34 had been married vs. 50.5% of bw. Of that age group, 22% of ww had been divorced vs. 12.4% of bw.
I have a cousin going through this now. She feels lucky so even if it means he constantly leaves and come back, that is what she will do to say married and have a husband.

I think a lot of BW paint their relationship issues with rose-colored petals because it "ain't that bad" (meaning he ain't kilt [yes, kilt] you yet, ain't gave you the herpherp, only got 1 child outside the marriage, etc).

It seems like WW have more confidence in their ability to find someone else. :ohwell:
I think a lot of BW paint their relationship issues with rose-colored petals because it "ain't that bad" (meaning he ain't kilt [yes, kilt] you yet, ain't gave you the herpherp, only got 1 child outside the marriage, etc).

It seems like WW have more confidence in their ability to find someone else. :ohwell:

How true is that, though? According to the table, 15.5% of ww over 70 had been married twice, and 3.6% had been married 3 or more times vs. 18.1% of bw over 70 had been married twice, and 2.8% had been married 3 or more times.
*I* feel like Black women don't divorce as much because we're more likely to "tough it out." Now the reasonings behind that may vary, but don't act like yall don't know plenty of black women who think they can't get "better" or that they've "lucked out" so they'll hang on to a marriage in shambles for dear life.

I also feel that WW may feel as though they have more viable options therefore they do not feel obligated to stay in a marriage unlike some Black women may feel.

It seems like WW have more confidence in their ability to find someone else. :ohwell:

We could also look at it from the positive side. Maybe when black people do get married, the actually do stay married. Maybe they don't go from husband to husband and are happy in their married relationships. I know some relationship are bad but I don't always look at divorce as positive for the female. Divorce can also show immaturity or just not being serious enough about making the marriage last.

Its probably a combination of the two.
So now the only reason we have a lower divorce rate than WW is because we desperately hold on to our horrible marriages? :perplexed

Damn!!!! We can't win for losing with our OWN black sister believing that crap!!!!!!! The brainwashing, negative stats worked!!!!! :nono:
Good eye. :spinning:

I can't even say why that is.

Yeah, I'm hoping someone smarter than I will come in and crunch these numbers.:lachen: I'm no statistician, so I think I'm reading it right, but who knows. What I do know is that I never really trusted the various stats on black folks because you can tweak numbers to look however you want them to look.

Clearly, nobody is invested in making white women look bad, because these stats are public, yet I'd never heard of them.:perplexed
We could also look at it from the positive side. Maybe when black people do get married, the actually do stay married. Maybe they don't go from husband to husband and are happy in their married relationships. I know some relationship are bad but I don't always look at divorce as positive for the female. Divorce can also show immaturity or just not being serious enough about making the marriage last.

Its probably a combination of the two.

This is very true too.

It seems that when BM get married, they are READY TO GET MARRIED! :lol: Straight not chaser. They don't seem to rush into marriages as quick as other races-not for saving face, not for their women, hell, not even for their own children :look:.

That can be a part of it too!